Brooks Memorial Library has Snowshoes to Borrow!

Just in time for winter to really kick in, Brooks Memorial Library is pleased to have added snowshoes and adjustable poles to our catalog! They are loaned on a first-come, first-served, and are available in several sizes, from childrens’ to adult. A special waiver for each cardholder must be signed and dated before they are borrowed. Check them out!

Valentines for Veterans: Free Workshop Activity

Join us at Brooks Memorial Library at 10:30 am on Saturday, January 19th, for a morning of card making for our veterans, some of the many men and women who have given so much in service to our country.
This workshop is absolutely FREE, and all materials will be provided.

Speak-Out: Celebrate the Life and Work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Join us and Brattleboro Solidarity at 3:30 pm on Saturday, January 19th,as we honor the life and work ofDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the third annual Speak-Out event!
 During this FREE event, Actor David Millswill embark on an engaging, dramatic presentation through the journey ofDr. King, as he transforms from his early uncertainties about Civil Rights into the historic and monumental figure he became. 

The program will highlight Dr. King’s, Letter from a Birmingham Jail, I Have a Dream, Promised Land, If I had Sneezed, and Early Days.  Mr. Mills’ stirring presentation will take a look at both the public figure and the private man.

Brooks Memorial Library Seeks Trustees

The Board of Library Trustees of Brooks Memorial Library seeks an enthusiastic and dedicated library user to fill an open position on the Board.  

Candidates for this position should have an interest in maintaining a strong and visionary library in Town.  Trustees must be residents of Brattleboro.

The Board, which numbers nine trustees, meets at the Library from 4:45 p.m. to 6:45PM on the second Tuesday of the month.  Members are asked to chair or serve on two or more committees that convene as needed.

Savvy Social Security Planning for Women

Join us on Wednesday, January 16th at 7pm for the educational workshop, Savvy Social Security Planning for Women.

Social Security is one of the few income sources that keeps up with inflation and lasts for life. But most women fail to maximize their benefits because they don’t understand the little-known rules that can help them get more out of the system.

Retirement Open House for Therese Marcy

Please join us for a Retirement Open House in honor of  Therese Marcy To celebrate 28 years of dedicated service at Brooks Memorial Library Thursday, December 20, 2018 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Brooks Memorial Library, Main Room

Cookies and punch will be served, and we hope you will all stop by to visit on Therese’s last day!

Like-New Holiday Remainder Book Sale!

The Like-New Holiday Remainder Book Sale will continue until December 16th!
Don’t forget to pick up raffle tickets for one of the fabulous gift baskets that have been so kindly donated! Raffle tickets are $2 each, but you can increase your chances by buying 3 for $5.

The Raffle Drawing will be held no later than 6 pm on December 17th, so you have plenty of time to purchase your tickets at the circulation desk!

Brooks Memorial Library: Consultant Sought

Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro, VT seeks experienced consultant to guide staff and trustees in preparation of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to develop a new website. Submissions must be received by 4:00 pm Friday, January 11, 2019 at Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office, Attn: BML Website RFQ, 230 Main Street, Suite 208, Brattleboro, VT 05301, at which time and place all submissions will be publicly opened and read aloud.

Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Holiday Gift Basket Raffle Drawing

Don’t forget to pick up raffle tickets for one of the fabulous gift baskets that have been so kindly donated! Raffle tickets are $2 each, but you can increase your chances by buying 3 for $5.

The Raffle Drawing will be held no later than 6 pm on December 17th, so you have plenty of time to purchase your tickets at the circulation desk!

Like-New Holiday Remainder Book Sale: Prices Marked Down!

The Like-New Holiday Remainder Book Sale will continue until December 16th, with all prices REDUCED!
Don’t forget to pick up raffle tickets for one of the fabulous gift baskets that have been so kindly donated! Raffle tickets are $2 each, but you can increase your chances by buying 3 for $5.

Brooks Memorial Library Weekly Newsletter

Did you know that Brooks Memorial Library sends out a newsletter once a week? It is an easy way for you to find out what fun and interesting events will be happening there!

From book sales and author talks, to First Wednesday and Children’s Room events, brief updates are delivered right to your email, and linked directly to the more complete story if you would like more information.

Author Talk with Valerie Abrahamsen

Join us at Brooks Memorial Library at 7 pm on Tuesday, December 4th as Harvard-trained theologian Dr. Valerie Abrahamsen discusses her book Paranormal: A New Testament Scholar Looks at the Afterlife.

In her book, she examines four types of evidence for the survival of the individual soul after bodily death: scientific instruments and techniques, near-death experiences, reputable psychics and mediums, and out-of-body experiences. Dr. Abramson contends that not only is the afterlife a certainty beyond a reasonable doubt, but the evidence also points definitively to reincarnation, the law of cause and effect (karma), pre-birth decisions, our ability to communicate with those who have passed over, and the fact that our loved ones know what is going on in our lives.

Like-New Holiday Book Sale @ Brooks Memorial Library!

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library will be holding the 13th Annual Like-New Holiday Books Sale from November 29th through December 1st!

 Come on in and browse from the excellent selection of fiction, non-fiction, Kids books, CDs, and DVDs, and say hello to these hard-working library fundraisers 🙂 The Friends will be there from 10 am-6pm on Thursday and Friday, November 29th and 30th, and from 10 am-2pm on Saturday.
Can’t make it in then? No worries! the Book Sale is ongoing, and you may pay for your purchases at the Circulation Desk until we are closed.
There will ALSO be a holiday gift basket raffle ongoing until the drawing is held on December 16th. Tickets may be purchased at the Books Sale, or at the Circulation Desk any time we are open.

Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Annual Appeal

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Annual Appeal is underway. If you missed giving Tuesday, it is not too late to donate! All proceeds go towards the Friends support of library programming, technology, resources and material purchases. Read more…

Take Action: Opposing the Criminalization of Poverty, Part II

Join us on Tuesday, November 27th at 5:30 pm, as Brattleboro Solidarity presents the second event geared towards helping the greater Brattleboro community to become more informed about surrounding poverty.

After an initial conversation, attendees will be able to learn about ways that several different local groups help those our town who are in need of support, and how to connect with them. The individual stations to visit will include the following:

Brooks Memorial Library Closed Saturday and Monday for Veteran’s Day

In observance of the Veterans Day Holiday, Brooks Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Saturday, November 1oth, and Monday, November 12th. We will open as usual on Tuesday morning, November 13th at 10 am!

Originally known as Armistice Day, in honor of the end of WWI , and the treaty that was signed on on 11/11/18 at 11 am, the holiday was renamed Veteran’s Day in 1954.