Brattleboro Overgrown Vegetation Warning

Please be advised. Property owners are responsible for trimming and maintaining vegetation on their property if it may interfere with the public right of way. Overgrown vegetation creates an unsafe situation for pedestrians who may have to walk in the roadway to get by. It also impacts the sight distance for vehicular traffic. Please inspect and trim your vegetation accordingly. The town ordinance reads as follows:

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro Bike and Pedestrian Plan Adopted

The Brattleboro Selectboard approved bike and pedestrian plan that, when implemented, will create a network of sidewalks and bike lanes throughout the town. 

The board debated possible changes to budget meeting times, considering a return to the days when budgets would be held on off-days at odd times rather than regular Tuesday evenings. They also approved a one year extension for Golden Cross ambulance service.

Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 8:00am over Zoom. The Municipal Center (230 Main Street) will be open to the public with limited seating spaced six feet apart and face coverings will be required. The public is encouraged to participate in the meeting over Zoom using the login information provided in the attached agenda.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 19, 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be approving a range of new contracts for police officers, firefighters, and other unionized employees at their next regular meeting. 

Union Station will be handed over to the BMAC, the board will hear a sustainability update, they’ll review their goals, Selectboard meetings will be moved to Central Fire Station, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participations.

Brattleboro Traffic Safety Meeting Agenda


1. Minutes – February 18, 2021 

2. Public Participation 

3. Monthly Report on Pedestrian and Bicycle Incidents 

4. Monthly Report on Traffic Data Collection 

5. Updates/Continued Discussion on Ongoing Matters 

(a) Route 9 Bike Lane Scoping Study 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Collaborative Proposal for Police Reform Presented To Board, RTM Remains On Hold

selectboard july 7, 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard didn’t get to new business until after 11 pm. Old business of Representative Town Meeting scheduling, second thoughts on an already-approved budget, and competing proposals for police reforms filled the lengthy meeting.

In the end, no new RTM was set, the board was told the budget cannot be changed but can be ignored selectively, and competing proposals for police reforms will fill a new meeting schedule for July 21.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Climate Still Not An Emergency

Brattleboro Selectboard meeting

The Brattleboro Selectboard decided once again that there is no climate emergency worth declaring. The proposed declaration was “a mess” and existing efforts were deemed ample.

The board had their expectations managed about possibilities of self governing anytime soon, budget season is lurking, and the possibility of a bike lane on Western Ave will be further investigated.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Wednesday, February 20, 2019, at 1:00pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 8:00am in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 5:30pm in the Cusick Conference Room (2ndfloor) of the Windham Regional Career Center, located at 80 Atwood Street.

Putney Road Improvements in Brattleboro

VTrans is out today on Putney Road, in the stretch from the West River bridge to NECCA, working on improving the sides of the road for pedestrians and bike riders. They are clearing brush and adding fill dirt this morning.

Traffic delays in the area, so plan ahead.