Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – December 3, 2019

Municipal authority over commercial cannabis will be discussed for the first time by the Brattleboro Selectboard at their next regular meeting. The last time the board discussed legal cannabis was probably the 1920’s.

The board will learn what “unconscious bias and cultural humility” training is and whether they should accept a proposal to undertake it., continue their discussion of the FY21 proposed budget, and listen to whatever else you’d like to tell them during Public Participation.

Brattleboro Planning Commission: We Need Your Input!

The Brattleboro Planning Commission is working on a Downtown Design Plan, which will describe and illustrate the community’s vision for future downtown improvements and projects. This planning process will address:

Improving routes, access and circulation for pedestrians and bicyclists;
Incorporating green stormwater practices into streets and public spaces;
Identifying opportunities for creative placemaking that use arts and cultural activities to enliven and revitalize public spaces; and
Enhancing long-term economic stability for downtown businesses.

What’s Popping Up in Downtown Brattleboro?

Brattleboro’s Better Block Challenge will be held this weekend (September 20-22). Debuting on Friday night and running through Sunday, residents and visitors to downtown can check out temporary installations that are designed to transform spaces in downtown into active, vibrant and safer public spaces.

Better Block activities will take place on Friday from 5 to 8, Saturday 9 to 3, and Sunday, 10 to 2. Stop by the orientation booth in the Latchis Gallery at 50 Main Street as you visit the three pop-up Better Block projects installed around downtown.

Brattleboro Planning Commission, Development Review Board, and Design Review Committee Joint Meeting

The Brattleboro Planning Commission, Development Review Board and Design Review Committee will hold a joint meeting on Wednesday,  September 26, 2018 at 5:00 PM in front of the Canal Street School at 112 Canal Street for the walking tour.  At 6:00 PM, they will reconvene in the Selectboard Meeting Room, at the Municipal Center.

Concerts Planned For Norm’s Marina – Planning Meeting

Norm’s Marina, Inc., located at 1349 Brattleboro Road in Hinsdale, NH, has applied to the Town of Hinsdale for a Minor Site Plan Development Review in order to host music concerts at the Marina. The Hinsdale Planning Board will meet tomorrow (Tuesday, September 18) at 6:30pm at the Hinsdale Town Hall to hear the matter (a copy of the agenda attached).

Sue Fillion Promoted to Planning Director in the Town of Brattleboro

Sue Fillion will succeed Rod Francis as Planning Director for the Town of Brattleboro. The transition will take place on Friday, July 6, as Francis completes his service to the Town of Brattleboro after more than 10 years as Planning Director. Francis will hold a comparable position in the Town of Norwich, Vermont, beginning on Monday, July 9.