Selectboard Candidate Interview – Cristina ShayOnye

Cristina ShayOnye

Cristina ShayOnye is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Tell us a bit about yourself. Who are you and why are you running for a one year seat?

I live right outside of Downtown Brattleboro with my two young children and Partner.  We both work and struggle to make ends meet but are dedicated to providing affordable essential services to our community.  My partner is an auto mechanic and I provide childcare, work as an assistant slate roof repairman, and mason’s helper.  I also co-run The Vermont Village School which is a multi-generational village of families and individuals that come together to meet one another’s needs and learn together.  On March 17th we will be starting a Civics Class at Brooks Memorial Library every Monday morning from 10-11am for the Spring season.  All ages are welcome to come and learn how to “citizen”.  

Most importantly, I am a Town Government nerd.  I see how important the decisions made by our Selectboard are to all those who live, work, or visit Brattleboro.  I was raised in a big city and am inspired by how accessible our local government is here in this small town.  I chose to run for a 1 year seat because I support Oscar Heller and did not run against him.. AND because I do not feel represented by the two incumbents running to extend their term on the board.