Governor Scott’s 2025 Inaugural Address to Vermont

“There’s no doubt many communities, businesses, and families are struggling. But it’s not hard to see that Northwest Vermont is doing BETTER than all the others. It’s not to say this region doesn’t have challenges, but, for the most part, it’s where you see a lower percentage of kids in poverty, lower energy costs, higher median incomes, higher home values, and more new housing being built. And while we’re desperate for workers across the state, the size of the workforce in Chittenden and Franklin counties is the highest it’s been in recent history.”

Vermont Homelessness Press Release For Monday 12 23 2024

A group of current and former legislators who have worked on housing issues (former Sens. Illuzzi, Will Hunter, Jim Leddy, current Sen. Tanya Vyhovsky and Rep. Kate Logan) will hold a press event MONDAY at 10:30 at Delta Hotel, 1117 Williston Road, South Burlington to request Gov. Scott declare a state of emergency regarding the homelessness crisis and they will suggest some short-term solutions that should be promptly considered and enacted.

Attached is an introductory document to provide the theme and basis for the request for an emergency declaration, which has been done by one state and several communities across America.

Political Endorsement: Supporting Brenda Siegel for Governor

Supporting Brenda Siegel
Last Autumn (2021), when most Vermont residents were able to enjoy having a roof over their heads to stay warm and dry underneath, a comfortable bed to sleep in, nourishing daily meals to eat and proper hydration with which to attempt to stay healthy, Brenda Siegel and others were holding vigil on the steps of the State House in Montpelier on behalf of those most in need who live without such means.

For my part, I joined them there for a single evening and it wasn’t easy or fun by any means. They did so for 27 long days and nights until the governor and his reluctant administration finally relented to their demands.

Brenda Siegel of Newfane Files for 2022 Gubernatorial Race

Montpelier, VT – This morning, Brenda Siegel of Newfane filed her petitions with the Secretary of State to become the first candidate from any party to officially be in the race for Governor of Vermont. Siegel, a Democrat, is running on a platform committed to some of Vermont’s biggest issues: housing, the overdose crisis, education, and climate change. 

Said Siegel upon filing: “I’m so grateful for the opportunity to run in this race. I’ve been fighting for working Vermonters my entire life, and now, more than ever, our communities are struggling and they need us to do more. Vermont needs leaders who prioritize taking bold climate action, building a bottom-up economy, putting real resources into healing the overdose crisis, and supporting and strengthening our education system. These are not new issues and we need a Governor that is ready to lead. I’m confident that I can – and will – be that Governor.”

Vermont Governor Scott Budget Address 2021

Vermont Governor Scott gave his budget address today. Here’s the full text of his remarks, following a bit of PR from his office


“Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today delivered his fifth budget address to the General Assembly, presenting a balanced budget that, with the help of federal stimulus, includes $210 million in bold new investments to strengthen the economy, create more and better paying jobs, and address big priorities, like downtown revitalization, infrastructure, broadband and climate change. All without raising taxes or existing fees or cutting essential services.

The $6.83 billion budget lays the foundation for a strong economic recovery in all of Vermont’s 14 counties as we build back from the pandemic. This includes $123 million over two years in state capital construction, $680 million in roads, bridges, and other transportation projects, $1.99 billion in general fund spending and $1.89 billion for preK-12 education.

The Governor’s Madness, Uh, I Mean Mandates!

Vermonters are very quietly passing around on the internet various versions of how they might file a lawsuit against Governor Phil Scott for exceeding his authority with his orders and mandates, making them lose jobs, businesses, income, and warm association with family and friends.

There are various proposed legal Briefs coming to a federal court in Vermont soon:

Scott vs Zuckerman

I’m generally not critical of Governor Phil Scott, but he HAS been using his veto pen a little too much.

Governor Phil Scott’s recent vetoes :
• Global Warming Solutions Act
• Minimum wage increase
• Reduction in penalties for possession of marijuana
• 24-hour waiting period for handgun purchases
• Family and medical leave
• Systemic Racism Mitigation Oversight Act
• Regulation of toxic substances

What Does The US Flag Stand For?

What does the US flag stand for? As far as all of the values of democracy and rights values are concerned we could more be flying a Swedish or French or any number of sovereign flags that would be better representative. Values these days seem to be changing every day and becoming more and more difficult to name and provide evidence. At this point, with our very uncertain future unfolding before us, the US flag may only be representing a certain defined physical territory that our government believes it is legitimately allowed to control and defend. Our fifty states and our several colonies. (The mere fact that we still have colonies, Puerto Rico being the major, immediately throws our supposed values into question). I believe that our real values are reflected in the way we live. We may have a good selection of moral values on paper but they only apply to those who have the money or other means to access them. It was set up this way from the very beginning (using our constitutional convention in 1788 as the beginning) when access to rights, security, comfort was tied to citizenship and private property of which wealth alone is a major part. From day one money and power swamped democracy.

