Brattleboro 2018 Abstract Grand List Warning

The Brattleboro Town Assessor will lodge the 2018 Abstract Grand List today, May 24, 2018.     The Brattleboro Listers will hold grievance hearings in the Town Office at 230 Main Street starting Monday June 11, 2018. Applications for a hearing are available at the Assessor’s Office or online at on the Assessor’s page.  Applications should be physically received in the Assessor’s office by 5:00 pm June 11, 2018 to schedule a hearing.

Brattleboro Memorial Day Closings

 In observance of Memorial Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on 

Monday, May 28, 2018, with the exception of emergency services. 

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28, 2018. All other violations will be enforced. 

VFW $6 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 5-21 to 5-25

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon-Fri from 11:30 – 1:30. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burger, fries, sweet potato fries, wings, onion rings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take outs available by calling 257-0438

May 21st – May 25th

Mon – meatloaf, mashed potato, gravy & veg
Tues – reuben w/ french fries
Wed – beef stroganoff over noodles w/ salad

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Planning and Policy Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21 in

the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 21, 2018 in the

WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Town Plan Adopted, Fire Truck Financed, Meters Put On Pause

Brattleboro’s Town Plan revision was adopted by the Brattleboro Selectboard at Tuesday’s meeting. It was one of many items in a packed agenda that included financing of the new fire truck, preliminary design work on a possible police carport, and likely train station improvements.

The usually dull Parking Fund overview was spiced up by a request for a comprehensive look at the parking system, with public discussions, prior to approving any capital improvements. The FY19 Solid Waste Budget was introduced, finances were discussed, goals were adopted, and we learned that Brattleboro has a new Indian restaurant.

Finally, Brattleboro’s two confidential employees received a 2% raise, along with other non-union positions.

The Testing of the Official Brattleboro Selectboard Emails

Selectboard Chair Kate O’Connor recently announced during a Selectboard meeting that she didn’t read emails sent to her official email account. 

I decided to send a few questions to Town Manager Peter Elwell about this April 26. When did O’Connor stop reading her emails? How many emails piled up as unread? How many of them were from citizens and how many were spam? Which other Selectboard members don’t read their official email accounts? And how should citizens contact board members so that they know their comments will be read?

VFW $10 All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet Sun. May 20th

The Brattleboro VFW Post #1034 will be having a $10 All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet Sunday May 20th from 8 am – 10:30 am.

Bacon, ham, homemade sausage gravy w/ biscuits, fried potatoes, homemade pancakes w/ real maple syrup, scrambled eggs, fried onions n’ peppers, and blueberry muffins. Coffee, tea and juice included in price.

VFW Lunch Specials 5-14 to 5-18 Open to the Public

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon-Fri from 11:30 – 1:30. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burger, fries, sweet potato fries, wings, onion rings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take outs available by calling 257-0438

Mon – fried chicken breast sandwich w/ mashed potato & veg

Tues – shepherd’s pie w/ salad

Brattleboro Taxes & Utilities Due

The fourth installment of the 2017 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxeswill be due onMay 15, 2018 by 5:00 PM.  Payments made after May 15, 2018 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

The utility billing is also due on May 15, 2018 by 5:00 PM. Payments made after May 15, 2018 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

Brattleboro Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2017 is now available. This report can be viewed on-line at or written copies are available at the Brattleboro Municipal Center in the offices of the Town Manager and in the hallway near the Town Clerk’s Office.

Brattleboro Board of Listers Meeting

The Brattleboro Board of Listers will meet on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
230 Main Street, Suite 208
Brattleboro, VT  05301
(802) 251-8100

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Downtown Parking, Utility Rates, Town Plan, and a Mouse

The Brattleboro Selectboard scheduled too many weighty issues for their Tuesday meeting at the Municipal Center. As the meeting went on, agenda items were jettisoned in repeated attempts to keep the length of the meeting somewhat reasonable.

Those issues that were discussed were discussed in detail. The board learned about the Utilities Fund budget and possible rate changes in coming years, discussed goals for the coming year, received a presentation on the results of a Downtown Parking Survey, and held a public hearing on the Town Plan revision. They attended to Department of Transportation paperwork, settled a lawsuit, changed the name of a street, applied for grants, and more.

Also, a mouse.

Gov. Scott Wants To Issue Tax Penalties on Brattleboro for Providing Quality Education

The legislative session is wrapping up and the budget is still on the line. The threats coming out of Gov. Scott’s office are terrible.

-Gov. Scott has said all year that he wants to level funding and impose strict staff ratios at our public schools.
-Townships met and voted on their budgets through Vermont’s democratic process. In most cases, including in Brattleboro, they followed Scott’s budgetary directive.
-This wasn’t good enough for Gov. Scott. He is now threatening to FINE communities (Yes, fine. As in make them pay the state money through tax penalties.) for failing to meet his arbitrary staffing ratios.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC) will meet on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 5:30pm in the Brooks Memorial Library Meeting Room.

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 5:30pm at the Brattleboro Tennis Club Meeting Room, located at 202 Cedar Street.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
230 Main Street, Suite 208
Brattleboro, VT  05301

Brattleboro Union High School Board Meeting Agenda


The BUHS #6 Teacher Curriculum Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 23 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.

The BUHS #6 Finance Committee will meet at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 25 in the WSESU James E. Kane Conference Room, 53 Green Street.


The BUHS #6 Board of Directors will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 23, 2018 in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room.