Join the Brattleboro Women’s Chorus!

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus welcomes new members to sing with us either virtually or in-person. We will be singing on Thursdays this spring starting with a Zoom “Open Rehearsal” on Thursday, March 17 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm, after which singers may register to continue singing via Zoom or join one of our in-person rehearsals. 

In-person rehearsals begin on March 24th and will be held either Thursday mornings at the Brattleboro Music Center from 10 – 11:30 am or Thursday evenings at All Souls Church from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Proof of vaccination and singers masks with a filter or N95/KN95 masks are required for in-person rehearsals this spring. Zoom rehearsals will take place weekly on Fridays from 10 – 11:30 am. We hope to conclude our season with an outdoor concert in June, but you do not have to participate in the concert to sing in chorus.

Road Construction Projects in the West River Valley

Travelers in the West River Valley might be both pleased and dismayed to know that there will be Route 30 paving and other road projects going on soon. Expect some delays and alternative routes in the near future.

The big plan is to re-surface VT Rt. 30 in Brattleboro, Dummerston and Newfane. You may have seen people out taking measurements last year.:

“Project Location: Beginning on VT Route 30 in the Town of Brattleboro, at mile marker 0.326 (just north of the intersection of VT-30 and Cedar St.) and extending north for 9.948 miles and ending at mile marker 1.597 in Newfane (just past the intersection of VT-30 and Hemlock Hill Rd).

Brattleboro Women’s Chorus Hosts Fall (virtual) Singalong Concert

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus will perform their fall “HeartSong Singalong” via Zoom on Sunday, November 21 at 4 pm.

The chorus will be singing songs led by Director Becky Graber. Some of the songs are very easy to join along with, and Becky will teach a song or two to all. Singalong-goers can register online via Zoom and pay for a ticket using the links on our website.

After over a year of exclusively singing on Zoom, this fall the chorus was able to sing in-person as well and recorded song tracks that we will sing with during the Singalong. Singers will be muted during the event, so feel free to sing along in the comfort of your homes, if you wish. Lyrics will be posted in the chat.

“Conversation Station” Video from October Artful Streets

Here’s a Video highlight of October’s Gallery Walk: “CONVERSATION STATION” where local youth talk with adults from the community about all kinds of things – Many insights, much laughing and some surprises……..Featuring Samirah Evans, Johnny Swing, Curtiss Reed, Jr., Steffen Gillom, “Woody” Woodworth and more.

Brattleboro Women’s Chorus’ 25th Anniversary Finale!

This 2020-21 year, the Brattleboro Women’s Chorus celebrates 25 years of singing with online musical events on the 25th day of the month. All singers (not just women!) are welcome to join us on Zoom.

Our final (and biggest) online singing finale celebrating 25 years of the BWC will take place on Tuesday, May 25 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

Director Becky Graber welcomes a number of guest conductors connected to the BWC in some way to come lead a song in honor of our 25th anniversary year. Artists include Peggo Horstmann Hodes, Peter and MaryAlice Amidon, Kristen Carmichael-Bowers, Andy Davis, Jane Lowey, Lisa McCormick and Julian McBrowne.

Brattleboro Women’s Chorus Hosts Mother’s Day Singalong

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus will perform their spring “Singalong Finale” via Zoom on Mother’s Day: Sunday, May 9 at 4 pm.

As we finish our 25th anniversary year, the chorus will be singing songs led by Director Becky Graber and some guests as well! Some of the songs are very easy to join along with, and Becky will teach a song or two to all. Singalong-goers can register online via Zoom and pay for a ticket using the links on our website.

Singers will be muted, though we will hear harmonized vocal tracks, so feel free to sing along in the comfort of your homes, if you wish.

Brattleboro Selectboard: McLoughlin Becomes Chair, Gelter Joins Board

Town Clerk Hilary Francis swore in newly-elected members of the Brattleboro Selectboard Monday evening.

Ian Goodnow, Daniel Quipp, and new member Jessica Gelter took their oath of office and joined Tim Wessel and Elizabeth McLoughlin to form the next selectboard.  New signed Oaths of Office will be arranged at a later date.

They all affirmed that they will faithfully execute the duties of selectboard member for the Town of Brattleboro, doing equal rights and justice to all people, in the best of their judgement and ability, according to law under the pain and penalties of perjury.

Last Week for Curbside Orders from the Brattleboro Winter Farmers’ Market!

And then there was 1…just 1 more chance to order for curbside pick up from the15th season of the Brattleboro Winter Farmers’ Market – a season unlike any others!

Go to our online store, open now through Thursday morning at 9AM! Place an order for your weekly provisions like beets, carrots, greens, garlic, eggs, meat, cheese and bread, special treats, handmade soaps along with lovely handcrafted gifts. There’s also seeds for your gardens, preserves, teas, syrups, tinctures and more!

