Guilford, Vt. – Friends of Music at Guilford (FOMAG) presents its 53rd season finale on Sunday, June 9, an annual three-part event dubbed “A Cappella à la Carte.” Set at Guilford Community Church in the Algiers village of Guilford, just over a mile south of Exit 1 off I-91, the evening includes a short meeting, a potluck dinner, and a 7:30 concert of vocal music. Each optional segment is open to the general public; admission to the concert is by donation.
Beginning at 6 p.m., the FOMAG Annual Membership Meeting is typically short and entertaining. It offers a summary of the year, a look ahead to next season, and election of the board of trustees. The meeting is open to all, and even brand-new members that evening have voting privileges. The ensuing Community Potluck starts around 6:30 or so. FOMAG provides some sandwich fixings; other entrées, appetizers, salads, side dishes, and desserts are welcome. The desserts are held aside for a post-concert reception.