Brattleboro Town School Budget & Chair Resignation

To Brattleboro Town Meeting Reps & those who have expressed a special concern about education:

I write to officially inform you all that I am resigning my position on the board, effective immediately.

My primary concern is—as always—our students’ education.  I have grave concerns about the actions taken at last week’s attempt at the transitional board meeting.  I do not see how it is possible to serve our students, and to continue to be in full compliance with the law.

Update on Brattleboro Town School Board Budget, Act 46, Concerns About Delays

Greetings, Brattleboro! My name is Jill Stahl Tyler, and while I am the chair of the Brattleboro Town School Board, I send this information out personally.  It’s a broad update on the status of our budget/Act 46/delays in moving forward.

Our Brattleboro Town School Board has always tried to “prepare for every eventuality” while going through almost four years of Act 46 discussion.  In the hopes that you will feel more informed about the process, I have gathered this information.  Feel free to share widely!