Vote Christopher I for King

After careful consultation with my cats and a mention to my family, I hereby throw my crown in the ring to become your next King.

I will be a youthful 60 years old when I ascend the thrown, so no worries there. My joints ache a bit and I need reading glasses but I can form complete sentences on my own that have some basis in truth.

One of the first things I plan to do, loyal subjects, is to make the White House a bit more fitting for a king. It needs a moat, for example, and perhaps an audio-animatronic dragon that spits fire and allows Taylor Swift to perform inside of it.

Holiday? King Murdered by Gov. Conspiracy Blacked-out by Wall St. Owned CIA Controlled TV & Press .

One year to the day before Rev. King received a bullet to his head, bold headlines in overseas newspapers all around the world read, KING CALLS US “GREATEST PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD.” The same morning, in the United States of Wars, Wall St. owned, CIA controlled, TV and newspapers, which all defended and praised the war in Vietnam, vilified King as a traitor of his country and an embarrassment to the African-American community