Brooks Memorial Library Children’s Room will be Closed: Week of May 6th

Brooks Memorial Library will be undergoing some minor renovations in May, beginning with new ceiling tiles in the Children’s Room.

Unfortunately, there is no way to safely remain open during this process, so beginning May 6th, the Children’s Room will be closed for about a week. You will still be able to enter the library from the second floor entrance, and use the elevator or stairs to access materials on the Mezzanine, and in the Main Reading Room.

Free Diversity Day Film Screening: I Am From Here

Join us at 7 pm on Thursday, May 2nd as we present a FREE screening of the movie: I Am From Here, in honor of Diversity Day.

This is an instructional film, originally created for public school staff, teachers, and administrators in Vermont. It was commissioned by the Vermont-NEA Racial Justice Task Force in collaboration with the National Education Association. Bess O’Brien from Kingdom County Productions produced the 30-minute film. She interviewed parents, community members, educators, and students from Vermont. Bess filmed their accounts of living in and going to school in Vermont.

Compassion: Town Government and the Police – A Free Panel Discussion

Join us on at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 24th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Compassionate Brattleboro brings Brattleboro Town officials together for an FREE, open panel discussion.

Speakers will include: Brattleboro Town Manager Peter Elwell, Police Chief Michael Fitzgerald, a member of the Brattleboro Selectboard, and Doug Cox, moderator. This program is a part of Compassionate Brattleboro’s series of conversations around exploring how to make compassion actionable in Brattleboro.

Free Foundation Fundraising Workshop

Join us at 1 pm on Thursday, April 25th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Richard Wizansky of Bold Moves Consulting joins our own Jeanne Walsh for a FREE public program about foundation fundraising…

Jill Lepore: These Truths – Free Author Talk

Join us at 7 pm on Saturday, April 27th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Harvard professor, New Yorker staff writer, and best-selling author gives a FREE public talk about her new book, in our Main Reading Room. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Meet Your Brattleboro State Representatives!

At 10 am on Saturday, April 6th,  join your three Brattleboro State Representatives for a casual conversation about what’s been happening in Montpelier and beyond.  Mollie S. Burke, Tristan Toleno, and Emily Kornheiser offer you the opportunity to speak with them directly about issues that concern you.
Childcare is available upon request, and if you need it, please email

Compassion and Human Services: A Free Discussion Panel

Join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 27th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Compassionate Brattleboro brings speakers from around the community together for an FREE, open panel discussion. Speakers will include: Chloe Learey and Margaret Atkinson of Winston Prouty Center; David Schoales, Moderator.

An Army Physician’s Experience in Vietnam 1968-1969

At 7 pm on Monday, March 25th, join Dr. Robert Tortolani in the Brooks Memorial Liberary Community Meeting Room, where he will share some of his personal experiences during his time of service as a medic during the Vietnam War.  He will show slides and a film from his personal collection, followed by an open discussion.

Know Your Rights in the Era of #MeToo

At 6 pm on Wednesday, March 27th, join the Women’s Action Team and the Women’s Freedom Center at Brooks Memorial Library, for an open community conversation: Know Your Rights in the Era of #MeToo.

The #MeToo Movement has clearly changed the cultural landscape. But how do we know if it’s safe to speak about our experiences of harm, especially in public?

Compassion, Spiritual Teachings and Their Challenging Practices: A Free Community Conversation on Compassion:

Join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 13th, at Brooks Memorial Library, for the first of a series of FREE, open panel discussions designed to highlight the compassion issues in our town, responses to date, and priority needs to be addressed. This week’s discussion is: Compassion, Spiritual Teachings and Their Challenging Practices. Speakers will include: Yasmeen Chaudhri (Islam), Dek Fromer (Baha’i), Duncan Hilton (Christianity), Kate Judd (Judaism), moderated by Rev. Scott Couper, Minister of Centre Church.

VT Public Utility Commission – Proposed Changes to Rule 5.300

At 6:30 pm on Monday, March 11th, the Vermont Public Utility Commission will explain Proposed Changes to Rule 5.300.  Please read the linked content below, and for questions about this rulemaking, please contact Elizabeth Schilling, Staff Attorney, at or 802-828-2358.  See Information about public participation in the State of Vermont Public Utility Commission process here:

Coffee With a Cop! A Free, Public Event

Join us  from 10 am – 12 pm on Tuesday, March 12th, as the Brattleboro Police Department presents: Coffee With a Cop! Anyone can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and it is and a great way to get questions answered informally.They will be ready to chat about anything — from the Red Sox and the Celtics, to traffic concerns and home safety.

Free Film Screening: Why We Fight

On Friday, March 8th  at 6 pm, join us at Brooks Memorial Library, as Brattleboro Solidarity shows  a FREE screening of the documentary “Why We Fight.” This film describes the rise and maintenance of the United States military–industrial complex and its 50-year involvement with the wars led by the United States to date, especially its 2003 Invasion of Iraq.

Calling All Bakers!

Calling All Bakers!

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library are looking for tantalizing treats to tempt taste buds at the 2nd Annual Just Desserts Fundraising Friendraiser. Email the Friends, or stop by the library for more information 🙂

Spanish Language Television from the Library!

Brooks Memorial Library is pleased to offer access to the Pongalo Novela Club!

If you are a fan of Spanish Language Television, look no further! Your library card allows you to register for a FREE RB Digital account, and from there you may choose programs from such categories as: Columbia, Venezuela, Péliculas, Telenovelas, and Series, and watch them en español. Stream from home, or come in to use one of our laptops or public access computers!

The Health & Wellness Resource Center – At Brooks Memorial Library

February was designated American Heart Month by the American Heart Association, and the first official observance was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963, to raise awareness of heart diseases—the number one killers of Americans, according to the CDC and to tell people about all the steps they can take to minimize their risks and improve their health.

No Fines at Brooks Memorial Library!

This is just a reminder to anyone who might not have heard the great news:

Do you have old fines from years ago? Brooks Memorial Library will forgive them, and you can start over with a clean slate  We have changed for the better!

Moving forward, we are mostly FINE FREE.

Brooks Memorial Library Closed for Presidents’ Day

Brooks Memorial Library will be CLOSED on Monday, February 18th, in observation of the Presidents’ Day holiday. If we get more snow, don’t forget to check out some SNOWSHOES!

Since the Uniform Monday Holiday Act passed in 1971, it has been celebrated on the third Monday in February. Originally created as a celebration of George Washington’s birthday, it was later expanded to include Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, as well as being a way to honor all presidents, and celebrate other aspects of our national culture.

Scrabble Night – Drop In & Play!

Stop by and play a game of Scrabble with us at Brooks Memorial Library 🙂 The atmosphere is pleasant and mellow, with plenty of smiling and laughing! All levels are absolutely welcome to join the fun!!

Free Poetry Reading – William Forchion: Sacred & Sacrosanct

Join us at Brooks Memorial Library at 7 pm on Monday, February 11th as William Forchion reads from his book Sacred & Sacrosanct: a collection of poems! Wiliam is a Director, Producer, Poet, Clown, Acrobat, Stuntman, Father, Friend, Minister, Coach, Writer, and Teacher, all in one package. His works have been called “resonant” and “insightful.” In addition to reading, he will offer insight into his #ApoemAday project, where he has been writing and sharing a poem every day for a year via Twitter.