Brattleboro Finance Director Probationary Period “Not Successfully Complete”

The Town of Brattleboro  just sent out this announcement:

“Brattleboro Town Manager Peter Elwell has announced that Finance Director Andre Jaeger did not successfully complete his probationary period and is no longer employed by the Town of Brattleboro. Elwell said the Town will contract with the accounting/auditing firm of Melanson Heath to provide interim finance director services, just as during January-May of 2020 after the retirement of former Finance Director John O’Connor.”

I can’t recall another hire not successfully completing their probationary period…

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – September 14, 2020

Five proposals for community safety review facilitation have been received, twenty six applications to be on the committee are in hand, and the perhaps re-organized Brattleboro Selectboard will decide next steps at their next Tuesday meeting. Committee members will be interviewed and appointed at a special meeting.

Grants and bid awards are also on the agenda, as is the purchase of a new salt shed. You can add other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes Due

The first installment of the 2020 Brattleboro Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes will be due on September 15, 2020.  Payments made after September 15, 2020 will have an additional 1% interest added to the unpaid balance.

Payments can be mailed to the Town of Brattleboro, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro VT 05301. Payments can also be made by dropping an envelope containing your check (no cash) into a locked “mailbox” labeled “Town Business” in the parking lot behind the Municipal Center. An official postmark of September 15, 2020 will be considered on time for tax payments. Please include the quarterly payment stub to ensure your payment is applied properly

Unofficial Brattleboro Primary Results

Good evening,

Please see here for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro’s State Primary election. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the Primary races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! Considering our number of absentee voters, we had a lot of voters coming through the doors, and record voter participation for a state-wide primary. The day was smooth and safe!

Affordable Housing in Brattleboro

It is very revealing that in all the comments of sympathy and advice about one family’s difficulties in finding affordable housing, a post and thread appearing very recently on fbook, not one asks if it is possible for us, as a community, to house ourselves.

The population of Brattleboro has decreased slightly from what it was in 1960. Although there is a relatively small number of new units built every year there is a very large number over that span. As far as I know not one Selectboard in all these years has tried to deal with affordable housing other than approving federally funded projects when one happened to be brought before them. Most of that money dried up long ago. Sixty years have passed and we have more people struggling with housing than ever before.

The Evolution of the Brattleboro Colonel

Colonels 1958

The Brattleboro Colonels’ mascot is again being questioned. As it currently exists, it is a cartoonish characterization of a southern colonel, along the lines of something you’d see at a fried chicken franchise. It should be retired and replaced.

That said, the current version is not quite what was originally intended.

Joe Rivers, local history teacher and a president of the Brattleboro Historical Society, explained that for the first half of the high school’s existence there was no sports team name or mascot. “When the school was located in what is now the municipal center the sports teams were just known as Brattleboro. The sports editors assigned nicknames, often associated with the last name of their coach, but there was not an official name until 1950.”

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Status Report


• Here are links to 3 important COVID-19 financial relief programs offered by the State of Vermont for renters, landlords, and sole proprietor businesses: 

o Emergency Mortgage Assistance- 

o Rental Housing Stabilization Fund – 

o Vermont Sole Proprietor Stabilization Fund – 

Referendum Petition for Annual Municipal Ballots Alternative to the Brattleboro Common Sense Version

Registered Voters can deliver #ReferndumPetitions in an envelope addressed to the Municipal Clerk’s Office into the black box at that says, “For Tax Payments” at the parking lot entrance of the Municipal building.

REFERENDUM PETITION for Annual Municipal Ballots

Whereas the 2020 Selectboard has approved a budget without resolve of enslavement reparations, police and prison abolition, the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for referendums pursuant to Charter article 3 section 4; motioning a direct democratic public vote on the entire FY21 and budget ballots (which the 2020 Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020) to be scheduled, warned, and accessible online.

Where Are We Going? Does It Matter?

Spoon Agave: There are no obvious signs of leadership in Brattleboro so I can only conclude that the collective vision in the Municipal building is that the pandemic will end someday and everything will be OK. If anyone reading this has seen something different please share what it is. At the moment it feels like the town is simply marking time (just filling potholes) until whatever happens happens and we’ll deal with it then. That is one strategy, anyway.

Dot Lenhart: Do you have any suggestions?

Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee Virtual Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 18, 2020 at 8:00am via GoToMeeting.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  A copy of the agenda is attached and it contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.  

Jan Anderson

Executive Secretary

Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, at 6:15pm. It is anticipated that the Board will enter Executive Session at that time.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  The attached agenda contains information about how to access the meeting remotely. 

