Do Voters Voting as a Group Support Democracy?

The Planet Hank Live Show streamed live on January 16, 2025 and is available on YouTube

Starting around 33 minutes, there is a section which I would like to point out. Here is the text, courtesy of the YouTube generated transcript:

Mid-Term Elections May Determine Our Future

Primary elections are taking place throughout the country in the lead-up to the November mid-term elections. Predicting the outcome of elections is one of the more useless and inaccurate activities that pundits and the media engage in. Yet, they all continue and then offer hindsight analysis after the ballots are counted.

November’s election has the potential to feed the beast of change this country is on toward right wing control of the courts, the environment and women’s bodies. The recent decisions by the Supreme Court may portend the world to come if the House and Senate majorities change to Republican.

Absentee Ballot Requests are Open!


While ballots won’t be ready until mid-February, you can start requesting your absentee ballots NOW and they will be mailed to you as soon as they’re available! It’s super simple. You can request your ballot/s online –

Be Prepared to Vote!


Town Meeting Day and Windham Southeast School District elections are coming up on
Tuesday, March 2, 2021.

Your vote is your voice! Use it!

Criminally Responsible Americans Vote for Commander of Their Worldwide Genocidal Killing Machine

Good people of the 3rd World should not let themselves be taken in by worldwide satellite beamed CIA-fed media prattling on continuously about American democracy during ongoing presidential elections. Sadly, Americans are duped into participating in elections that back crimes against humanity ordered by the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy which militarily and financially plunders 3rd World humanity.

VT AFL-CIO Back Emilie Kornheiser and Mollie Burke For State Rep – Endorse Progressive Slate

9/4/20, Montpelier, Vermont – The Executive Board of the Vermont AFL-CIO, representing 10,000 Union members across the Green Mountain State, have unanimously voted to recommend the entire Progressive Party slate for the 2020 VT House & Senate elections. This unprecedented General Election move highlights an emerging solidarity and coordination between the Vermont AFL-CIO and the Vermont Progressive Party on the Vermont Left.

Vermont AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen States: “As we continue to struggle through the pandemic, the continuing economic crisis, systemic racism, attacks on the working class, and a rise of neo-fascism on the national stage, it is clear that politics-as-usual is insufficient in addressing the dire challenges that we are facing. We cannot mitigate a new economic depression through more austerity and cuts. Rather we must seek bold systemic solutions both to racism and economic hardships. The Vermont Progressive Party has time and again been a reliable ally in this fight. We know that with a strong Progressive presence in the Vermont General Assembly, with Progressive David Zuckerman as our next Governor, we will be well-positioned to implement a Union-led Green New Deal. The Progressives have stood by us on Card Check and on every issue we have given priority to in 2019-2020. In turn, we know our 10,000 Union members are ready to stand with the Vermont Progressive Party. Together we can and must build a movement capable of delivering a Vermont whereby the needs of working people come first.”

Voting in the Vermont State Primary?

Return your ballots now! Be sure your vote is counted!

The safest practice is to either bring ballots to the collection box in the Municipal Building parking lot or to bring them in person to the American Legion by 7:00 on Tuesday, August 11.

Stay safe!

Just Say “No” to a Mayor in Brattleboro

On Election Day in March, Brattleboro voters will have the opportunity to tell the Selectboard to consider replacing the five-member Selectboard with one mayor.

The complete wording of the article which will appear on the ballot: “Shall the voters of the Town of Brattleboro advise the Select Board to amend the Brattleboro Town Charter to replace the Select Board form of governance with that of a mayoral form of governance?”

I encourage voters to reject this proposal for a number of reasons.

Either Way They Vote Americans Remain Suckered Into Being a Worldwide Genocidal Killing Machine

Americans being suckered into focusing on voting for one of the two parties of the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy, US CIA controlled media informs of Yemeni children dying from bombs & starvation knowing its captive audience will not turn against the American killing machine. Once USA-EU loses hegemony, the many nations that have seen their children murdered by USA and European empires will demand justice.

Request Attorney General Opinion From TJ Donovan, Vermont Attorney General, Please!

Vermont has a reputation as a “rogue state” and a lot of people love that reputation. Vermont also has a reputation for being Bernie Sanders Socialist Republic of Vermont, and a lot of people love that reputation. Do we really need a third reputation as a state that exploits children to advance the anti-gun agenda and other political issues possibly being drilled into the little head of the minor boy child candidate Ethan Sonneborn, age about 13 or 14; political issues preached to him possibly by his mother who may be a wanna-be stage Mom like so many mothers in Hollywood, California who will do almost anything, or anything, to get their kid on t.v.; or maybe lobbyists are wining and dining little minor boy child Ethan Sonneborn’s Momma and coaching her on how to fill his head up with political issues on their agenda.