Brattleboro Selectboard Mar 3 Special Meeting, Plus Agenda and Notes March 6, 2025

At a special meeting on Monday, the Brattleboro Selectboard will meet with NH counterparts to discuss the island and now un-used bridges over the Connecticut River.

Their other meeting, moved to Thursday to avoid Town Meeting Day conflicts, will feature issues such as Living Memorial Park’s need for an additional $80,000, the vacant building ordinance, a decision to approve the plans for the eventual bridge repair on Western Ave, a new mural for Harmony Lot, and a discussion of Health Care and Rehabilitation. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Art Committee Meeting Agenda


1. Convene, quorum check

2. [10 mins] Introductions, Intents of Art Committee Members, Announcements

3. [10 mins] Elect officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, and Clerk)

a. Motions on rotating positions terms per meeting, monthly?

b. Motions on remedying previous published AC meeting minute notes

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Budget Preview, and Blinking Lights Baffle

Brattleboro Selectboard

The Brattleboro Selectboard cancelled a few possible contentious items on the agenda (the Harmony Lot mural and the Health Code violation) but still got an earful from a couple concerned that blinking safety lights on Western Ave are unnecessary and lower the value of their home. The Wessel Baffle might prove to be the solution.

Town Manager Elwell gave the board an overview of the coming budget request from Town staff. Of note: the expected 4% health insurance increase is actually more like 17%. Ouch. Call a doctor. Police cars are being uplifted, a new solar project is being considered, and more.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – November 6, 2018

There are citizen complaints about the new flashing lights on Western Avenue near Cedar Street, and the Brattleboro Selectboard will hear them at their next regular meeting.

The Town has complaints, too, against a property owner on Oak Street. The Town Arts Committee has concerns about the bookshelf mural in Harmony Lot, the FY20 budget overview will be presented, and a solar array might be coming to a parking garage near you.

You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.