Julie Moir Messervy on “Here We Are”

Think Spring and Gardens!  JULIE MESSERVY is known world-wide as a stellar innovator in landscape design. She collaborated with Yo-Yo Ma for a public garden in Toronto. Julie also won the 2024 Vermont Woman-owned Business of the Year Award. Check out this show – her presence is dynamic and inspiring!

Gordon Hayward on “Here We Are”

A premiere garden designer, Gordon’s books and writings on horticulture illuminate and inspire, while his own gardens, which he’s created with his wife Mary, are jewels of elegant beauty and delight.

Gordon Hayward Talks About Art & the Gardener at Next Stage Arts on 1/29 at 4pm

Gordon Hayward will give an illustrated talk for just over an hour on the design elements shared by the painter and garden designer. This talk comes out of Hayward’s 2008 book Art and the Gardener (Gibbs Smith). Admission is by donation, and all proceeds will directly benefit Next Stage Arts and Sandglass Theater. Tickets may be purchased at nextstagearts.org or at the box office on the day of the event.

Juxtaposing an image on the large screen of a fine painting (Van Gogh, Monet, Magritte, Derain, Renoir, Klimt, Rousseau….) next to a garden image, Hayward will explore a variety of elements of composition: straight lines vs. curved lines in paintings as well as paths and planted beds; the itinerary of the eye; positive and negative space (as in the positive space of planted beds and the negative space of adjacent lawn); color, light and shadow, the role of background, placing easels to paint as being akin to placing garden chairs to sit.