Brattleboro Fire Department Named 2018 First Responder Service of the Year

The Brattleboro Fire Department is proud to announce that we have been named the recipient of the 2018 First Responder Service of the Year Award by the Vermont Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services.

The criteria for this award reads; “This award is intended to recognize Vermont based and licensed EMS organizations for their excellence in operations and service to their communities.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Town Plan Adopted, Fire Truck Financed, Meters Put On Pause

Brattleboro’s Town Plan revision was adopted by the Brattleboro Selectboard at Tuesday’s meeting. It was one of many items in a packed agenda that included financing of the new fire truck, preliminary design work on a possible police carport, and likely train station improvements.

The usually dull Parking Fund overview was spiced up by a request for a comprehensive look at the parking system, with public discussions, prior to approving any capital improvements. The FY19 Solid Waste Budget was introduced, finances were discussed, goals were adopted, and we learned that Brattleboro has a new Indian restaurant.

Finally, Brattleboro’s two confidential employees received a 2% raise, along with other non-union positions.

Fire Department Report – 44 Fuller Drive

Michael Bucossi,     Fire Chief  

Leonard Howard III, Assistant Chief

Date: April 10, 2018 Nature of call: Structure Fire

Address: 44 Fuller Drive Time of Call: 11:14am

Type of Building: 2 story wood frame/ single family Number of Residents: 3

Nature of Alarms and Times: 2nd alarm at 11:19am Under Control: 11:42am

South Main Street Fire Press Release

Date: March 22, 2018 Nature of call: Building fire

Address: 55 South Main St Time of Call: 11:33am

Type of Building: 2 ½ story Multi Family w/attached 2 story barn

Number of Alarms and Times: 2nd alarm @ 11:36am Under Control: 11:55am

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Signs, & Climate

Brattleboro’s Town Manager revealed the results of his summer explorations of issues of diversity, inclusion, and equity. He got generally good reviews for the summary of his report, but more than a few requested some additional specifics be included. Brattleboro seems to be in a good position to make progress over the long term, but benchmarks and budgets might help.

The pesky panhandling sign returned in a semi-uncertain form, with wording in question and sponsoring organizations and services asking for their logos to be removed. The private effort was to be a collaboration, but appears to have offended a few too many.

The board also signed a statement in support of other climate agreements being signed around the globe.  (For Kate O’Connor’s sake, I’ll say here that Brattleboro has been working on climate issues for a long time, is committed to action, and will continue to be so.)

All this, and possibly more.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Diversity Discussion and Emergency Repairs

The Brattleboro Selectboard held an extensive discussion of diversity, both in Town hiring practices and the community at large. It was a start and step toward something probably positive, though the goals and steps to get there remain to be more fully developed.

Emergency repairs at the pool and the Harris parking lot were the other big items on the agenda, but the long diversity discussion made for quick summaries of these and other smaller matters due to a late hour.