Join the Brattleboro Women’s Chorus – Virtually!

The Brattleboro Women’s Chorus welcomes new members to help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary year by singing together weekly via Zoom. We will be singing on Thursdays via Zoom this spring starting Thursday, March 4 from either 10 – 11:30 am OR 7 – 8:30 pm until our Singalong performance on Mother’s Day, May 9.

The chosen music is an eclectic mix from around the world that is spirited, uplifting and easy to learn during these challenging times. Recordings and some videos are available to practice with between rehearsals.

Coco Love Alcorn Leads Virtual Singalong

Coco Love Alcorn joins Brattleboro Women’s Chorus for 25th Anniversary Virtual Sing

This 2020-21 year, the Brattleboro Women’s Chorus celebrates our 25 years of singing with online musical events on the 25th day of the month through May. All singers (not just women!) are welcome to join us for most of these events hosted on Zoom.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – 100% Renewable? Maybe Later…Soon. Really.

selectboard feb 2021

An extended discussion about Brattleboro becoming the largest purchaser of Cow Power ended with explanations of feelings and confusions, but no purchase agreement. The Brattleboro Selectboard was saved from making a decision by Town Manager Elwell’s suggestion to gather more data.

Lots of water and sewer improvements and activity, a thank you from Boys & Girls, and a new name for a short street rounded things out.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – February 16, 2021

There will be an emergency discussion of a Muffin Monster at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. They’ll also discuss a new Cow Power agreement, water treatment facility funding and security, and hear an update about Brattleboro’s Boys and Girls Club operations during COVID.

The board will wrap up their meeting with a renaming of a portion of Elm Street in honor of Stanley Lynde, the well-know motorcycle shop owner. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidates Forum February 23, 2021 at 6 PM

Brattleboro voters are encouraged to watch the Brattleboro Selectboard Candidates Forum on Tuesday, February 23 from 6-8 PM to learn about this year’s slate of candidates. The event is being presented by and BCTV and will be live streamed to Comcast channel 1085 and BCTV’s Facebook page. 

It’s a virtual forum this year, held via Zoom.

Brattleboro – Notice of Availability of Auditor’s Report 

NOTICE is hereby given that the Brattleboro Town Auditor’s Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, is available and posted on the Town’s website ( It is available upon request by contacting the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office, 230 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301, or calling (802) 251-8157. It is also available by utilizing the curbside service at the Brooks Memorial Library. Please call (802) 254-5290 for information on this service. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 19, 2020

The Brattleboro Selectboard is likely to add a Charter Amendment to the Town Meeting Warning that would eliminate the need for future Charter changes to approved by the state legislature.

The board will hear an update on the Water Treatment facility project, continue finalizing their FY22 budget for RTM consideration, and will continue their discussion of the Community Safety Review Committee’s recommendations. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during Public Participation.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting – Fix It or Toss It?

As I continue to ponder Representative Town Meeting system used by Brattleboro, I find myself coming to the same conclusion: it either needs to be reformed, or it needs to go.

The biggest problem is representation. While voters can elect “representatives” to participate in Representative Town Meeting, there is almost no representation going on. Unlike selectboard candidates, reps rarely state to voters what they stand for. Reps rarely hold district meetings to discuss issues. Voting records of reps aren’t tallied or made public. And almost all the information reps take to Representative Town Meeting is given to them by town officials, not constituents.

Voters, despite picking names on district ballots, often don’t know who represents them, how to reach them, or how those reps have voted. Writing in names of people better known to a voter has been eliminated, unless that person is deemed “official” through registering as a candidate. Sometimes reps get slots through the caucus process, under the radar of most district voters.

There is almost no accountability in this system.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

 The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards: 

Agricultural Advisory Board 

ADA Advisory Board 

Arts Committee 

Conservation Commission 

Still Time for a Winter Market Curbside Order

Visit the Winter Farmers’ Market Online Shop at today!

Orders can be placed from 9AM Monday morning through 9 AM Thursday morning for a Saturday Curbside Pick up from the Market, every Saturday through March at the C.F. Church Building, 80 Flat St. Downtown Brattleboro.

SNAP/EBT customers can turn $10 into $40 each week through January with market match coupons thanks to grants from NOFA-VT, C&S Wholesale Grocers, New England Grassroots Fund, Brattleboro Savings & Loan, and individual gifts from caring community members.

Brattleboro VFW Reality Sets In

The recent situation with COVID has resulted in some hard truths for the Brattleboro VFW. Clubs have taken a beating financially, along with a lot of other businesses.

We have had to cancel all our functions since March. No dinner/dances, birthday parties, wedding receptions, regular bingos, cancer or Brattleboro Firefighter’s fundraising bingos, banquets, holiday parties, etc. etc.

We had to shut down completely for three months starting in March, but still the bills came in. Some grants from the government helped pay some, but not all of those bills.