WSESD Finance and Independent Budget Review Agendas
The Windham Southeast School District Finance Committee Meeting will take place Tuesday January 14, 2025at 5:00pm at the Academy School, 860 Western Avenue, Brattleboro, and remotely via Zoom.
The Windham Southeast School District Finance Committee Meeting will take place Tuesday January 14, 2025at 5:00pm at the Academy School, 860 Western Avenue, Brattleboro, and remotely via Zoom.
The first regular meeting of the new year for the Brattleboro Selectboard…. and I’m not really sure what happened beyond the first few minutes. Gophers were nibbling on the internet tubes or something.
The Brattleboro Selectboard will be taking another look at the FY26 budget at the first regular meeting of 2025. They made some cuts to services at their last meeting and will review the impact of their decisions thus far. Will they do more?
The board will hold a second reading of changes to the ordinance governing the Downtown Improvement District. If everyone likes it, it will be approved as well. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.
The Brattleboro Selectboard discussed the “base budget” – a budget with no changes to services from current levels – at Tuesday’s Election Night meeting. As is, they said, it would be a 22% increase. Board members agreed it was a difficult budget, but none had any big ideas for getting the increase to a more manageable level.
Citizens attending had ideas – eliminate raises, cut Municipal Center hours to 32 hours a week for most employees, cut positions, and throw it all out and build up from what is truly necessary were suggested. Personnel costs, they noted, were the big numbers.
In a flashback to the era of Barb Sondag we heard the Town Manager ask the board to simply tell him what services they’d like to cut from the people of Brattleboro…
Here are some excerpts from the Town Manager’s memo to the Brattleboro Selectboard regarding their enormous FY’26 budget. I’ve left out some of the tables mentioned to make it easier for me to format. Go view the full document to see them.
At the start, they anticipate a 14% increase in property taxes, but this does not yet include any solid waste disposal costs, which staff say may add another 5-8%.
Get yourself a drink so you can spit it out in amazement as you read the details.
While the rest of the world is concerned with election day and results, the Brattleboro Selectboard will be presenting the an overview of the draft budget for the FY26. They will also continue with their approval of liquor and entertainment licenses for a new business in the former River Garden public space. You can bring up other items not on the agenda, during public participation.
1. Introduction of members. Members introduced themselves and their backgrounds.
2. Election of chair and secretary.
Maggie nominated Kristina for Chair, motion was seconded by Ellie. The vote was unanimous. On a motion by Ellie seconded Kristina, Maggie was unanimously elected secretary.
3. Training -committee discussed Training with Frank on the chart of accounts. The IBRC committee will plan a funding formula training in the upcoming weeks.
The Brattleboro Selectboard approved bike and pedestrian plan that, when implemented, will create a network of sidewalks and bike lanes throughout the town.
The board debated possible changes to budget meeting times, considering a return to the days when budgets would be held on off-days at odd times rather than regular Tuesday evenings. They also approved a one year extension for Golden Cross ambulance service.
The Brattleboro Selectboard will approve a one year extension with Golden Cross for ambulance services at their next regular meeting, putting in place a new contract that extends well beyond the EMS service decision the board plans to make in less than six months.
They’ll approve rules of conduct, plan a board retreat, adopt new parking rules, endorse a bike and walking plan, and consider changing the way the budget is prepared. They will also most certainly crow about winning a major award.
*Final edits of budget report
*Vote to approve final budget report
Discussion of Budget. Highlights:
a. “Budget season” is misnomer since budget development is year-long process and Board members always have a fiduciary responsibility with every decision made. Steps taken today are not set in stone. Goal is always what’s best for our students.
b. Review of same budget doc presented last week showing a $31,253,290 m budget for SU down 3.2% from last year
Complying with a vote of Representative Town Meeting in 2021, RTM’s Finance Committee has prepared a “Guide to the Brattleboro Town Budget.” The guide is posted on the Town’s website under the Finance Committee’s page and the RTM Resources section, both of which are accessible from the Representative Town Meeting tab on the left menu bar. Also newly posted is the annual report for RTM’s consideration of the FY23 budget.
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Fiscal Year to Date Financial Statement Review
3. FY23 Budget Planning & Development
• Preparation for Public Information Meeting & Annual Report
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Preparing/Editing Report
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Executive Session: Title 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)1B – Labor Relations with Employees (if needed)
3. FY23 Budget Planning & Development
• Budget assumption updates
• Preparation for Public Information Meeting & Annual Report
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion of Report Writing Timeline and Assignment of Responsibilities
III. Other Business
It’s the final regular meeting of the Brattlboro Selectboard for 2021 and the last regular meeting for outgoing Town Manager Peter Elwell. They’ll take up issues of mask mandate exemptions, financial audits, and more FY23 budget planning. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation, and you are probably welcome to bring holiday cookies as well.
1. Approval of Minutes
2. FY23 Budget Planning & Development
• Secondary Programs
The Brattleboro Selectboard has begun budget season. It’s the time of year when citizens should speak up if they want something funded or defunded.
It’s also the time of year Representative Town Meeting Reps should be paying close attention, attending meetings, asking questions, and sharing information they learn with those they represent.
It’s quite easy to do nowadays, but wasn’t always this way. The current board likes to mention that they have traditions and that things are done a certain way, but that’s only been the last few years.
I. Introductions
II. Determine Use of Robert’s Rules of Order (small boards), and Elect Officers
III. Determine Our Open Meeting Law Obligations and Public Participation in the Process
IV. Review the Brattleboro Independent Budget Committee Process and Report