Vermont Governor and Attorney General Statements on Protests

“Protests have been an important part of our democracy, driving change throughout our history. The peaceful protests we’ve seen in Vermont are an important outlet for our communities to express their sadness, anger and frustrations, and to call for change. This is a critical moment in our history, and it is our responsibility, as public servants, to listen and allow for these protests to safely continue. I thank Vermonters for their commitment to protecting each other, both through the change we are trying to seek and how we are seeking it.” – Governor Phil Scott

VT Governor Scott Extends State of Emergency; Updates Orders

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today signed Addendum 14, a Be Smart, Stay Safe order to extend the State of Emergency to June 15 and update previous emergency orders to reflect re-openings and eased restrictions announced in recent weeks.

State data and modeling indicate the spread of COVID-19 continues to slow and Vermont now has one of the lowest 3-day and 7-day growth rates in the country. The Governor and Department of Health Commissioner Mark Levine, MD, however, continue to caution that the state must also consider neighboring states where the virus is much more prevalent and outbreaks are still occurring.

“Vermonters have stepped up in a time of crisis, following guidance from the beginning to quickly slow the spread and keep our health care system from being overwhelmed. These efforts have saved hundreds and hundreds of lives and given us time to build the testing and tracing capacity we need to contain future outbreaks,” said Governor Scott. “The important thing to remember is that the smarter we are about our individual actions, and the more disciplined everyone can be during each step forward, the more steps we’ll be able to take to safely restart Vermont.”

Governor’s Executive Order: Declaration of State of Emergency in Response to COVID-19 and National Guard Call-Out

From the Governor’s office:

“WHEREAS, since December 2019, Vermont has been working in close collaboration with the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and with the United States Health and Human Services Agency to monitor and plan for the potential for an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19), in the United States; and

WHEREAS, this rapidly evolving global situation required the Governor to direct the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) to activate the Health Operations Center in February 2020 when VDH began to monitor and later, test Vermonters who may have been exposed to COVID-19; and

Special Meeting Brattleboro Selectboard with Governor Phil Scott and Members of the Cabinet

Everyone is welcome to join Governor Phil Scott, members of the Cabinet, and the Brattleboro Selectboard, from 10:30 – 11:30 am on Tuesday, Oct. 23, for a special meeting in the Community Meeting Room at Brooks Memorial Library. Discussion topics will include (but might not be limited to):

Summary of Current Projects and Events in Brattleboro
Thank You for State Partnership and Support
Opportunities for Additional Shared Successes
Regional Economic Hubs
Transportation Matters
Matters of Social Equity and Public Safety

Unofficial Brattleboro Primary Results

Good evening,

Please see the attached for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro Primary Elections. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the State races.

Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor Citizens’ Breakfast

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast
Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor

That all power being originally inherent in and co[n]sequently derived from the people, therefore, all officers of government, whether legislative or executive, are their trustees and servants; and at all times, in a legal way, accountable to them. ~ Constitution of the State of Vermont ~ Ch I, Art 6

Brenda Siegel to Win Democratic Primary

I predict, based on Gematria, that Brenda Siegel will win the August 14th Democratic primary for Governor.

Siegel=39 in English Reduction (s exception). Governor=39 in Reverse Reduction. Siegel’s slogan is “A Vermont for all of us”=233 in English Ordinal. 233 is the 51st prime number. Governor=51 in English Reduction.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast ~ Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor

It all started when a supporter recently asked that a “candidate [running in the Democratic primary for Governor]… speak at the Brattleboro Senior Center. . . . [and added] …. I understand for equity all candidates must receive the same invitation”

All of the candidates in the Democratic Primary for Governor:
James Ehlers, Christine Hallquist, Brenda Siegel and Ethan Sonneborn have agreed to attend a Candidates’ Forum at the Gibson-Aiken Center, Senior Meals, on Friday, July 6th at 8:00am (as always, “doors open” at 7:30am for informal networking).

Save the Date(s)! Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast & Energy Resource Fair

It all started when a supporter recently asked that a “candidate [running in the Democratic primary for Governor]… speak at the Brattleboro Senior Center. . . . [and added] …. I understand for equity all candidates must receive the same invitation”

As of this writing, James Ehlers, Christine Hallquist, Brenda Siegel and Ethan Sonneborn * have all agreed to attend a Candidates’ Forum at the Gibson-Aiken Center, Senior Meals, on Friday, July 6th at 8:00am (as always, “doors open” at 7:30am for informal networking).