Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 17, 2019

The postponed Declaration of Climate Emergency will once again be on the agenda for the Brattleboro Selectboard, but the bigger focus for the board will be town finances. There will be a review of the Long Term Financial Plan, scheduling of FY20 budget meetings, yearly and monthly financial reports, and more.

Municipal self-governance, third class liquor licenses, renewable energy projects,  grants, and committee appointments will round things out. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 8, 2019

Dozer the (Maybe) Dangerous Dog will be one of the first things the Brattleboro Selectboard takes up in the New Year, unless an agreement is reached prior to Tuesday’s meeting. The Police Chief plans to bring additional witnesses and evidence.

The board will also take up other big issues, such as remaining work on the Police-Fire Facilities project, the FY20 budget, changes to parking, and a Municipal Self Governance Proposal from the Vermont league of Cities and Towns. You may continue to bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation in 2019, as in past years.