Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 2, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will discuss a plan for the  “Fire-EMS Transition Project” which promises multiple opportunities for the public to weigh in with comments and opinions in the coming months.

They will also add Juneteenth to the official holiday schedule, adjust the cemetery ordinance , change the Agricultural Loan Fund, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation. But keep it short, you pesky public!  : )

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro Bike and Pedestrian Plan Adopted

The Brattleboro Selectboard approved bike and pedestrian plan that, when implemented, will create a network of sidewalks and bike lanes throughout the town. 

The board debated possible changes to budget meeting times, considering a return to the days when budgets would be held on off-days at odd times rather than regular Tuesday evenings. They also approved a one year extension for Golden Cross ambulance service.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – April 18, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will approve a one year extension with Golden Cross for ambulance services at their next regular meeting, putting in place a new contract that extends well beyond the EMS service decision the board plans to make in less than six months.

They’ll approve rules of conduct, plan a board retreat, adopt new parking rules, endorse a bike and walking plan, and consider changing the way the budget is prepared. They will also most certainly crow about winning a major award.

Selectboard Member to Hold Office Hours at the Library

Hello, Brattleboro. Last evening I attended my first meeting as a member of the Brattleboro Selectboard. As has been discussed in various forums recently, openness of the Selectboard proceedings and the active solicitation of input from members of the community will be of paramount concern for the Board and the town administration in the coming year.

As one part of this process, beginning next week on April 12 and for the next six weeks, I will station myself in one of the meeting rooms on the mezzanine level of Brooks Memorial Library each Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. During this time, everyone is invited to come for conversation on pretty much any topic having to do with the town and its government.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Board Chair Suggests Further Limiting Public Comment

selectboard april 4 23

New Brattleboro Selectboard members Peter Case and Franz Reichsman attended their first regular meeting since swearing-in. They were treated to discussions of rules and goals, the Windham Regional Commission, Representative Town Meeting, hazard mitigation, and more.

Town Manager John Potter suggested the board have a retreat to discuss short-term and longer-term goals and budgets, to which the board readily agreed.

Chair Ian Goodnow had an unusally rough night. He was 40 minutes past his usual 8 pm break time as he explained to the board his new goals for keeping the meeting on schedule. This included his new desire to limit public comments to just two minutes per person, per agenda item. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – March 21, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will set aside over $2 million of the $2.7 million in ARPA funding for EMS related projects and potential start-up costs, leaving a much smaller amount for the public to discuss how to spend. This comes after promises of community outreach and public input to best determine the ways to spend the funds. Related, the monthly EMS update has been relegated to the Consent Agenda. 

The board will also discuss how to spend the $300k in community safety funds.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – March 14, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will decide on a way to make decisions about EMS services at their next regular meeting, with decisions expected by September.

The board will also hear some ideas on how to spend some of the ARPA funds, endorse a walking and biking action plan, and more. You can bring up other issues not on the agenda during public participation.

RAD Just Cause Amendment Implies Permanent Homeless Under-class

NOTICE : This doesn’t mean anyone should move out. It only means that the compassion is misplaced.
Imagine you’re homeless, living in a car for five years, and you hear about a new law that says everyone with an apartment can keep it forever.

They say the endless lease is compassionate >> If you already HAVE a place, you’ll be able to stay your whole life if you want, regardless of a signed agreement, regardless of someone waiting to move in, regardless of homeless people waiting in the snow.

Vote In New Selectboard Members To Mend EMS Relationships

The currently sitting Selectboard in Brattleboro has unfinished business … and it cannot be accomplished by the currently sitting members.

For there to be honest and real “transparency,” three members of the board must change.

Richard “Dick” DeGray stands out first as someone who speaks his mind and — from personal experience, I can say — as someone who will think through an issue and debate it. Dick and I may not always agree, but we will hear each other.

Franz Reichsman is the detail person, I believe, measured and thoughtful. He has the needed background in emergency medicine to do the deep dive into our present quandary with EMS.

And Peter “Fish” Case showed his insight and evenhandedness by bringing together, virtually, the chiefs of the Brattleboro Fire Department and Rescue Inc. during an episode of Vermontitude, “A Path Back.”