Jan Anderson

Executive Secretary

Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office

Hundreds of Protestors Fill Brattleboro’s Main Street In Response To Floyd Killing

George Floyd protest1

Hundreds of protestors in Brattleboro on Sunday joined in the nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd.

Lining Main Street from one end to the other on both sides of the streets, were social-distanced people with masks and signs, chanting and singing. This crowd was probably as big if not bigger than the Iraq War protests in 2003.

A sampling of signs:

Black Lives matter

Justice for Floyd

Census Survey Assistance Available

2020 Census – SHAPE YOUR FUTURE.

It starts with each of us doing our part. We do this is by completing the 2020 Census questionnaire. You can do it online or by phone. It is easy, safe and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Completing the questionnaire allows you to influence the amount of money that comes to Vermont for many of our essential programs…programs that benefit our health and safety, that pay for our roads, for local government, for schools, for hospitals, and for so much more…

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status May 16, 2020 12:30pm


• The Recreation and Parks Department has received many questions about the usage of Town parks facilities by people from outside of Brattleboro. Recreation officials all over Vermont have received many similar questions. In the Governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” addendum issued on Friday, May 15, he clarified earlier instructions regarding limits on day travel to Vermont from out of state. 

Town of Brattleboro  COVID-19 Response Status -May 13, 2020, 12:05pm 

• Reminder: As buildings (or parts of buildings) that have been in a state of full or partial shutdown begin to be actively used again, water lines within buildings should be flushed to keep the water supply safe. While the Town has recently completed semi-annual flushing of the water mains and is continuing to deliver water to the meter that complies with all safe drinking water standards, the water quality within the interior piping of a building will deteriorate if not used. 

• Reminder: Summer Camp registration application forms are now being accepted. You may use this link to access the application form: You may submit your completed form online or mail it to: Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department ATTN: Summer Camp Registration PO Box 513 Brattleboro, Vermont 05301 All registrations will be required to be paid in full by June 1st, unless other payment arrangements have been made with the Recreation and Parks Director. No one will be turned away for lack of ability to pay. Please be advised, however, that the number of camp participants will be limited this year due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements and will be confirmed on a first-come first-served basis with priority given to Brattleboro Residents. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – May 8, 2020, 1:30pm 


• While we will continue to post a daily update to the Town’s website every day, we will issue those daily updates as news releases only on days when there is a change in the status of Town operations. This change is intended to make it easier for the media and the public to identify when something is changing. To check the status of Town operations at any given time, please view the latest daily update posted on the Town’s website. 

• The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department announces the following update regarding the status of its facilities: 

➢ The Fred H. Harris Tennis/Pickleball Courts at Living Memorial Park are open. 

➢ The frisbee golf course at Living Memorial Park remains open. 

➢ All softball fields are available to families for informal kickball, wiffleball etc. 

Softball fields are not yet open for more formal team activities (games or practices). 

➢ Basketball courts remain closed until further notice. 

➢ The Dog Park at Living Memorial Park remains closed until further notice due to COVID-19 and being recently reseeded to rejuvenate the turf. 

➢ All park equipment remains closed (benches, picnic tables, playgrounds etc.) until further notice because it is impossible to sanitize that equipment in between users. 

➢ Restrooms at Living Memorial Park and West River Park remain closed until further notice. 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – War and Water

brattleboro sb may 5 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard held their regular virtual meeting Tuesday night to discuss war monuments, COVID-19, the Town financial outlook, a new water treatment plant, a new pump station, a new purchase of property, and an overview of additional planned Utility Fund expenses.

The new water treatment plant is estimated, currently, to cost about $11 million.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – May 4, 2020, 5:15pm 


All Town offices resumed daily on-site office functions today, in accordance with the following: 

• The exterior entrances to all Town facilities remain locked at all times. 

• Signs are posted at all exterior entrances clearly indicating that no one may enter the building if they have any symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, and/or shortness of breath). 

• There is only 1 employee in each office at any one time, except when more than one employee is necessary to complete a required task. 

• Employees who are not in the office continue to work from home in the same manner as they did during the full closure of Town offices between March 27 and May 4. 

• The public is requested to continue to do as much Town business as possible remotely (by email, internet, phone, or mail). Please note that this includes the payment of property taxes and utility bills. Those can be paid by mail, online, or by dropping an envelope containing your check (no cash) into a locked black drop box that is attached to the large wooden light pole in the parking lot behind the Municipal Center.