Evie Kiehle on “Here We Are”

“Where Are the Women?” is a new book just published by EVIE KIEHLE, a BUHS senior. She looks at the lack of women in American Politics and has written a guide to the ways we can change this. Evie also talks about growing up in Brattleboro, and the people and activities that influence her.

The Oz Books of L. Frank Baum

I just completed reading all of the L. Frank Baum Oz books. I’ve had this collection for quite a while. They were inherited from my father’s Aunt Arlene, a teacher in Buffalo. When the books first arrived, I was a bit old for them. I had reached the mature age of about 12 or 13, and the covers looked rather ancient to me. They sat in boxes with my mother for quite a while. I got them back a few years ago.

Seeing a series of unread books on the shelf can nag at you, and these were yelling at me. “C’mon, man, read us!” So I dove in.

L. Frank Baum wrote 14 Oz books total:

Screwnomics is Topic of Talk at Everyone’s Books

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. – The idea that women should always work for less or, even better, for free is the economic theory behind Screwnomics, the subject and title of a new book by Rickey Garde Diamond that she will discuss at Everyone’s Books Thursday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m.

The event is co-sponsored by the book store and the Brattleboro branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW).

Candidates Night: Library Edition

Join us on Wednesday, July 25th at 7 pm, as candidates who are on the ballot for State Senate and State House of Representatives  discuss their favorite books. They will share everything from their childhood favorites to contemporary titles, and explain how those volumes helped to form their world view.