Selectboard Candidate Interview – Tim Wessel

tim wessel 2025

Tim Wessel is running (again) for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


You again?  (just kidding)

I’m baaaack lol.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and why are you running for a one year seat?

The people of Brattleboro have elected me to the Brattleboro Selectboard 4 times. I served on the board for a total of six years, from 2017 until March of 2023. During those years I worked hard to be a voice of moderation, of fiscally conservative values, and I became a well-known supporter of both our Fire and Police departments. I’ve lived and worked at my own video production business in Brattleboro since 2007. I live downtown with my wife and young son, and my older son has returned to Brattleboro as well. I am deeply invested in my community. I love Brattleboro.