November Precipitation 2024

Dryness has abated somewhat with 2 larger storms in the past 10 days.  Precipitation for the month measured 3.01″  compared to the normal of 3.53″.  The second storm included snow for many including here with 4.3″ and more at higher elevations.  My November snow average going back to 1993-94 is 2.8″.  There have been 5 years with 10 or more inches in November over that time period.

For the calendar year my total stands at 41.68 inches compared to the norm of 43.24″.  One month to go.  All numbers are from my location in the SE corner of Brattleboro.

Brattleboro Absentee Ballot Requests

With August Primary elections and the November General elections coming up around the corner, we encourage all voters to visit their My Voter Page to update their registration address, including their physical AND mailing addresses, and request an absentee ballot to be mailed to them.

The My Voter Page is now found at If you encounter problems logging into your My Voter Page, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 802-251-8157 for assistance. People can also register to vote using the online voter registration page at Note that both of these links have been updated.