NXT Gallery Presents “Water: Shape and Time,” Photographs by Nick Ellison

The NXT Gallery is pleased to present “Water: Shape and Time,” an exhibition of palladiotypes by photographer Nick Ellison. The exhibit runs November 16 through February 9, with an opening reception on Sunday, November 17 from 3 to 5 pm.

Nick Ellison reminds us that time is a critical element of photography. From exposure to development to printing, each step in the process is defined by time. At each step time is taken to allow the chemical and physical processes to create the final image. Ellison has chosen to have an element of water in each photograph in this series as a way to depict the passing of time to draw attention to change that is often overlooked. He is trying to narrow the gaze, to focus in on these particulars, on how time changes our view of the environment, because it’s happening incrementally, and we often don’t have the time to notice. But if you pause, as a photograph asks you to do, you can see that the force and power of the water, just like time, offers change.