Brooks Memorial Library Newsletter, Week of May 27th

Dear Library Community,

Here is this week’s news from your Library, including links to some interesting facts about Memorial Day. On Monday we will be closed to honor those who have lost their lives in service to this country. Click here to open the newsletter.

Climate Change Cafe Workshop: Healing Our Divisions and Biases and Unifying Our Movements

Healing Our Divisions and Biases and Unifying Our Movements

Join the Climate Change Cafe on May 22nd at 7 pm for a FREE talk and workshop with Sherri Mitchell. This will be a special event held in the Main Reading Room, downstairs.

This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to look at the divisions and biases, including hidden biases, that have been built into our societies and ideologies. Participants will look at the divisions created by our shared history, the biases informed by that history, and the ways that they prevent us from joining our movements, with special emphasis on how colonization has impacted our thinking and the ways that we engage one another and the world around us.

Digital Privacy: Protecting Yourself Online

On Monday, May 7th from 6:00pm-7:30pm Brooks Memorial Library will host Vermont-based, digital educator and librarian, Jessamyn West, for a discussion on Digital Privacy on the Main Floor of the library. Jessamyn West is a nationally recognized leader, working on raising awareness and educating the public about technology and the digital divide, while also advocating for libraries to play an increased role in technology education for their patrons.

Only Three “Little Free Libraries” Left for Sale and Raffle

There are now only two “Little Free Libraries” remaining for sale and one to be raffled to benefit the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library.

The libraries are all hand-built by the Brattleboro Rotary Club’s Literacy Project Committee and painted by local artists Robert Craig Aldrich, Bob Cincotta, Pat Little, John McCarthy, Susan Rosano, Kim Stice and Suzy Worden.

Just Desserts Fundraiser from Friends of Brooks Memorial Library

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library will celebrate National Library Week (April 8 to April 14) with a dessert fundraiser and “Friendraiser” on Friday, April 13, 2018 from 7pm to 9pm at the Brooks Memorial Library.

The Friends will offer a selection of desserts, as well as tea and coffee.

Various prizes, many handcrafted by area artists, will be raffled off. The cost is $10.00 per person and includes dessert and coffee as well as 3 raffle tickets. You may also purchase extra tickets — 3 for $5.

April Break Week Events for Kids at Brooks Memorial Library

Looking for something fun for the kids to do over spring break? The Children’s Room has a full week of free events for kids of all ages.

The events kick off on Monday April 16 at 1:00 p.m. with our Monday Movie Matinee. Bring a lunch or snack for and enjoy the movie based on a bestselling book. (Copyright laws prohibit us from advertising the movie title in the paper. Please call the Children’s Room for movie information).

Where Why When How What? Ask Anything You Want – It’s Your Chance

Join us on Wednesday, April 18, from 7-8:30 pm for, “Where Why When How What ? Ask anything you want –this is your chance!” in the Main Room at Brooks Memorial Library. 

This brief discussion about the benefits of Advance Directives will be led by a panel which will include the perspectives of Cindy Jerome, ED of Holton Home and Bradley House, Dr. Bob Tortolani, Attorney Ed Burke, and Shabir Kamal, ER Nurse. After the presentation, there will be a moderated question and answer session. 

Calling All Bakers! Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Fundraiser!

Calling All Bakers!!! We are looking for people who love their library AND love to bake, to volunteer a little time and a baked good for a yummy Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Fundraiser.

We will need them in time to sweeten up Friday, April 13th! For more information, please email , attention Betsy. You may also call and leave a message at 802-254-5290 x1206, and you will get a call back!

Keeping Warm at the Library

In spirit with the services that public libraries provide equally to all
who come, we received an excellent
this weekend! You can read it online with your library card: