Selectboard Meeting Notes – Solid Waste and Substations: A Million Here, A Million There

selectboard oct 15 2024

It is the second Selectboard meeting of October, and more potential tax increases were considered. The cost of trash, recycling and compost will be going up substantially to cover the costs of the new automated robot arm collection system.  The Town says it isn’t that the new system is expensive, it is that the old system was way too cheap. Hints that the costs will skyrocket more after signing on were given.

The board discussed a million dollar plus plan to put a police substation, four public bathrooms, a community room, and new parking system offices at the Transportation Center.  They also heard from members of the public saying these costs were too much.

The board’s “Review of Debt Management Guidelines” was postponed to another meeting.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 15, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will decide on a plan for trash, compost, and recycling at their next meeting. Two options will be presented. They will also be discussing a new downtown police station, the quarterly fire department report, human services and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda & Notes – October 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will continue their attempts to legislate downtown safety by discussing and implementing a campaign for “Acceptable Community Conduct” at their first meeting of October 2024. 

They will be discussing swimming pool renovations at Living Memorial Park and how much the project is expected to cost. Staff are suggesting that this project possibly be put off to future budget years.  The Planning Department will also give the board an update out housing permits and projects. You can bring up other items not already on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Rejects Downtown Protections (re Homeless)

BCS started a low-cost semi-private community-based true emergency shelter in RVs In Brattleboro in 2022. “Community-based” is not a buzzword here. This shelter model relieves downtown of hosting many homeless and provides a healing space away from crowding and drugs and away from downtown. “True emergency” means it is a cheap — not pretty — solution for the poorest victims of the housing crisis.

We asked town officials several times to start a permitting process to fit the new kind of shelter, and after one told us to go ahead without a permit, the planning board sued to evict us for zoning (parking) violations, and the local health board (selectboard) sued to evict us for violations of rental safety codes. In April, 2023 a Superior Court Injunction said the shelter was safe and could continue under easy conditions. In almost all trials the Town has relied on rumor and technicalities and excluded much of our evidence. The Town wanted fines of $72,000, and the court decided on only $9828, but the court approved the notion that individuals can be sued for actions of corporations that they work for ! We thought we had a plea-bargain to remove the RVs and drop all the charges, but the Town is still threatening to take our home and fine us $4M.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Big Sticks and Ass Kicking Approved As Motel Program Winds Up

selectboard sept 17 2024

A divided Brattleboro Selectboard voted in favor of expanding an ordinance of acceptable behavior that criminalizes aspects of life for those who may be unhoused.  The decision came despite pleas to have professionals review the changes.

The board then added hundreds of thousands of dollars to this year’s budget to fund additional downtown policing. They estimate $200 a year increases for most taxpayers to cover this expense. It was cheered on by a pro-policing faction that wanted big sticks and ass kicking, and criticized by those who were watching all their work for alternative community safety options go down the drain.

Finally, the board praised Turning Point for exceptional work with addiction and recovery, on a budget less than the annual cost of the new police expansion.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 17, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will learn at their next meeting that their downtown safety decisions come with a substantial price tag – the starting cost is close to $800,000 per year for additional downtown policing. 

The board will get an update on programs and news from Turning Point, and would like to again spend from the Community Safety Fund – this time to help pay for an “acceptable community conduct” campaign.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 3, 2024

The 2020 Community Safety Plan is on the agenda again after quite a long time.  “Final Staff Recommendations for Implementation” will be presented and acted upon. 

The Town wants to adjust Town Ordinances regarding “Acceptable Community Conduct” and will hold a first reading of some proposed changes.  Some new housing on Elliot Street, plans for the Safe Fair, and a Health Order for 6 Reynolds Drive, round out the agenda for the evening.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during Public Participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro To Expand Police and Surveillance

selectboard aug 20 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard voted in favor of many suggestions by Police Chief Norma Hardy at their regular Tuesday meeting: using community safety funds to purchase surveillance cameras, plus authorizing a move forward on un-budgeted hiring of three more officers, hiring two unarmed police staff, and one police data technician. They also will move ahead with locating a police satellite office downtown.

