

BCTV Schedules – Week of October 31, 2022

BCTV Channel 1078 schedule for the week of 10/31/22

Monday, October 31, 2022

4:20 am Current Topics in Science Series – Seth Frisbie, Ph.D
5:35 am Positively Vermont – Interview with Lindsay Varner of the Rokeby Museum 10/3/22
6:00 am 1st Wednesdays Presents – The Electrical Period of Miles Davis – Reuben Jackson 10/5/22
7:05 am Brattleboro Gallery Walk – October 7, 2022

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – November 1, 2022

Camera options for the parking garage will be up for discussion at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. The Interim Town Manager has some preliminary cost estimates for them to review.

The board will hear from SeVEDS, get an update on EMS services, pass those bike ordinance changes, buy winter fuel, talk about ARPA fund spending rules, and consider a 6.7% increase in health insurance premiums. They’ll also kick off FY24 budget season with a look at revenue and expenses in the General Fund. Quite possibly they’ll talk of postponing some of these items when the meeting runs on too long. You can make the meeting longer by bringing up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

November 16, 2022 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda

Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use.
2022-145              Town of Brattleboro for Vermont River Conservancy; Waterfront District; request for renewal of Site Plan, Local Act 250, Flood Hazard, Riparian Buffer & Wetland Conditional Use Approval

What Is An Appropriate Political Protest Poster? After “FJB” and Code Pink Vagina Hats, How Far Can We Go?


(1) There’s the ever growing fame of photos of President Joe Biden with “FJB”.
(2) There’s “orange man bad” photos protesting former President Donald Trump.
(3) There are the amazing poster photos of Code Pink ladies wearing Vagine Hats.

I’m Ms. Cris Ericson, candidate for U.S. Senator on your election ballot.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Friday, October 28, 2022 at 3:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center. The Board will convene at 3:15pm and is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee. The Board will reconvene after the executive session and immediately adjourn. No action will be taken.

The American Model of Democracy Is Beyond Repair

It is frustrating to watch the political process play out in this country and hold out hope that things will improve. Lies, corruption and every imaginable form of deceit rule the day. Some might say that this is the way it has always has been and they point to scandals and scoundrels that have ruled the day since the birth of the republic.

One can give up on the political process completely and not vote and not engage in any activity of a political nature and try to ignore the mess of the current political state. Others may work to change things and look to a brighter future where common sense and decency prevail. I don’t see a lot of hope for optimism when it comes to politics.

On the other hand, an argument might be made that politics has always been a messy business and that all of the bad that comes of political work is the price we have to pay in order to accomplish the work of government. If we buy that argument then we give a pass to a lot of bad people doing bad things and I just can’t accept that kind of thinking because it only makes it harder for many of us to engage in the world.

Assassinations of Leaders

I just finished watching a long 4-part documentary entitled “Bobby Kennedy for President” (Worth watching). Bobby was murdered. His brother JFK was murdered. Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King was also murdered. 

It causes me to wonder: what kind of America would we be living in today if these leaders were allowed to live?

Helpful Election Information for November 8 General Elections in Brattleboro

Below is information that might be helpful to know for the November 8th General Election.

All active registered voters were automatically mailed a ballot. Please make sure to follow the instructions included with your ballot, including SIGNING THE CERTIFICATE ENVELOPEand making sure your ballot is INSIDE that envelope. Please use a BLACK PEN to mark your ballot. DO NOT USE A MARKER as it can bleed through to the back of your ballot and require you to need a replaced ballot. If you have not received your ballot, or if you have any questions about your ballot, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 802-251-8157.

BCTV Schedules – Week of October 24, 2022

BCTV Channel 1078 schedule for the week of 10/24/22

Monday, October 24, 2022

5:45 am Current Topics in Science Series – Jared Ulmerm MPH, AICP
7:00 am The News Project – In Studio – State Representative Candidates Discuss Issues
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Around Town with Maria – Brattleboro Museum and Arts Centers 50th Anniversary 9/10/22
11:30 am New England Cooks – LENTILS with Vermont Salumi

Make the Best Decisions on Saturday Oct. 22, 2022 at 10 PM

I rarely make astrological predictions, but I was looking for a new subject to make a new youtube video, and my brain is stuck. At the moment, Oct. 21, 2022 the moon is in Virgo. Virgo is too analytical, I need to let my mind flow freely.

Good news is that tomorrow, Saturday night Oct. 22, 2022 at (ten) 10 P.M. there are four positions all in Libra, which is rare, and brings a fresh breeze of thought to the mind. But, it only lasts for a moment!

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda


I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:00 p.m. – Kelly Young, Board Chair


• CLERK’S REPORT – Approval of Minutes – October 11, 2022 / Motion to Amend Minutes from the August 9, 2022 Meeting

III. PRESENTATION: Student Issues (10 minutes)

IV. PRESENTATION: BUHS Administration Team and Faculty Council RE: the First Weeks of School

Join The Brattleboro Charter Revision Commission

The Brattleboro Selectboard is pleased to announce its intention to establish a seven (7) member Charter Revision Commission before the end of this calendar year. Article 4, Section 5(H) of the Brattleboro Charter requires, “At least as often as every fifteen (15) years, the selectboard shall appoint from among the voters a charter revision commission to review the language of the charter and the rights, powers, duties, and responsibilities specified therein. The commission may propose amendments and may redraft the charter in whole or in part.”

Voters are encouraged to submit a letter of interest, either in hard copy to 230 Main Street, Suite 208, Brattleboro, VT 05301 or by email to
jsticklor@brattleboro.org. Please describe why you would like to be appointed to the Commission, along with your qualifications and what you hope to achieve. Your submission must be received in the in the Town Manager’s Office no later than 5:00pm on Friday November 11, 2022.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro RTM Human Services Review Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 5:00pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center and over Zoom.

The Brattleboro RTM Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 6:00pm in the Community Room at the Brattleboro Co-op.

The Brattleboro Town Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 5:00pm in the Community Room at the Brooks Memorial Library.