Selectboard Notes Feb 21, 2023 – Let Homeless Sleep in the Snow

BCS submitted its Statement to the board by email and in person on paper. The selectboard (health commission) declined to read any part of BCS’ STATEMENT at the hearing.   The selectboard decided to uphold the Emergency Order to shut down BCS emergency homeless shelter in RVs.  As you might note in the Statement (ask for a copy), the Order is legally defective, as BCS was not notified of our right to a hearing within five days of the Order (and for other reasons).  So, the evening’s proceedings may  be declared void.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Daims RVs Are Rentals and Must Be Up To Code

brattleboro selectboard

A special hearing by the Brattleboro Selectboard to consider health violations cited at 16 Washington Street had much discussion by all concerned – except one key individual: the property owner. Kurt Daims didn’t attend his hearing, and the board did not look kindly on such an action.  He did issue a statement via BCS delivered to the board, but it wasn’t enough.

The new train station project was again described in detail, ARPA funds were discussed, the tree ordinance was adopted, and more.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Peter Case

Peter “Fish” Case is running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

My name is Peter “Fish” Case and I’m running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.  I’m running because… I want to.  Serving the town and people of Brattleboro is nothing new to me it’s something I’ve done for the entire time I’ve lived here (30 plus years) and I would welcome the opportunity to do it as the select board level.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – February 21, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard will do a number of routine items at their next regular meeting – renew liquor and tobacco licenses, get updates on EMS and finances, grant and easement for the new train station project, discuss ARPA, and review RTM child care options.

The board will also take up an appeal to a health order for 16 Washington Street and adopt a revised tree ordinance. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Jessica Gelter

Jessica Gelter

Jessica Gelter is an incumbant running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

I’m Jessica Gelter, a theater artist, nonprofit executive, and mother. I have served the last two years on the Brattleboro Selectboard, after serving 4 years on the Town Planning Commission. I am running again because I don’t like to leave things unfinished and our Selectboard has many important conversations underway: Determining the future of EMS services in town, setting up our new Town Manager for success, and engaging the community to develop safety solutions including funding projects with the Community Safety Fund. Beyond the work that has already begun, I intend to work with the new Town Manager to create a long-term facilities maintenance and investment plan so that Brattleboro’s infrastructure is properly cared for and improved in the most fiscally responsible manner.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Franz Reichsman

Franz Reichsman, circa 2023

Franz Reichsman is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

Hello, iBrattleboro. I first came to Brattleboro in 1970 when I was 20 years old. My life trajectory developed in such a way that after medical school and residency in Brooklyn I was able to move here permanently in 1986. I bought my house on Chestnut Street (the old Sauer’s Market) in 1987 and I have lived here since then. I was an emergency room doctor for 30 years, including 28 years at Cheshire Medical Center in Keene. For seven of those years I was the medical director for all ambulance services and rescue squads in the 23 towns of Cheshire County.

I’ve been interested in politics since I was young. At age 14 I made a cardboard sign reading “Young Citizens for Johnson-Humphrey” and stood alongside it in front of a local candy store. I collected $2.41 which I sent to Lyndon Johnson’s election campaign. (Nonetheless I do not claim full credit for his landslide victory that year.) Unhappily, a year later I was protesting against the war in Viet Nam.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Elizabeth McLoughlin

Elizabeth McLoughlin is an incumbent running for a three year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running again this year for a 3 year seat?

Elizabeth “Liz” McLoughlin. I am running for reelection to the Selectboard. I have been on the Selectboard for the past 4 years. 

I moved to Brattleboro fifteen years ago, after visiting family here for over twenty years. I am a wife, mother and a new grandmother. One of our daughters attended BUHS, and the other was a substitute teacher here. My husband and I each own a small business. Brattleboro is a great place to live and work and I see my Selectboard service as a way to give back and support our beloved Town. We have a vibrant arts culture and an exceptional park and recreation program. We are welcoming to all, our community includes people from across the country and the world, as well as families who have been here for generations. We are a vibrant New England town.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Spoon Agave

spoon agave

Spoon Agave is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a 1 year seat?

During my 34 years living in Brattleboro I have served on almost every major Board, Committee and Commission including Selectboard, School Board, Planning Commission, Development Review Board, Traffic and Safety Committee, the Town Finance Committee, and most importantly the last Charter Revision Commission where I studied diligently and in great depth the structure of municipal government and its relationship and embodiment within a democracy. I chaired several of these groups including Charter Revision. I have been a Town Meeting Representative for nearly 25 years.