Special Meeting Brattleboro Selectboard with Governor Phil Scott and Members of the Cabinet

Everyone is welcome to join Governor Phil Scott, members of the Cabinet, and the Brattleboro Selectboard, from 10:30 – 11:30 am on Tuesday, Oct. 23, for a special meeting in the Community Meeting Room at Brooks Memorial Library. Discussion topics will include (but might not be limited to):

Summary of Current Projects and Events in Brattleboro
Thank You for State Partnership and Support
Opportunities for Additional Shared Successes
Regional Economic Hubs
Transportation Matters
Matters of Social Equity and Public Safety

Embodying the Light – A Free Workshop: Let Your Creativity Shine

Which artists, or other creatives, feel like kindred spirits to you? You may be drawn to people whose styles and techniques you’d like to emulate. And you might gravitate towards people who create in very different ways from you. Perhaps you are inspired by their perspectives and a shared sense of the impact you want your art to have in the world.

Years ago, workshop facilitator, Deidra Razzaque, created a WOW Family for herself. This “family” is comprised of singers, visual artists, writers, and community activists whom she envisions as an accepting,encouraging family, saying, “Wow, that’s amazing! Go for it!” regarding her creativity.

Capitol for a Day! Vermont Department of Taxes: Land Gains Tax Efficiencies

Join us on Tuesday, October 23, 2018, from 1:30 – 2:15 pm as Tax Commissioner Kaj Samsom, and Tax Economist and Director of Policy Douglas Farnham, offer a brainstorming session about efficiencies, and discuss possible changes to legislation regarding Land Gains Tax.

This is the third in a series of events here at Brooks Memorial Library for the Governor Scott’s “Capitol for a Day” initiative, and will be held in the second floor Community Meeting Room.

Free Workshop: Managing Health Care Expenses in Retirement

Join us at Brooks Memorial Library on Wednesday, October 17th at 7pm for the educational workshop, “Managing Health Care Expenses in Retirement: What Baby Boomers Need to Know About Medicare and Long-Term Care.”

A health care crisis is looming in this country, and it is essential for baby boomers to understand what they need to do to prepare for it financially.

VT Listening Project: The Hidden Side of Women’s Lives in Our Community

Join Brooks Memorial Library on Wednesday, September 26 at 6 pm as the Vermont Commission on Women presents: The Hidden Side of Women’s Lives, a special event highlighting their statewide listening project, which is designed to help voice the concerns of women around the state. Brattleboro Commissioner Emilie Kornheiser and Saxtons River Commissioner Carol Buchdahl will be present, as well as Commission Director Cary Brown.

Free Book Talk with Mary Ann Hooper

Join us on Wednesday, September 12th at 7 pm in the Meeting Room for a book talk, as author Mary Ann Hooper will read and discuss her book Across America and Back: Retracing My Great-Grandparents’ Remarkable Journey, recently published by the University of Nevada Press.

Mary Ann grew up on Sunset Lake Road in Brattleboro. Her grandfather Howard C. Rice was publisher of the Brattleboro Reformer and her father John S. Hooper was editor and then publisher of the Reformer from 1950 to 1971.

Roundtable Discussion: Royall Tyler – 1700s Author, Wit, and Judge, of Early Brattleboro

Join us on Thursday, September 13th, at 7 pm as Marius B. Péladeau,  Don McLean, Christina Gibbons , and Tom Ragle come together for a moderated panel discussion about Royall and Mary Tyler. This Roundtable discussion series is part of the Peoples, Places and the History of Words in Brattleboro Project.

For more information, read on!

Free Poetry Reading with Tim Mayo, Maggie Chula and Jeff Friedman

Join us on Wednesday, September 19th at 7 pm as poets Tim Mayo, Maggie Chula and Jeff Friedman offer a FREE reading of some of their recent work.

Please read on for more biographical information:

Tim Mayo’s poems and reviews have appeared in Avatar Review, Barrow Street, The Brattleboro Reformer, Narrative Magazine, Poetry International, Poet Lore, River Styx, Salamander, San Pedro River Review, Tar River Poetry, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Verse Daily, Web Del Sol Review of Books, and The Writer’s Almanac.  His poems have received six Pushcart Prize nominations as well as twice being chosen as a finalist for the Paumanok Prize.

The Weapons of Fraud: Con Artists, Fraud, Scams

Join Elliott Greenblott from AARP on Wednesday, August 22 for The Weapons of Fraud: Con Artists, Fraud, Scams. This program is designed to provide Brattleboro residents of all ages with comprehensive educational services in order to help them avoid victimization by scammers. This event is free, accessible, and open to the public.

Lemonade With a Librarian

Join Reference Librarian Jeanne Walsh on Wednesday, August 15th at 7 pm for a discussion about library services in a time of rapid social and technological change. Jeanne will share insights and questions from Library Leadership in a Digital Age, a professional institute she attended at the Harvard School of Education in the spring. All listeners, talkers, introverts, and extroverts are welcome. Lemonade and light refreshments will be served!

Candidates Night: Library Edition – Live Stream

Dear Brattleboro Community,

We are pleased to share this live stream of our program tonight, for any of you who could not make it here in person! BCTV could not make it tonight, so this is all we will have. After it is over, it will stay on our Facebook page, where you will be able to find it under “videos.” Enjoy!

A Facilitated Community Circle of Understanding: Regarding the Recent anti-Semitic Chalking on Elliot Street

Join us at 7 pm on Monday, July 23rd for A Facilitated Community Circle of Understanding: regarding the recent anti-Semitic chalking on Elliot Street, as the Brattleboro Community Justice Center encourages discussion and sharing of concerns, hopes and ideas, around recent events. This FREE, accessible event is co-hosted by the Brattleboro Compassionate Community Committee.

Candidates Night: Library Edition

Join us on Wednesday, July 25th at 7 pm, as candidates who are on the ballot for State Senate and State House of Representatives  discuss their favorite books. They will share everything from their childhood favorites to contemporary titles, and explain how those volumes helped to form their world view. 

Candidates Night: Library Edition

Join us on Wednesday, July 25th at 7 pm, as candidates who are on the ballot for Vermont State Senate and State House of Representatives discuss their favorite books. They will share everything from their childhood favorites to contemporary titles, and explain how those volumes helped to form their world view.

The list of candidates is: Becca Balint, Mollie Burke, Wayne Vernon Estey, Emily Kornheiser, Valerie Stuart, Tristan Toleno and Jeanette White for this unique perspective and a lively literary discussion at 7 pm, Refreshments will be served!

Library Newsletter, Week of June 24th

Dear Library Community,

Did you know that the we send out a newsletter every week to let people know what will be happening at Brooks Memorial Library? This week’s news includes information about Summer Happenings for kids & teens, the weekly resource highlight, and a chance to vote on the newsletter style that you like best!

You can sign up for the newsletter on our home page.

Friends Books Sale Continues: Thank You!

Thanks to all who made the first few days of the Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Summer Book Sale a great success! The  sale will continue until Saturday, June 15th at 3 pm.

All proceeds support events, technology and other resources, like Lynda.com. Please pay for your books at the desk!