Representative Town Meeting Candidates – Introduce Yourself!

Hey, candidates for the 2025 Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting. There are a lot of you this year. It is exciting. People want to know who you are and what distinguishes you from the others running. We’ve gotten emails asking for information about you.

You are, as always, invited to use this site to announce your candidacy and to introduce yourselves. It could be close, and every vote is important.

The Other Presidential Candidates

November election ballots arrived in the mail and there are some candidates that are lesser known. I know many of you are going to vote for one of the two major party candidates, but it doesn’t hurt to see what those other folks would like to do.  Here’s your guide to the other names and parties on the ballot, and issues they care about.

Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia, Socialism & Liberation

“End Capitalism before it ends us. We will end the rule of the billionaires once and for all” is the big message of the “Vote Socialist” campaign site homepage.  Their plan:

WSESD Board – Candidates for Vacant Brattleboro Seat

The Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board has received letters of interest from seven candidates for the vacant seat on the Board. Any individual appointed to the open seat on the WSESD Board must be a resident of Brattleboro and will complete the remaining term of the open seat, which is through March 2024, when they will be eligible to run for election to the WSESD Board.

The seven candidates from Brattleboro are:

Brattleboro School Board Candidate Interview – Rikki Risatti

Rikki Risatti is running for a one year seat on the school board.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running for the school board?

I hope time with school administration may enable more respect of students, guardians, and residents practicing self-governance and nourishing quality food access together.

Why not secure alternative funding for learning (like food, tutoring, college exams, internet) so we don’t ask for invasive income verification?

Why not pay and accredit students to host the candidate election debate forums and post the timer on the screen for all to see?

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Peter Case

Peter “Fish” Case is running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

My name is Peter “Fish” Case and I’m running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.  I’m running because… I want to.  Serving the town and people of Brattleboro is nothing new to me it’s something I’ve done for the entire time I’ve lived here (30 plus years) and I would welcome the opportunity to do it as the select board level.

Brattleboro School Board Candidate Interview – Robin Morgan

Robin Morgan is running for the Brattleboro one year seat on the school board.

Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running for the school board?

I am a musician and music teacher and I am also engaged in the joyful and challenging work of raising three kids, all of whom attend WSESD schools. I served on the Brattleboro Town School board from 2017 until it was dissolved in 2019. I believe that schools where all students can become fulfilled, engaged learners and critical thinkers are an important part of making this world a better and more just place. I want to make sure teachers and students all have the support and opportunities they need to meet those goals. In this particular moment I also want to be a part of helping the district navigate some difficult issues such as the sexual abuse investigation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Jessica Gelter

Jessica Gelter

Jessica Gelter is an incumbant running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

I’m Jessica Gelter, a theater artist, nonprofit executive, and mother. I have served the last two years on the Brattleboro Selectboard, after serving 4 years on the Town Planning Commission. I am running again because I don’t like to leave things unfinished and our Selectboard has many important conversations underway: Determining the future of EMS services in town, setting up our new Town Manager for success, and engaging the community to develop safety solutions including funding projects with the Community Safety Fund. Beyond the work that has already begun, I intend to work with the new Town Manager to create a long-term facilities maintenance and investment plan so that Brattleboro’s infrastructure is properly cared for and improved in the most fiscally responsible manner.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Franz Reichsman

Franz Reichsman, circa 2023

Franz Reichsman is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

Hello, iBrattleboro. I first came to Brattleboro in 1970 when I was 20 years old. My life trajectory developed in such a way that after medical school and residency in Brooklyn I was able to move here permanently in 1986. I bought my house on Chestnut Street (the old Sauer’s Market) in 1987 and I have lived here since then. I was an emergency room doctor for 30 years, including 28 years at Cheshire Medical Center in Keene. For seven of those years I was the medical director for all ambulance services and rescue squads in the 23 towns of Cheshire County.

I’ve been interested in politics since I was young. At age 14 I made a cardboard sign reading “Young Citizens for Johnson-Humphrey” and stood alongside it in front of a local candy store. I collected $2.41 which I sent to Lyndon Johnson’s election campaign. (Nonetheless I do not claim full credit for his landslide victory that year.) Unhappily, a year later I was protesting against the war in Viet Nam.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Elizabeth McLoughlin

Elizabeth McLoughlin is an incumbent running for a three year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running again this year for a 3 year seat?

Elizabeth “Liz” McLoughlin. I am running for reelection to the Selectboard. I have been on the Selectboard for the past 4 years. 

