Vermont COVID-19 Cases – May 2020

We’ll continue our daily dashboard number roundup, with numbers from the Vermont Department of Health and Brattleboro Memorial Hospital with looks at nearby counties in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

You can find the April dashboard reporting here.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – April 29, 2020, 4:30pm 


On Monday, May 4, all Town offices will resume daily on-site office functions, in accordance with the following: 
The exterior entrances to all Town facilities will remain locked at all times. 
Signs will be posted at all exterior entrances clearly indicating that no one may enter the building if they have any symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath). 
There will be only 1 employee in each office at any one time, except when more than one employee is necessary to complete a required task. 
Employees who are not in the office will continue to work from home in the same manner as they have been during the full closure of Town offices since March 27. 
The public is requested to continue to do as much Town business as possible remotely (by email, internet, phone, or mail). Please note that this includes the payment of property taxes and utility bills. Those can be paid by mail or online. By Monday, they will also be able to be paid by dropping an envelope containing your check (no cash) into a locked black drop box that will be attached to the large wooden light pole in the parking lot behind the Municipal Center. 

Governor Scott Announces Additional Openings of Phased Restart

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today outlined some additional openings as part of the phased restart of Vermont’s economy, introduced last week.

The Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order remains in effect, but with modeling continuing to indicate Vermonters are significantly slowing the spread of the virus, the Administration is taking a cautious, incremental and evidence-based approach to putting Vermonters back to work.

Governor Scott has emphasized the need for continued – and even expanded – vigilance as the state implements its restart strategy, saying: “Restarting the economy requires each of us to take a lot of personal responsibility. Each and every one of us has to do our part to help prevent the spread and protect the vulnerable by adhering to all of the social distancing and public health guidance.”

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – April 24, 2020, 12:30pm 

• After weeks of intense activity to set up and refine remote operations, the past 10 days or so have been characterized by the steady maintenance of the status quo during the deepest part of the “Stay Home – Stay Safe” restrictions. We are now seeing the very slight re-opening of some activities in society (what Governor Scott has called “re-opening the spigot a quarter turn at a time”) and we are planning for how to slowly, methodically, and safely reopen Town facilities and resume in-person Town services. Daily updates next week and beyond will include detailed information about the steps we will take “a quarter turn at a time” to ramp back up to something resembling normal operations. In the meantime, we thank everyone for your patience and your adherence to the social distancing restrictions that are frustrating for all of us but also are essential to our individual and collective well-being. Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay well. 

Vermont Arts Council and Vermont Humanities COVID-19 Relief

MONTPELIER, VT—Arts and humanities organizations in Vermont facing hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for emergency relief funding through a new partnership between the Vermont Arts Council and Vermont Humanities.

The new COVID-19 Cultural Relief Grant Program is seeded with more than $700,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020.

Grant awards are based on organization size:

Annual operating budgets of up to $200,000: $5,000.
Annual operating budgets between $200,000 and $750,000: $7,500
Annual operating budget larger than $750,000: $10,000

Governor Scott Issues New Guidelines For Limited Back-To-Work

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today outlined an approach for the phased restart of Vermont’s economy, emphasizing the state’s modeling indicates initial steps can be taken while the Stay Home, Stay Safe order remains in effect.

To begin to execute this strategy, Governor Scott today signed an addendum to Executive Order 01-20, which – in order to start getting more Vermonters back to work – institutes new health and safety requirements and encourages the public to wear cloth face coverings.

It also directs the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) to issue guidance authorizing outdoor businesses and construction operations with crews of two or less and some single-person low contact professional services, such as appraisers, attorneys, realtors and others, to operate if specified safety requirements can be met. These openings are effective April 20.

Right Wing Attacks On Our Post Offices – Trump Bails Out Corporations – Seeks To Let Postal Service Fail

COVID-19 has brought on an economic crisis not seen in the US since the Great Depression. And as with all historic financial disasters, it is far from inevitable that the working class-left will emerge from the chaos with a progressive agenda moving forward. Another competing force is the far right. Such reactionaries will use the crisis to seek to implement privatizations, cuts to social services, elimination of environmental regulations, and even more tax cuts for the rich. There will also be those on the extreme right who will use the crisis to argue for a neo-fascist re-ordering of society.

