Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – October 3, 2024
Concrete for two of the three remaining moment slabs was placed this week, and the last is set to be placed Friday, October 4th. This is the last structural concrete needed for the project! Concrete will still be needed for some sign bases and sidewalk work, so concrete trucks will still be using local routes to reach the construction site when needed, and from time to time their proximity to a traveled road may require alternating one lane traffic controlled by flaggers.
The crew placing the waterproof membrane on the bridge deck is completing their work this week. Paving will begin Tuesday, October 8th, with a 1” layer of Bridge Base pavement followed by the 1 ½” bridge wearing course of asphalt.
Crews continue to take advantage of the weather and strip, patch (if needed), and waterproof exposed concrete as clean-up continues. This includes stripping of overhang forms.