I moved to Brattleboro fifteen years ago, after visiting family here for over twenty years. I am a wife, mother and a new grandmother. One of our daughters attended BUHS, and the other was a substitute teacher here. My husband and I each own a small business. Brattleboro is a great place to live and work and I see my Selectboard service as a way to give back and support our beloved Town. We have a vibrant arts culture and an exceptional park and recreation program. We are welcoming to all, our community includes people from across the country and the world, as well as families who have been here for generations. We are a vibrant New England town.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Spoon Agave

spoon agave

Spoon Agave is running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a 1 year seat?

During my 34 years living in Brattleboro I have served on almost every major Board, Committee and Commission including Selectboard, School Board, Planning Commission, Development Review Board, Traffic and Safety Committee, the Town Finance Committee, and most importantly the last Charter Revision Commission where I studied diligently and in great depth the structure of municipal government and its relationship and embodiment within a democracy. I chaired several of these groups including Charter Revision. I have been a Town Meeting Representative for nearly 25 years. 

Brattleboro School Board Candidate Interview – Jaci Reynolds

Jaci Reynolds is running for a 3 year Brattleboro seat on the School Board.

Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running for the school  board?

I’m Jaci Reynolds. I own two local small businesses and I have children at two district schools. I served on this board in 2021 and 2022 and we got some important work done. After a year away, I have gained more insight from lots of community members on what their expectations of our board are and I will bring that back with me.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Samuel Stevens

Samuel Stevens is running for a 1 year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a 1 year seat?

I’m a lifelong resident of Brattleboro and someone who really cares about this community. Having completed my B.A. in Political Science at the University of Vermont, I returned to my hometown of Brattleboro resolved to put my newfound knowledge and skills to good use in the service of my community. Since that time, I’ve been a town meeting member, served on town committees, and also become a union steward at my place of work. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Dick DeGray

Richard “Dick” DeGray is running for a three year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running?

My name on the ballot will be Richard Dick DeGray. Many of you know me as the Flower Guy, something I take great pride in doing for our community. I have been active for over thirty years in our community. RTM rep, former BUHS board member and most importantly former eight-year select board member. Several of those years serving as vice chair and chair. I am running for a couple of reasons: first, no one challenged any of the incumbents in last year’s election. I don’t think that is healthy for the town. The other is the way Rescue/ BFF was handled, along with safety issues in our town.

Cris Ericson On The Nov. 8, 2022 Election Ballot!

Hello! My name is Cris Ericson and I would like to publicly thank more than 500 local Vermonters in southeastern Vermont who signed my petitions to allow me to be on the Nov. 8, 2022 general election ballot as an Independent candidate for United States Senator.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to be another voice in this election when so many people are a little bit frustrated with their usual political affiliations with Democrats and Republicans and they are willing and ready to hear my newest ideas. 

Brattleboro Petitions, Election Schedule, and Consent of Candidate Form for March Elections Now Available

Petitions for Brattleboro Town Officers, Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board Members, and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Town elections will be Tuesday, March 1 at the American Legion, and the Annual Representative Town Meeting will begin on Saturday, March 19, location and format will be announced at a later date.

Petitions for Town Officers and WSESD Board Members must contain at least 30 valid signatures of registered Brattleboro voters and be filed in the clerk’s office no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 24 in order to have their name placed on the ballot.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Rikki Risatti

rikki risatti

Rikki Risatti is running for both a 3 year or a 1 year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Tell us about yourself…. 

I feel thankful to be elected as a 2020-2023 district representative and on the art committee, we need more People to apply online or through the municipal manager’s office. I recently have been welcomed to join partnership with People in the Post 5 Legion Auxiliary and the Adult/Adolescent Sibling match program. Neighbors passionately involved with making community impact efforts have been positive influences for me. I also feel so grateful of all the past and upcoming opportunities to meet with People dedicated to their causes; like the Masons, Co-Op, and Time Trade Bank members.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Daniel Quipp

daniel quipp

Daniel Quipp is an incumbent and running for a one year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Tell us about yourself….

I’m a 42 year old person with a funny accent who has lived in Brattleboro since 2015. My wife is from Newfane and I’ve been coming here since 2004. I work at SEVCA where I run our community solar program, help people get connected to resources, do work with our data and reporting system and assist people in getting health insurance (p.s. If you don’t currently have insurance email me at or call 802 254 2795). I’ve been on the Selectboard for the last two years and am hopeful you’ll allow me to serve the town for another year.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidates Forum February 23, 2021 at 6 PM

Brattleboro voters are encouraged to watch the Brattleboro Selectboard Candidates Forum on Tuesday, February 23 from 6-8 PM to learn about this year’s slate of candidates. The event is being presented by and BCTV and will be live streamed to Comcast channel 1085 and BCTV’s Facebook page. 

It’s a virtual forum this year, held via Zoom.