This came after a presentation on police data that showed that the majority of police calls in town were not for crimes, and many incidents with police involve a handful of known actors.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – August 20, 2024

 Safety has a price and the Brattleboro Selectboard will begin to hear some of the new costs for downtown safety at their next regular meeting. Brattleboro Police will request hiring of additional staff and officers plus the creation of a parking garage satellite office for police use. It is part of their downtown safety action plan. They will also discuss their HEAT mapping and how this impacts deploying resources to problem areas.

Esteyville bandstand plans will be discussed. The result of the public input is that people want the bandstand, but not way up in the air as it currently sits.  The selectboard will also set a plan for this year’s budget process. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Public Says Downtown Brattleboro Has Never Been This Bad

youth council map of brattleboro hot spots

The Brattleboro Selectboard got an earful from people in town that definitely do not feel safe downtown. Things have reached new levels of awfulness for people of all ages. The board is considering making downtown a “safety zone” to take care of this problem once and for all. What that means exactly remains to be determined. But progress is being made! And the Youth Council created a cool map.

The board also learned that come September, people in the hotel and motel program will begin to be kicked out of their lodgings and will require sheltering of some sort.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – August 6, 2025

Brattleboro will take possession of the new park at 250 Birge Street during their first regular meeting in August. The floodplain has been restored and the work is complete.

Emergency housing, water treatment plant construction, and “safety zones” will also be discussed. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes July 23, 2024

Community Safety will be one of the major topics at the next Brattleboro Selectboard meeting. The Town will give an update on current and future community safety initiatives, including a Brattleboro Police data project and convening a “Brattleboro Collaborative.”

EMS billing policies will change.  The Town will buy a new sand and salt shed, HVAC system, improvements at Living Memorial Park, a new Fire Bucket Truck replacement, and more! You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Rising Parking Costs and Property Taxes

selectboard july 9 2024

A hot July evening, and the Brattleboro Selectboard approved new property tax rates. , The Town’s Finance Director told the board 75% of the increase is because of education. Dick Degray called it an unsustainable increase.

The new parking ordinance had a first reading. The costs to business owners and employees on Main Street was a concern to some and an outright horror to others.

The board made a list of things to discuss with legislators, adjusted rules for political signs, and discussed parking enforcement at the Vermont Country Deli.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – July 9, 2024 – Agenda and Notes

The Brattleboro Selectboard has some spelling-challenged items to take care of at their next meeting. They plan to approve the 2025 “Fical” Year property tax rate and hear about a new proposed “pollical” sign policy.

The board will also discuss changes to the parking ordinance,  things they’d like to have the State of Vermont help with (transportation funding, the Grand List, community development, municipal revenue, and public safety and public health,) and their own goals for the year – community safety, child safety zones, and enhanced state revenue sharing. 

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard July Meetings Shift

The July 2, and July 16 Regular Selectboard Meetings have been cancelled due to the July 4th holiday.

The Brattleboro Selectboard will meet on July 9 and on July 23 for the month of July. They will return to their regular schedule (first and third Tuesdays) next month

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Parking Rates Hiked, Free Sunday Parking To End, and Solid Waste Collection Questions

selectboard june 18 2024

A Juneteenth eve Selectboard meeting stated late and went long. The board raised parking rates – 44% by one member of the public’s estimates – and voted to end free downtown parking on Sundays. They also voted to make it easier and quicker to raise rates in the future.

Winston-Prouty campus housing was discussed as was public feedback on trash, recycling and compost.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes – June 18, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will raise your parking fees at their next regular meeting. How much they go up will be the primary discussion.

They’ll also hear about some projects that received grants, get an update on Winston-Prouty housing, and begin wading into the solid waste discussion of what to do about trash, recycling, and compost. Specifically, they will be discussing the results of their public feedback.   You can also bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Retreat Special Meeting Agenda – June 13, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 12:00pm at Holton Hall at the Winston Prouty Center (4th Floor, 209 Austine Drive) to conduct their annual Selectboard Retreat. This meeting will be carried by BCTV after the conclusion. The backup materials for this meeting will be available on the town Website by the end of today.