Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 19, 2021

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be approving a range of new contracts for police officers, firefighters, and other unionized employees at their next regular meeting. 

Union Station will be handed over to the BMAC, the board will hear a sustainability update, they’ll review their goals, Selectboard meetings will be moved to Central Fire Station, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participations.

Elliot Street Fire – Press Release

Fire between 42 & 50 Elliot St – 05/23/2020 – At 10:26p Central Dispatch received a call reporting a fire between 42 & 50 Elliot St. A 1st alarm assignment consisting of Engine 2, Engine 4 and Ladder 1 responded and upon arrival reported smoke showing from the alley between the two buildings and a possible basement fire. Investigating further a fire was discovered in a wooden roof that covered the stairwell that goes down between 42 & 50 Elliot St with some extension into the basement of 42 Elliot. 

At 10:36p the shift captain ordered a 2nd alarm be struck, recalling all Brattleboro Firefighters and bringing all Brattleboro apparatus to the scene. An attack line was stretched down the stairwell and the fire in the roof was quickly extinguished. Entry was forced into the basement of 42 Elliot from the stairwell and a fire around a boarded-up window frame was extinguished. No further extension into the building was found.

Brattleboro Fire Department – Be Careful With Home Oxygen

On Tuesday, December 3 at 8:45am the Brattleboro Fire Department and Rescue Inc responded to a West Brattleboro address for a subject that was burned. Upon arrival it was learned that the 55 year old patient was burned while vaping while he was on home oxygen. A flash fire occurred around the face area of the subject and he received burns to his mouth and nose area. He was transported to Brattleboro Memorial Hospital by Rescue Inc for further evaluation and treatment.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Opioid Lawsuit Hokey-Pokey, Plus FY21 Police and Fire Budgets

brattleboro selectboard nov 26, 2019

At their special meeting this week, the Brattleboro Selectboard decided to reverse a decision they made just last week and instead remain IN a second, national opioid lawsuit. A lawyer told them opting out wouldn’t be so smart.

Health and safety issues at local apartments, an effort to reduce the speed limit in West Brattleboro along Route 9, and discussions of the FY21 Police and Fire budgets rounded out the special meeting.

Brattleboro Sub Station Fire Press Release

At 10:25am Engine 2 & Utility 8 responded to the Power Sub Station just south of the Veterans’ Bridge for a reported transformer fire. Upon arrival they had a significant fire in a large power vault and transformer. An attack line was stretched to the area but the decision was made to let the fire burn due to high voltage electric equipment. Green Mountain Power arrived on the scene shortly after the arrival of the 1st fire apparatus and got the power killed to the sight and the fire burned out approximately 15 minutes after that.

Western Avenue Fire – Press Release

At 7:38am Central Dispatch received a call reporting smoke in the building at 929 Western Ave. A 1stalarm assignment consisting of Eng 2, Eng 4, Ladder 1 and Car 1 & 2 responded. At 7:41am Eng 4 reported there had been a fire in the bathroom of Apt 202 which was out, and they had a burn victim and requested an ambulance.

Town of Brattleboro Finance Director and Treasurer John O’Connor To Retire

Town of Brattleboro Finance Director and Treasurer John O’Connor has announced his intention to retire in October. 

O’Connor has been the Town’s Finance Director and Treasurer since July 7, 2011. During his tenure, the Town has received 7 years of “clean” audited financial reports with no findings requiring corrective action. In addition to that stellar record of financial reporting, O’Connor successfully managed $32.5 million in bond funds from a variety of sources for the wastewater treatment plant upgrade project; $13 million of bond funds for the Police Fire Facilities construction project; and millions of dollars more in Federal, State, and private grants for a wide variety of Town programs and projects, including $1.6 million in FEMA grant money for 39 separate recovery projects after Tropical Storm Irene. 

Shore Road Building Fire

At 5:05am Central Dispatch received a call for a building fire at 25 Shore Dr. Engine 2 and Ladder 1 out of Central Station and Engine 4 out of Station 2 responded on a 1stalarm. Upon arrival at 5:13am Engine 2 reported heavy fire showing from the front of the building and ordered a 2ndalarm be struck, recalling all off duty Brattleboro Firefighters and bringing all Brattleboro apparatus to the scene. Engine 4 laid a supply line to Engine 2 from a hydrant on Eaton Ave and Engine 2 crew stretched a 2 ½” attack line, knocked down a big volume of fire from the outside, the advanced an attack line to the interior of the house. Information was quickly gathered that all of the occupants were out of the house and uninjured. Extinguishment of the fire continued by the interior crew and as more help arrived additional attack lines were stretched to help with fire attack. The fire was declared under control at 7:18am.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting 2019

Representative Town Meeting 2019

Brattleboro Representatives are holding their Representative Town Meeting. The crowd is slowly gathering at the gym, where those elected will be talking town and school business for most of the day. Will they approve an extra 1% local option tax? Will there be surprises, twists, and turns? We will find out.

The Town portion of business  comes first, and there are a number of preliminary formalities to endure before actual business begins.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 8, 2019

Dozer the (Maybe) Dangerous Dog will be one of the first things the Brattleboro Selectboard takes up in the New Year, unless an agreement is reached prior to Tuesday’s meeting. The Police Chief plans to bring additional witnesses and evidence.

The board will also take up other big issues, such as remaining work on the Police-Fire Facilities project, the FY20 budget, changes to parking, and a Municipal Self Governance Proposal from the Vermont league of Cities and Towns. You may continue to bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation in 2019, as in past years.

Frost Place Fire Press Release

Date:12/01/18 Nature of call: Building Fire

Address: 58 / 60 Frost Place Time of Call: 12:55p

Type of Building: 2 ½ story duplex Number of Residents: 2

Number of Alarms and Times: 1stalarm @ 12:55p – 2ndalarm @ 1:03p

Under Control: 1:45p Injuries: No

The Brattleboro Budget Process and You

The Brattleboro Selectboard officially kicked off FY20 budget season at a meeting Tuesday night, in which they learned about the Police and Fire departments and where the Town expects to find revenue to pay for the budget.

It’s nice that the Selectboard reviews these matters, but this is really about you — the Brattleboro resident or visitor.

11 Pleasant Street – Carbon Monoxide Poisonings – Press Release

At 12 midnight Engine 2 and Utility 8 responded to 11 Pleasant Street for a Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm activation.

Upon arrival firefighters were met outside by a tenant who reported the carbon monoxide detector in the basement was going off. Firefighters entered the basement to find the CO detector was sounding, and the gas meter firefighters were carrying with them registered elevated levels of CO. There was also a light haze in the basement, this being caused by a malfunctioning boiler.

Small Fire at Groundworks Shelter Causes Relocation to Winter Shelter Dormitory

BRATTLEBORO –  Just before noon on Monday, September 10th, a small fire broke out in a clothes dryer at Groundworks Shelter (formerly Morningside Shelter) on Royal Road in Brattleboro. No one was hurt, but the fire resulted in extensive smoke damage to the Shelter.  

Staff mobilized quickly and have temporarily relocated residents of the Shelter to the dormitory that is used for the winter warming shelter – on the Winston Prouty (formerly Austine School) campus. There is potential that the relocation will last for up to two weeks while thorough cleaning of Groundworks Shelter occurs.