David Levenbach, Candidate for Re-election to RTM

Hello Neighbors,

I am running for re-election to a three-year term as a Representative Town Meeting (RTM) member for District 9 (formerly known as District 3).

I am asking you, if you feel comfortable doing so, to vote for me and, more, to encourage your friends in District 9 to do so as well.

I have been a member of Representative Town Meeting since 2019. Beginning in 2019, I have been elected every year to its Finance Committee which scrutinizes the Town budget to provide a report each year to inform RTM (and the public generally) of issues before that body votes on the budget article; in three of those years, I was chosen to chair the committee.

Jane Wheeler – Running for Representative Town Meeting for District 8

My name is Jane Wheeler and I am running for RTM in District 8. I was born, grew up and worked in Brattleboro.  Outside of about 8 years when I lived in close by towns I have always lived in Brattleboro.  I have had many lived experiences in Brattleboro- school kid, factory worker, drunk, recovering alcoholic, renter and now a property owner, addictions counselor, houseparent at Kurn Hattin,  co-founder of the VT Counsel on Problem Gambling, case manger for Senior Solutions, resource advocate at Grace Cottage Hospital, caregiver for aging family members, and now as a retired older person.  I have a master’s degree with the focus in counseling psychology. Informal education includes matriarchal studies and plant medicine.

Representative Town Meeting Candidates – Introduce Yourself!

Hey, candidates for the 2025 Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting. There are a lot of you this year. It is exciting. People want to know who you are and what distinguishes you from the others running. We’ve gotten emails asking for information about you.

You are, as always, invited to use this site to announce your candidacy and to introduce yourselves. It could be close, and every vote is important.

Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Human Services Advisory Poll On Ballot

brattleboro selectboard title card

Chair Daniel Quipp was under the weather, so the remaining four members of the Brattleboro Selectboard boldy went forth approving the warnings for the Annual Town Meeting and the Representative Town Meeting.

The biggest news is that there will be an advisory poll on the ballot when voters go to elect representatives and weigh in on articles, asking what percentage of future town budgets should be spent on human services. There will be five options, ranging from zero to over 2%.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street, Room 212) and over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members. The backup materials for this meeting will be available on the town Website Brattleboro.gov/Selectboard by the end of today.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – People Are Mad At Us For A Lot Of Different Reasons

selectboard jan 21 2025

The Brattleboro Selectboard decided that a 12.1% increase is the best that they can do, ignoring  members of the public and the Finance Committee who said it wasn’t enough but agreeing with the Town Manager who said the increase was necessary to avoid chaos.

One theme throughout the evening was that of continual eroding trust in the selectboard and their decision-making. “People are mad at us for a lot of different reasons,” noticed Chair Daniel Quipp. “We should think about it.  Do we always have to make them a little more mad?”

A sub-theme was extreme agitation about representation at all levels of town government.

Weird meeting. If I were a Magic 8 ball I’d suggest “outlook not good.”

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting – Agenda and Notes Dec 2, 2024

Should Brattleboro end Representative Town Meeting? The Brattleboro Selectboard will decide if this question is allowed to be put to voters at their next regular meeting.

They will make changes to ordinances relating to parking, the downtown improvement district, and vacant buildings and will also hear the annual pleas from the Downtown Brattleboro Alliance and BDCC.  You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro Ambulance Rides To Be $1400

selectboard feb 20 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard set EMS rates and policies, settling on a $1400 cost for a ride in their new ambulance service. Your insurance will pay for most of it, and if you get a bill you can ignore it completely or enter into a payment plan or pay it all at once. It is compassionate, they agreed.

The Town will embark on a search for a new waste management partner, someone who will listen and be responsive, and perhaps take long walks or watch movies together.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – February 20, 2024

The big item for the Brattleboro Selectboard at their next regular meeting will be setting the billing and collection policies for the Town’s new EMS service. The board is setting the rates to be charged and what to do if someone doesn’t pay, among other things.

Also, the Water Treatment Plant’s engineering costs are over-budget and will cost an additional $303k.  ARPA funds will be used to cover staff salaries, bids will be accepted for trash collection in town, motions will be assigned for reading at Representative Town Meeting, and you can bring up other items not on the agenda, perhaps, during public participation.

Brattleboro’s Charter Revision Commission to Meet, Discuss Forms of Town Meeting

Brattleboro, VT – Brattleboro’s Charter Revision Commission will meet on Thursday, February 15, at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room in the Municipal Center, 230 Main Street.

The meeting agenda includes a discussion of Representative Town Meeting and the open town meeting form of government. The commission will also review the Powers of the People, including those outlined in Article III of the Town Charter.

All commission meetings are open to the public.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda and Notes – February 1, 2024

The Brattleboro Selectboard will meet for a Special Meeting on Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street, Room 212). At the conclusion of the meeting the Board will meet and is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss contracts, possible litigation, and evaluation of a public employee. No action will be taken in executive session. The public may also participate in the meeting over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  ASL interpreters or closed captioning will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.

Brattleboro Petitions for March Elections Now Available – List of Vacancies, 2024 Election Schedule

Petitions for Brattleboro Town Officers, Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board Members, and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Town elections will be Tuesday, March 5 at the American Legion, located at 32 Linden St., Brattleboro, VT 05301.

Annual Representative Town Meeting will begin on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in the BUHS Gymnasium.

Petitions for Town Officers and WSESD Board Members must contain at least 30 valid signatures of registered Brattleboro voters and be filed in the clerk’s office no later than Monday, January 29 at 5 p.m. to have their name placed on the ballot.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Human Services Committee will meet on Monday, December 4th, 2023 at 4:00pm and on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 4:00pm. Both meetings will take place in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street).

The Brattleboro RTM Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room.

Brattleboro EMS, RTM and ARPA

At its 2023 meeting, RTM approved a motion calling on “the Selectboard to develop and implement a dedicated community engagement process for allocating [ARPA} funds before any further funds are spent.” Before that meeting and since, and during Selectboard meetings, members of the public have asked—really, begged—the board not to obligate ARPA funds until there was a systematic effort to ascertain public preferences for the spending of those monies, and we were given assurances that such a public process would occur before drawing on ARPA funds. The Selectboard’s vote last night to draw on 51% of the ARPA balance, without promised public deliberation, can only be seen as evidence of its bad faith.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro RTM Finance Committee will meet on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Quiet Reading Room at the Brooks Memorial Library (224 Main Street).

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Board will meet on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 4:15pm in the Hanna Cosman Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street).

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Board Chair Suggests Further Limiting Public Comment

selectboard april 4 23

New Brattleboro Selectboard members Peter Case and Franz Reichsman attended their first regular meeting since swearing-in. They were treated to discussions of rules and goals, the Windham Regional Commission, Representative Town Meeting, hazard mitigation, and more.

Town Manager John Potter suggested the board have a retreat to discuss short-term and longer-term goals and budgets, to which the board readily agreed.

Chair Ian Goodnow had an unusally rough night. He was 40 minutes past his usual 8 pm break time as he explained to the board his new goals for keeping the meeting on schedule. This included his new desire to limit public comments to just two minutes per person, per agenda item.