Brattleboro Overgrown Vegetation Warning

Please be advised. Property owners are responsible for trimming and maintaining vegetation on their property if it may interfere with the public right of way. Overgrown vegetation creates an unsafe situation for pedestrians who may have to walk in the roadway to get by. It also impacts the sight distance for vehicular traffic. Please inspect and trim your vegetation accordingly. The town ordinance reads as follows:

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Trash Talk

The Brattleboro Selectboard heard two overviews at their short Tuesday meeting. The first was regarding the very long process of relicensing the dams along the Connecticut River. They got the overview and agreed to send a letter to FERC outlining local desires for the relicensing plan.

The second overview was about the major changes to trash, recycling and organic waste collection in Brattleboro after July 1. The sole bidder for the collection contract, Casella, wants to use one-person trucks that use joystick-controlled grabbers to pick up new, special trash receptacles. Town staff will be gathering information from residents about how much more they are willing to pay, and if they’d like to contract directly with Casella, if all waste should be picked up every other week, what to do about already-bought bags and containers, and other important issues.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – April 16, 2024

Th Brattleboro Selectboard has a low impact agenda planned for the next regular meeting. One of the two big issues will be approving a letter regarding their opinion of relicensing the Vernon Dam.

The other issue is, heh heh,  who will pick up the trash? The board only got one bid, from current provider Casella.  Assistant Town Manager Patrick Moreland will suggest they punt this one down the road and gather input from the community before making any decisions.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda (as long as you are respectful) during Public Participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro Bike and Pedestrian Plan Adopted

The Brattleboro Selectboard approved bike and pedestrian plan that, when implemented, will create a network of sidewalks and bike lanes throughout the town. 

The board debated possible changes to budget meeting times, considering a return to the days when budgets would be held on off-days at odd times rather than regular Tuesday evenings. They also approved a one year extension for Golden Cross ambulance service.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – No Business Likes Snow Business

selectboard february 15, 2022

The Brattleboro selectboard had strong words for downtown property owners over sidewalk snow removal. It was a good old-fashioned Selectboard -DBA battle for a while there, when the downtown organization tried to pass responsibility for clearing snow to the Town.  No, insisted the board. Building owners have always been required to clear it, and if the downtown organization feels it is a shabby job, perhaps they should pay to use a more professional service. Take that.

They also raced through some public hearings, updates and reports.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes February 15, 2022

At their next regular meeting the Brattleboro Selectboard will consider changing the rules about downtown snow removal, possibly ending the practice of removing snow for building owners and charging them after for the work.

The board will revisit the mask mandate, take care of some grants, appoint some people, and consider use of ARPA funds to replenish the parking fund. You can, as always, bring up pther items not on the agenda during public participation.

Royal Road Sidewalk – Public Meeting

The Brattleboro Department of Public Works will hold a public meeting regarding a project which will connect the sidewalk between Royal Road and Downtown. ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard of hearing community members.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – March 17, 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard will approve a bid to begin construction of a skatepark at their next regular meeting. Yes, you read that right. The skatepark is finally going to be built.

There will be updates on COVID-19 from the Town Manager and a status update on Representative Town Meeting, a sewer rodder will be bought,  Groundworks will get a $100,000 grant, the Windham Regional Commission will give an update, stormwater will be managed, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during Public Participation.

Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – FY21 Budget Sent To Town Meeting Representatives

brattleboro selectboard jan 28 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a quick meeting to approve the FY21 budget, Town Meeting warning, and Representative Town Meeting warning. They also discussed a planned sidewalk for the new Hinsdale Bridge and changes to RT 142.

During public participation, citizens questioned the police chief about the recent uptick in vehicle break-ins.

Brattleboro Reminds Residents to Keep All Sidewalks Clear

 The Town of Brattleboro reminds all property owners, residents, and business operators to keep sidewalks clear and free from any obstructions. This is necessary to maintain open and safe use of all sidewalks by all people, and it is especially important for people using wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers. 

Town ordinances require that owners keep vegetation from encroaching on or over sidewalks. Residents also are required to keep garbage cans, recycling bins, and compost containers off of sidewalks and to bring those items back onto their property (away from curb) after Triple-T has collected the contents at curbside.

Main Street Water Main Repair Details

The Brattleboro Department of Public Works Utilities Crew will be conducting work in front of 181-183 Main Street beginning today, April 9th, 2019, in order to install a new water main gate valve. The order of events will proceed as follows:

April 9th, 2019 – 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. – Saw cuts will be made in the northbound lane of Main Street to prepare for excavation
April 10th, 2019 – 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. – Utilities Crew will dig trench necessary for valve installation. Steel plates will be placed over the trench until the following day.