Early Voting in Brattleboro, Voter Registration and Town Clerk Hours

Early/absentee ballots for the Primary Election to be held on August 14, are now available in Vermont town clerks’ offices.  Anyone wishing to vote prior to August 14, may apply for an early/absentee ballot until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 13.   Early/absentee ballots may be voted in person in the clerk’s office, mailed to the voter by the clerk’s office, picked up by the voter or if a voter is in need can be delivered to the voter’s residence by two Justices of the Peace.

Help Brattleboro Time Trade

Brattleboro Time Trade www.brattleborotimetrade.org has an opportunity to win a grant WITH YOUR VOTE. Just follow this link:


to the voting page for the Red Sox Foundation’s “Impact Award” – an award which would help BTT regain financial stability:

Inspection of Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridges June 25-29



The New Hampshire Department of Transportation announces in-depth inspections of the bridges carrying NH Route 119 over the Connecticut River between Hinsdale, New Hampshire and Brattleboro, Vermont are scheduled to begin Monday, June 25, 2018 and continue through Friday, June 29, 2018.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards: 

Agricultural Advisory Board

Arts Committee 

Brattleboro Housing Partnership Board of Commissioners 

Cemetery Committee 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Aggressive Panhandling, Skatepark Design Firm Hired, Francis Moves On


The biggest news of the Tuesday meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard came not from the agenda but introductory remarks. The Town manager announced that Planning Services Director Rod Francis was leaving Brattleboro in the next couple of weeks.

This was followed by an unscheduled but surprisingly active discussion of aggressive panhandling in the downtown area.

Beyond those matters, the skatepark hired a design firm and got some extra cash, contracts and grants were approved, the utility budget passed, a long resolution was adopted, and more.

Guess What? CBD Actually Works

CBD salve

You’ve probably heard of CBD by now if you’re not already using it. It’s that new hemp product containing non-psychoactive the cannabinoid Cannabidiol that people are taking for inflammation and stress. As a recent convert myself, I thought I’d offer my experience treating long-term chronic neck and shoulder pain with CBD Oil. The short version is simply this: it works.

When I say chronic, I mean that the pain in my neck (I know) has been there since at least 2005 when I started doing yoga in an effort to relieve it. That didn’t work, and neither did stretching, deep relaxation, or massage. I wasn’t able to stop doing the thing that was causing the problem because it’s a constant and necessary part of my job. I’m referring to mousing, which is how I make the cursor move around. Typing is no problem but mousing is killer. I now use a trackball but even that hasn’t put a dent in the problem.

Open Letter to Town Manager Peter Elwell Regarding Rampant Theft in Brattleboro

*Emailed him tonight, posting here to see if anyone else cares, or if it’s just me.

Dear Mr Elwell,

I’m a Brattleboro resident, and in the past week alone, have been the victim of three seperate thefts, two at my residence, one at my car while parked in the parking garage. After the first theft, I set up a security cam at my home to catch anyone stupid enough to try it again. My method was effective, caught a neighbor stealing from doorstep two hours after setting up the security cam in plain view at my door. I caught the entire theft and follow up confession in HD with audio, emailed all of the evidence to BPD, and despite all that, they won’t even issue a summons to the thief, who lives two apartments down from my in apt 306, at 9 Canal St here in Bratt.

This is What a Thief Looks Like

She lives in apartment 306 on 9 Canal St in Brattleboro. Her guests like to buzz random apartments late at night (short in and out visits typical of drug sales) and are suspected of stealing my $130 blue Adidas EQT size 10 sneakers. Videos below show her getting caught stealing $40 of bait money I left for a moronic thief who wouldn’t notice the camera on my door.

For the Love of the Game: Emma Rueter Portraits at CX Silver Gallery

C.X. Silver Gallery is pleased to announce a new exhibition of extraordinary black and white portraits by Emma Rueter, recent B.U.H.S. graduate, formerly also of Hilltop Montessori, and aspiring artist and photographer. The images of high school athletes, part of a series entitled ‘For the Love of the Game’, have a definite archetypal quality. All are welcome to a reception for the artist and this exhibition on Wednesday June 13, 5-7pm. The exhibition runs June 12-July 11.

Brattleboro Fire Department Named 2018 First Responder Service of the Year

The Brattleboro Fire Department is proud to announce that we have been named the recipient of the 2018 First Responder Service of the Year Award by the Vermont Department of Health, Emergency Medical Services.

The criteria for this award reads; “This award is intended to recognize Vermont based and licensed EMS organizations for their excellence in operations and service to their communities.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Solid Waste and Parking Budgets Approved, Homelessness and Energy Discussed

Groundworks Collaborative gave the Brattleboro Selectboard a report on the seasonal overflow shelter. They admitted they don’t have the resources to develop a temporary work program, though a new effort by Youth Services might be able to pull it off, perhaps by fall. Youth Services might get a new name, too, but that’s for another time.

The board adopted the FY19 Solid Waste and Parking Budgets, but left some decisions about parking meters, apps, and credit cards for a later discussion. Progress on energy audit matters was detailed, citizens pressed for more to be done, the skatepark is close to the fundraising finish line, grants have been applied for, and citizens were appointed to various Brattleboro committees and boards.

Also, two mentions of John Allen.

VFW $6 Lunch Specials Open to the Public 6-4 to 6-8

The Brattleboro VFW located at 40 Black Mountain Road is open to the public for lunch. Lunch is served Mon-Fri from 11:30 – 1:30. Specials listed below are only $6 a plate. Hand made burger, fries, sweet potato fries, wings, onion rings, soups and sandwiches are also available. Take outs available by calling 257-0438

Mon – grilled ham & cheese w/ tomato soup

Tues – chef salad

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 5, 2018

The Brattleboro skatepark project will receive $15,000 from the Thomas Thompson Trust, and Brattleboro Goes Fourth will get a permit for a parade at the next regular meeting of the selectboard.

The board will continue with the FY19 parking budget, hear a report from Groundworks Collaborative, review energy efficiency projects and town investments in renewables, and hire a roofer and a tree remover. Grants for child protection services, Bradley House, and intralibrary loans will be discussed, and annual committee appointments and dog warrants will be announced. You can add to the fun by bringing up other items not on the agenda during Public Participation.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Energy Committee will meet on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 5:00pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, June 8, 2018 at 9:00am in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

Drawing Studio Summer Schedule

The Drawing Studio in Brattleboro is offering a variety of creative opportunities this Summer; classes in Life Drawing, Drawing Basics and an immersive weeklong workshop in Color and Painting.  There are also weekly drop-in life drawing sessions and Open Studio hours for independent and guided work.  Jason Alden is a skilled and attentive instructor who will meet you at any level of experience, from absolute beginner to long-time painter.