Selectboard Candidate Interview – Isaac Evans-Frantz

Isaac Evans-Frantz

Isaac Evans-Frantz is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and why are you running for a one year seat?

I was born and raised in Brattleboro, and I love this community. The gap between rich and poor, the opioid crisis, and the housing shortage are hurting us. We all want a community where we can earn a living wage, put food on the table, and let our kids play outside without fear of drugs or violence. We need a selectboard member who listens and helps us achieve a stronger Brattleboro. I will bring energy, hope and determination to the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Selectboard Candidate Interview – Jill Stahl Tyler

jill stahl tyler

Jill Stahl Tyler is running for a three year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and why are you running for a three-year seat?

Hi, my name is Jill Stahl Tyler.  I decided to run for Selectboard because this is my home.  

When we built our house thirty years ago, we planted trees.  From sapling to towering shade cover, we wanted to see them grow.  Over the same decades, we’ve watched things change in downtown Brattleboro. As the crime situation has worsened, I wondered if we had to leave, and if someone else would enjoy the crisp yellows of the forsythia, the majestic first blooms on the magnolia, and the striking flowering crab apple that now spreads widely near the front patio.

Selectboard Candidate Interview: Richard Davis

Richard Davis

Richard Davis is an incumbent running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and why are you running for a one year seat?

I am Richard Davis, a semi-retired nurse, writer and political activist running for a second one year seat on the Brattleboro selectboard.  A Boston area native, I have lived in Windham County for the past 46 years, 41 of those years in Guilford and for the past 3 ½ years in Brattleboro with my wife Roberta Levy. 

On my first year on the board I was voted clerk by my fellow board members. During this past year the people of Brattleboro have been actively engaged in a variety of issues that include public safety, taxes, and a new trash system.

I am proud to be a member of a community that is so committed to improving the quality of life for everyone. This past summer attendance at board meetings was the highest in recent memory and people were able to express their opinions freely.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Quarterly Reports Highlight Successes and Vulnerabilities

selectboard feb 4 2025

The first regular meeting of February for the Brattleboro Selectboard was mostly a series of quarterly reports, punctuated by questions about EMS billing and budgets. The board learned that the bad-sounding audit will not really be as bad-sounding as it sounds. Just wait. You’ll see.

Notable – parking revenues are down,  the downtown safety plan is beginning to take shape, Golden Cross is having problems collecting revenue for us, and a few candidates came to use public participation to show that they are involved.

Isaac’s Vision: Safety, Affordability, Saving Lives

I was born and raised in Brattleboro, and I love this community. The gap between rich and poor, the opioid crisis, and the housing shortage are hurting us. We all want a community where we can earn a living wage, put food on the table, and let our kids play outside without fear of drugs or violence. We need a selectboard member who listens and helps us achieve a stronger Brattleboro. When you elect me, I’ll work to:

Spend Wisely: Create a budget that taxpayers can afford. 
Keep Us Safe: Give our community tools to stand up to drug traffickers. 
Save Lives: Support local solutions to shelter our neighbors.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – February 4, 2025

The Brattleboro Selectboard will begin the process of changing utility rates by having consultants come to explain the Utility Rate Study they are about to undertake.

The board will also hear quarterly updates from the police department, fire department, and finance office.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Human Services Advisory Poll On Ballot

brattleboro selectboard title card

Chair Daniel Quipp was under the weather, so the remaining four members of the Brattleboro Selectboard boldy went forth approving the warnings for the Annual Town Meeting and the Representative Town Meeting.

The biggest news is that there will be an advisory poll on the ballot when voters go to elect representatives and weigh in on articles, asking what percentage of future town budgets should be spent on human services. There will be five options, ranging from zero to over 2%.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street, Room 212) and over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members. The backup materials for this meeting will be available on the town Website by the end of today.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – People Are Mad At Us For A Lot Of Different Reasons

selectboard jan 21 2025

The Brattleboro Selectboard decided that a 12.1% increase is the best that they can do, ignoring  members of the public and the Finance Committee who said it wasn’t enough but agreeing with the Town Manager who said the increase was necessary to avoid chaos.

One theme throughout the evening was that of continual eroding trust in the selectboard and their decision-making. “People are mad at us for a lot of different reasons,” noticed Chair Daniel Quipp. “We should think about it.  Do we always have to make them a little more mad?”

A sub-theme was extreme agitation about representation at all levels of town government.

Weird meeting. If I were a Magic 8 ball I’d suggest “outlook not good.”

Oscar Heller: Why I’m Running for the Selectboard

My name is Oscar Heller, and I’m running for the Selectboard.

I will bring six years of Finance Committee experience to the Selectboard. Creating the town’s budget is the Selectboard’s single most important job every year, and I think we’ve gotten off-track. I have a plan to get our budget back on solid footing, and my goal is to guide us through the challenges that I foresee this year.


On Wednesday, Isaac Evans-Frantz submitted to the Brattleboro Town Clerk 120 petition signatures to appear on the ballot for Brattleboro Selectboard. That is 4 times the amount needed by law to get on the ballot. By the end of the day the town clerk had confirmed that Isaac will in fact appear on the ballot for a one-year position. The election is March 4 at the American Legion.

