Letter Regarding Human Service Organizations Funding

As former members of the Brattleboro Human Services Committee, we are writing to encourage all members of the Brattleboro community to read the detailed, informative report to the town, from the current members of the Committee, which appeared in the February 12 issue of The Commons.

Article Vl, on this year’s Annual Town Meeting Ballot, asks Brattleboro voters to choose one of five town funding options for local Human Service organizations.

We think that voting to eliminate or drastically reduce the town’s share of funding of these organizations would be a short-sighted, major mistake, and would be detrimental to Brattleboro’s well-being.  During the time that we served on the committee, each one of us came to more deeply understand and appreciate what a critical role the nonprofit organizations, whose funding requests we carefully reviewed, play in the healthy functioning of our community. 

Isaac’s Vision: Safety, Affordability, Saving Lives

I was born and raised in Brattleboro, and I love this community. The gap between rich and poor, the opioid crisis, and the housing shortage are hurting us. We all want a community where we can earn a living wage, put food on the table, and let our kids play outside without fear of drugs or violence. We need a selectboard member who listens and helps us achieve a stronger Brattleboro. When you elect me, I’ll work to:

Spend Wisely: Create a budget that taxpayers can afford. 
Keep Us Safe: Give our community tools to stand up to drug traffickers. 
Save Lives: Support local solutions to shelter our neighbors.

Words of President Jimmy Carter Worth Repeating!

In response to Hartmann’s noting that the Supreme Court now allows “unlimited money in politics,”
Carter said this:

“It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members.


On Wednesday, Isaac Evans-Frantz submitted to the Brattleboro Town Clerk 120 petition signatures to appear on the ballot for Brattleboro Selectboard. That is 4 times the amount needed by law to get on the ballot. By the end of the day the town clerk had confirmed that Isaac will in fact appear on the ballot for a one-year position. The election is March 4 at the American Legion.

“Brattleboro faces major nationwide challenges – an opioid crisis, a housing shortage, a growing gap between the wealthiest and poorest people, and a climate emergency,” Isaac said. “Brattleboro needs a new leader who will help make our town safe, affordable, and welcoming for all.”

Evie Kiehle on “Here We Are”

“Where Are the Women?” is a new book just published by EVIE KIEHLE, a BUHS senior. She looks at the lack of women in American Politics and has written a guide to the ways we can change this. Evie also talks about growing up in Brattleboro, and the people and activities that influence her.

Political Endorsement: Supporting Brenda Siegel for Governor

Supporting Brenda Siegel
Last Autumn (2021), when most Vermont residents were able to enjoy having a roof over their heads to stay warm and dry underneath, a comfortable bed to sleep in, nourishing daily meals to eat and proper hydration with which to attempt to stay healthy, Brenda Siegel and others were holding vigil on the steps of the State House in Montpelier on behalf of those most in need who live without such means.

For my part, I joined them there for a single evening and it wasn’t easy or fun by any means. They did so for 27 long days and nights until the governor and his reluctant administration finally relented to their demands.

Governor Scott Did What He Should Have. Is That Exceptional?

It’s true that, given the limited extent of impact and damage in Vermont from the virus, Scott has done a proper job. However he only did what any of us would do. If you recall, one of his earliest public statements was that he was in completely uncharted territory with the pandemic. He didn’t know anything more about it than any of us in the state. So he called the state’s medical team together, got a bit of an education and followed their advice. I’d like to think that all of our governors would have done the same. He was very lucky in this particular crisis to have had the federal government step in fairly quickly with a huge cash infusion that gave us all time to understand and assess the situation and choose our actions under less stressed conditions.

Support for Brenda Siegel as Our Next Lt Governor

I’m sharing why I am supporting Brenda Siegel to become our next Lieutenant Governor of Vermont: a decision I came to after researching Brenda’s stand on policies and noting that she embraces similar progressive values as my own.  What I believe distinguishes her from other candidates are her valuable insight and wisdom: qualifications gained through her advocacy background, business ownership and life experiences as a single Mom.

During this global health and economic crisis, Vermonters need representatives who possess a strong moral character and the guts to demand action now.  Representatives who:

Reparations of People Enslaved in Prisons and the Military

Earlier this month I released a public statement addressed to People in government organizing slavery reparation movements’ legislation to recognize that People incarcerated and People employed in the military have both been and are currently treated as property denied both constitutional and life protections of freedoms, rights, and liberties. We can and will change such insanely brutal conditions with prison abolition and labor union empowerment. The newspapers have not published my letters and I have not been allowed access to participate at official reparations meetings which say no one is denied entry.

Policy, Politics, and Priorities for the New Legislative Session

Join us on Thursday, December 2oth  at at 6pm in the Community Roomfor the first in a series of monthly policy conversations. Representatives Emilie Kornheiser, Molly Burke, Tristan Toleno, and many of your neighbors will be coming together to talk about community goals for the coming year.

Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor Citizens’ Breakfast

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast
Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor

That all power being originally inherent in and co[n]sequently derived from the people, therefore, all officers of government, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants; and at all times, in a legal way, accountable to them. ~ Constitution of the State of Vermont ~ Ch I, Art 6

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast ~ Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor

It all started when a supporter recently asked that a “candidate [running in the Democratic primary for Governor]… speak at the Brattleboro Senior Center. . . . [and added] …. I understand for equity all candidates must receive the same invitation”

All of the candidates in the Democratic Primary for Governor:
James Ehlers, Christine Hallquist, Brenda Siegel and Ethan Sonneborn have agreed to attend a Candidates’ Forum at the Gibson-Aiken Center, Senior Meals, on Friday, July 6th at 8:00am (as always, “doors open” at 7:30am for informal networking).

Raised Voices: Local Artists Resist!

BRATTLEBORO: An opening reception for the exhibit, “Raised Voices: Local Artists Resist” will take place from 5:30 to 8 p.m. May 4 at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden at 157 Main St.

“Raised Voices” will be on exhibit at the River Garden until May 26, featuring the work of area artists who responded to an open call to stand up and express your hopes, your outrage, your vision in the face of the current political climate in our country today.

Why Not Emphasize Assad Had No Motive To Use Gas! He Had Defeated the Terrorists Sent by USA

DESCRIPTION: Why Not Emphasize That Assad Had No MOTIVE To Use Gas When He Already Defeated the Terrorists Sent and Armed by USA and Saudi Arabia, While Assad’s Enemies Had a Reason to Stage a Gas Attack To Give USA a Pretext To Bomb Yet Again.

This short alert is written in dedication to my readers in nations that have been invaded or bombed by Americans in uniform.

When a crime is reported or discovered, the first thing investigators look for is someone with a MOTIVE to have committed the crime – someone who stood to gain from committing the crime.