Brattleboro Democracy Forum at the Brooks Library

Drug-running has been fundamental to CIA operations, strategy and funding throughout its history. The US Senate Kerry Committee Report of 1989 detailed CIA drug-running through the 1980s to fund terrorist wars in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. Professor Alfred McCoy, University of Wisconsin, and Professor Peter Dale Scott, Emeritus University of California, have written extensive histories of CIA drug-running from its inception in 1947 to the present. The facts are known and so little regarded. This presentation will review CIA drug operations to ponder why the facts matter and are simultaneously ignored.

Excerpt from The Hidden History of the Planet Earth

This is an edited excerpt from The Hidden History of the Planet Earth by Robert Morning Sky.

Morning Sky describes President Eisenhower meeting in 1954 with an emissary from another planet named “KRLL”.

The grey Being is nearly six feet tall. His head is an oddity; it is very large and possesses two large black eyes that dominate his face. His nose is large; his mouth, ears and chin disproportionately small.