

250 Birge Street Floodplain Restoration Presentation Dec 13


Call to Order
Jeremy Roberts, P. G., on behalf of the Vermont River Conservancy, will present elements of the proposed brownfield cleanup work at 250 Birge Street, a floodplain restoration project under the direction of the Town of Brattleboro. The presentation will review the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) objectives, methods, and project schedule. Meeting materials can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/250-Birge-Street 

Stories That Need To Be Told

Even though the atrocities of World War II happened nearly 80 years ago, the stories of what happened must continue to be told. We still face threats from the rising power of authoritarian regimes and that makes the recounting of history more important. Accounts of the Holocaust and the Nazi efforts to eliminate Jews and other people they considered undesirable for inclusion in the master race must continue to be presented.

There have been movies and books on these subjects. Anne Frank’s diary is well-known and the attempts of her family to stay alive have been burned into the consciousness of anyone trying to understand what happened in Europe during World War II. There is another diary, written by Leo Berman, when he was 14 years old and living in northern Italy. His first entry was an account of September 8, 1943.

Thinking About Starting a Home-Based Child Care Business?

The Windham County Child Care Count coalition, in partnership with the Winston Prouty Center, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation and BCTV, share a series of conversations with local early childhood professionals to help answer question about opening your own registered child care program. Topics include:

Overview: Melanie Zinn, Owner & CEO of Horizon, Vernon Village & Mulberry Bush Early Learning Programs, shares her experience in starting a childcare program in her home including the initial challenges, licensing and regulation considerations, and the importance of mentorship.

Brattleboro Town Manager Contract Details

Amidst all the hoopla and excitement of a contract with a new Town Manager at the Selectboard meeting Tuesday night, the board neglected to inform the public of any details of the contract.

Here’s your quick overview:

$120k salary
$5k for transportation
10 sick days

Vidhi Salla on “Here We Are”

Bollywood in Brattleboro! Vidhi Salla’s radiant energy and her love of India open us up to the culture of her homeland. Her radio show on WVEW and collaborations with the Brattleboro Arts and Music scene bring new experiences to our town.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – McNeills, Budgets, and Park Planning

new tm john potter signs contract

A long night of budget talk, with nods to McNeill’s. Plus, Interim Town Manager Patrick Moreland admits he  forgot to add in repayment of a bond in the preliminary budget.

Should we fill more potholes? Should we build a year-round pool? Will homes get re-assessed soon? Is it called global warming?  These are the issues of the day.

Saying Good-bye to McNeill’s

McNeills - iBrattleboro Night Out 11-8-2007

One of our favorite places to hang out when we first moved to Brattleboro was McNeill’s on Eliot Street. Having moved up from Boston/Cambridge, home of many gritty, grubby Irish-style pubs that were not then or ever going to be fern bars (remember those?), we were happy to grab a pint at Brattleboro’s equivalent spot whenever we had a free evening. Although many of our new Brattleboro compatriots seemed to prefer fern bars, we never found the clean scene that inspiring. Despite pressure to transfer our allegiance to places shiny and new, we continued to frequent McNeill’s, where an affordable pint was always available and the ambience was right.

BCTV Schedules – Week of December 5, 2022

Monday, December 5, 2022

5:00 am GMALL Lectures – Get Outside – Secrets of Aging Well
6:10 am Windsor Public Library Presents – Planning Next Year’s Garden
7:35 am Positively Vermont – Interview with Lindsay Varner of the Rokeby Museum 10/3/22
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast
9:00 am Brattleboro Literary Festival – Annie Hartnett

McNeill’s Burns; 1 Died

McNeill’s Brewery, local gathering place and pub, was lost to a fire last night during Gallery Walk. One person, not yet identified, died in the blaze which apparently started in the upstairs apartment at 90 Elliot St.

The bar and brewery had been closed since the Covid outbreak.
I have no words, just sadness. RIP

Photos are attached, taken by Deb Valois.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – December 6, 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard will continue their journey through the FY24 budget planning season at their next regular meeting. In this installment, they will hear from the DPW, Assessors, and Rec & Parks departments with a special mention of the Living Memorial Park project financing.

The board will approve the contract with new Town Manager John Potter and will discuss ARPA funds, Fossil Free Facility Funds, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation. Another reminder: you can run for office to become a member of the Selectboard. Contact the Town Clerk for details.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda – December 5

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, December 5, 2022 at 5:45pm and is expected to enter immediately into executive session to discuss the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee. The Selectboard will reconvene the business part of the meeting at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center at 230 Main Street.