“Brattleboro faces major nationwide challenges – an opioid crisis, a housing shortage, a growing gap between the wealthiest and poorest people, and a climate emergency,” Isaac said. “Brattleboro needs a new leader who will help make our town safe, affordable, and welcoming for all.”

Selectboard Meeting Notes Redux- Board Approves 12% Property Tax Increase; Won’t Tax Cats

The Brattleboro Selectboard approved their revised FY26 budget with a 12% property tax increase without further changes, ignoring a great deal of feedback from the Finance Committee and members of the public that there were other items to consider and concerns that root problems were being put off for future years.

The board agreed that no cuts to staff will be considered. Staff positions in Brattleboro are seemingly guaranteed forever.

The board also asked that the community be more respectful when taking about municipal affairs, and laughed at Liz’s serious suggestion to tax cats.

Isaac Announces Campaign for Brattleboro Selectboard

issac f campaign

BRATTLEBORO – On a blustery cold Saturday, December 14, standing with supporters in front of the Brattleboro Post Office on Main Street, Isaac Evans-Frantz announced his campaign for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard. The election will be on March 4, 2025. Seeing the other side of the street bathed in warm sunshine, while he and his supporters shivered in the shade, Evans-Frantz invited everyone to move toward the light and quickly regroup across Main Street for speeches, songs, and distribution of campaign materials.

“During the coming difficult years,” Evans-Frantz, who was born and raised in Brattleboro, said, “Brattleboro needs a new leader who will stand up for all of us. The current selectboard has made decisions contributing to a potential 22% increase in property taxes. Most of our incomes are not increasing by anywhere near this amount. In a year where calls to the police for serious crime increased by 16%, the selectboard passed an ordinance that would fine building owners when some residents report crimes. The current selectboard, left unchecked, risks making life harder — and less safe – for people in Brattleboro.”

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Deep Budget Cuts To Everything Except Personnel, Roads, Police…etc.

FY26 General Fund Budget / Possible Reductions

T’was the week before Christmas and all through the town, not a creature was stirring except for the Brattleboro Selectboard discussing FY26.

The board used Town staff suggestions and assumptions as a starting point. They boldy saved items from being cut but also agreed on cuts worth close to $2 million.  Police will get new uniforms, for example, but snow cleanup, arts, and human services will see cuts.  Members of the public cautioned that these were superficial, one-time, unsustainable cuts and told the board they pushing taxpayers over a cliff in years to come.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes Dec 2, 2024

Should Brattleboro end Representative Town Meeting? The Brattleboro Selectboard will decide if this question is allowed to be put to voters at their next regular meeting.

They will make changes to ordinances relating to parking, the downtown improvement district, and vacant buildings and will also hear the annual pleas from the Downtown Brattleboro Alliance and BDCC.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Contract With Casella Adds Costs- Staff Told To Cut Costs

selectboard nov 17 2024

After much discussion, the Brattleboro Selectboard chose the only serious solid waste option presented to them: to have a 5 year contract with Casella to haul trash, recycling and compost for the Town. This decision added a significant amount to the budget and to Brattleboro property taxes.

The board told Town staff that the budget was too large now that the costs of their decisions this year have been factored in and asked to see a version reduced by 10%. This punted any significant FY26 decision-making away from the board until mid December.

Just about everyone had complaints for the Windham and Windsor Housing Trust and their planned “Chalet” development of affordable housing units.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – November 19, 2024

At their Tuesday evening regular meeting, Brattleboro Selectboard will make a solid waste decision. The board will choose the number 2 option, suggested by Town staff, and the costs associated will be officially dumped into the FY26 budget under review.

Review of FY26 budget open house feedback and budget alternatives will discussed. The board will also hear about the West Brattleboro (Dalem’s) Chalet Project from the Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, will announce committee vacancies.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda and Notes – November 12, 2024

As the budget process gets going, Town staff will ask the Brattleboro Selectboard to approve a $700,000 police substation at a special meeting on November 12.  The board will also be asked to put the Esteyville Gazebo project out to bid, and will tinker with the Parking Ordinance.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – What Services Would You Like To Cut?

selectboard nov 5 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard discussed the “base budget” – a budget with no changes to services from current levels – at Tuesday’s Election Night meeting. As is, they said, it would be a 22% increase. Board members agreed it was a difficult budget, but none had any big ideas for getting the increase to a more manageable level.

Citizens attending had ideas – eliminate raises, cut Municipal Center hours to 32 hours a week for most employees, cut positions, and throw it all out and build up from what is truly necessary were suggested.  Personnel costs, they noted, were the big numbers.

In a flashback to the era of Barb Sondag we heard the Town Manager ask the board to simply tell him what services they’d like to cut from the people of Brattleboro…

Brattleboro Property Tax – Proposed Increase of 14%, Plus Maybe 5-8% More for Solid Waste

Here are some excerpts from the Town Manager’s memo to the Brattleboro Selectboard regarding their enormous FY’26 budget. I’ve left out some of the tables mentioned to make it easier for me to format. Go view the full document to see them.

At the start, they anticipate a 14% increase in property taxes, but this does not yet include any solid waste disposal costs, which staff say may add another 5-8%.

Get yourself a drink so you can spit it out in amazement as you read the details.