We, the Labor Movement, must recognize the opportunities and dangers the crisis presents. We must also be sober in our analysis that the future is unwritten, and the outcome undecided. And here, we shall only emerge as the victors and we shall only have the ability to move a progressive program forward if we are able to build the power required to overcome the other. And right now, the battle over the United States Postal Service is the front that has been opened by the Trump Administration, and therefore constitutes one of the major fights we must engage in.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – April 16, 2020, 12:35pm 


• Depending upon how the months ahead unfold regarding resumption of normal social interaction, the August primary election and November General election might rely more heavily on absentee ballot voting or other processes. In preparation for those elections, it is important for all voter rolls to be up to date. All voters are encouraged to visit their “My Voter Page” to confirm or update their voter registration address, including both their physical and mailing addresses. The My Voter Page is now found at If you encounter problems logging into your My Voter Page, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 802-251-8157 for assistance. People who are not yet registered to vote can register online at 

Putting Workers First: Organizing the Pandemic – The Working Class Must Fight For A Union Based New Deal

On Wednesday, April 15th, 2020, Champlain Valley Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) hosted a Zoom panel discussion with organizers from several labor and social justice groups in Vermont and around the U.S. Panelists discussed the pandemic-related challenges they are facing in their communities and workplaces and, most importantly, how they are seeking to overcome these challenges and advance bold left demands for workers’ rights and economic and social justice [and a Union based Green New Deal].

Following the panel discussion, DSA opened up the floor to questions from participants. The goal of the call was to strategize ways to coordinate our work more closely, develop shared demands and provide concrete ways for people to tap into these current campaigns and actions.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – April 14, 2020, 12:45pm 

• The semi-annual flushing of water mains will be completed April 23 through May 11. This is essential maintenance activity to ensure the continued safety of the Town’s drinking water. Toi view the complete street-by-street schedule for this Spring 2020 water main flushing, please see the “News” section on the right side of the homepage on the Town’s website. 

• The Police Department is waiving alarm fees until further notice. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – April 13, 2020, 12:20pm 


• Census Reminder: If you have not completed your census form yet, now is a great time. You can complete it without leaving home or coming into contact with any other person. There are three simple ways to complete the Census form: 

1. Online: Go to Can’t find your 12-digit code that you received in the mail? No problem. Just follow the instructions and you will still be able to complete the questionnaire on-line. 

Town of Brattleboro  COVID-19 Response Status – April 10, 2020, 12:10pm 


• Governor Scott has extended his “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order through Friday, May 15. 

• In announcing this extension, Governor Scott and other senior State officials stressed that staying home and practicing social distancing is working in Vermont, these sacrifices are “flattening the curve” of COVID-19 infections, and that it is essential for everyone to continue to adhere to the restrictions on social contact to keep the curve flat enough so that Vermont hospitals will continue to have sufficient capacity to handle all of Vermont’s COVID-19 cases. 

• Brattleboro’s Fire Department and Police Department are conducting additional COVID-19 screenings of employees to protect the workplace as much as possible from exposure to the virus. 

Friday Night Videos – COVID-19 Edition

Here are a few videos you might find useful. One is a good demonstration of washing hands. Paint is substituted for soap so you can watch how to best get it in all the right spots. Another is on exponential growth, which uses the virus as a jumping off point for a short math lesson. Our third video is a short visual explanation of how social distancing works to keep the number of cases down low enough so that hospitals don’t overflow. Our final video helps you determine the day of the week.

Release of the Southeastern Vermont COVID-19 Resources for Individuals Guide

During this uncertain time of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be very confusing to know where to go locally to learn about resources that can be useful. A new COVID-19 resource guide, aimed at individuals living in southeastern Vermont, is now available. This resource list is a compilation of currently known programs and activities relevant to people living in southeastern Vermont.  The resource can be found on the Windham Regional Commission’s website by visiting  If you are in immediate need of assistance, call Vermont’s resource line by dialing 2-1-1 about help and resources.