Selectboard Meeting Notes – Much Nothing About Ado

selectboard july 5, 2022

It was a really long Brattleboro Selectboard meeting with not much getting done! They heard about downtown safety issues, but took no action. They approved a mural design they couldn’t see. There will be more places to buy liquor. The preferred bridge design was selected. And then it was 10:30 pm with discussions of a woman right to choose and EMT issues, among other things, still awaiting ample discussion. They ended up postponing much of the agenda to a future meeting.

Brattleboro Selectboard – Agenda and Notes July 5, 2022

A packed agenda of important items awaits the Brattleboro Selectboard for their first regular meeting of July. It’s going to be a long meeting.

There will be new liquor licenses, Commonwealtth Dairy wants to nearly double its water and sewer use, rental housing fines will be set, and the board will choose a bridge design for Melrose. There will be a discussion of downtown safety and a new mural for High Street. The board will discuss a woman’s right to choose. There are emergency repairs to authorize.

The firefighters get a “recently concluded additional collective bargaining agreement,” and the Fire Chief would like the board to approve additional funds to meet requirements of becoming a paramedic-level service.

But wait, there’s more!  There will be a first reading of a new ordinance regarding wastewater allocation approvals, there will be a new contract for the Interim Town manager, a new street name will be approved, and the FY23 tax rate will be set.

Brattleboro Flooding

At 12:49p we received a report that there was a large ice jam on the Whetstone Brook near Village Drive and that water was coming into the trailer park. It was determined that an ice jam, approximately 200 yards in length, was diverting the water out of the brook. Eleven homes along Village & Edgewood Drives were evacuated. There were concerns that if the ice jam dislodged it would cause a dangerous, sudden increase in the water levels downstream and for this reason we did a precautionary evacuation of Glen St and Melrose Terrace.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Permits, Plans, and Policies

Brattleboro Selectboard

Permits, plans, and policies dominated the first regular meeting of the newly-formed Brattleboro Selectboard. 

Flood plain models and measurements were at issue for a significant portion of the meeting, with little that could be done except make a federal case of the matter. In the end, an agreement to reach an agreement with a property owner was agreeable enough to allow the board to acknowledge the project they have no say in. It was that sort of an evening.

The skatepark approaches, but has not crossed, the fundraising finish line. A revised Town Plan is nearing completion, a re-application for the Downtown Improvement District relies on the Town Plan being approved, and the Heifers have permits to go strolling again this year.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: MLK in Limbo, Skatepark Acrimony, and Melrose Not A Burden

Brattleboro’s recognition of MLK, Jr. Day remains unresolved, with the Selectboard asking for more information to compare the options of adding and swapping holidays for employees. 

The board had a long conversation about the future of the Melrose property, and specifically whether it would or could become a burden on the town. The Brattleboro Housing Authority said they didn’t want it to be a burden, but the board wanted further clarification before approving the PUD for Red Clover Commons.

The Entergy Funds committee is looking at their options, the skatepark visits nearly led to fisticuffs, town finances are preliminarily good, and the Selectboard approved goals. All this and more below.