Selectboard Special Meeting Notes – Human Services Advisory Poll On Ballot

brattleboro selectboard title card

Chair Daniel Quipp was under the weather, so the remaining four members of the Brattleboro Selectboard boldy went forth approving the warnings for the Annual Town Meeting and the Representative Town Meeting.

The biggest news is that there will be an advisory poll on the ballot when voters go to elect representatives and weigh in on articles, asking what percentage of future town budgets should be spent on human services. There will be five options, ranging from zero to over 2%.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center (230 Main Street, Room 212) and over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  ASL interpreters will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members. The backup materials for this meeting will be available on the town Website by the end of today.

Brattleboro Area Tech Meeting to Explore Ethics in a Growing Digital Economy

Computers, mobile phones, artificial intelligence and communication networks provide many benefits, but they have also raised social and ethical concerns, from Facebook and Cambridge Analytica to the growing impact of automation on people’s jobs and lives.

Ethics and technology is the topic of discussion at the next Brattleboro Area Tech meeting to be held on Thursday, June 14 at 6:00 pm in the Hooker Dunham building at 139 Main Street in Brattleboro. The discussion will be led by Karina Assiter, a professor of computer science at Landmark College.