

Multimedia Exhibit about Social Justice on Display at Landmark College

A new exhibit in The Fine Arts Gallery at Landmark College explores issues of social justice and injustice through the multimedia works of Lani Asuncion, Nima Nikakhlagh, Vick Quezada and William Ransom.

Curated by Landmark College Associate Professor of Arts Samuel Rowlett, “In the Course of Human Events” opened on February 15 and will be on display through April 21, 2023 in the Fine Arts Gallery, which is open to the public daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Rowlett says the exhibition title, taken from the first line of the Declaration of Independence, offers a reminder of the deeply human complexities, tragedies, and hypocrisies inherent in the ongoing formation of our “more perfect union.”

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro Town Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:00pm in the Community Meeting Room at the Brooks Memorial Library.

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 4:15pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street).

WSESD Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes

The Windham Southeast School District Board will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 in the WRCC 1st floor Conference Room 198E for an EXECUTIVE SESSION under 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(7) Academic records or suspension or discipline of students. The regular meeting will commence in the WRCC Cusick Conference Room at approximately 6:30 p.m. or at the conclusion of the executive session.

WSESU Policy and Amendment Committee

Revised AGENDA
I. Approval of Minutes from 2/6/23
Confirm date for next meeting

II. Update
F10 – Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect (3rd Reading 2/14/23)
F35 – School Animal Policy (2nd Reading 2/14/23)
III. Review as a 1st Reading for presentation to the Board on 2/28
F2 (D17) Policy on Nondiscriminatory Mascots and School Branding

Selectboard Notes Feb 21, 2023 – Let Homeless Sleep in the Snow

BCS submitted its Statement to the board by email and in person on paper. The selectboard (health commission) declined to read any part of BCS’ STATEMENT at the hearing.   The selectboard decided to uphold the Emergency Order to shut down BCS emergency homeless shelter in RVs.  As you might note in the Statement (ask for a copy), the Order is legally defective, as BCS was not notified of our right to a hearing within five days of the Order (and for other reasons).  So, the evening’s proceedings may  be declared void.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Daims RVs Are Rentals and Must Be Up To Code

brattleboro selectboard

A special hearing by the Brattleboro Selectboard to consider health violations cited at 16 Washington Street had much discussion by all concerned – except one key individual: the property owner. Kurt Daims didn’t attend his hearing, and the board did not look kindly on such an action.  He did issue a statement via BCS delivered to the board, but it wasn’t enough.

The new train station project was again described in detail, ARPA funds were discussed, the tree ordinance was adopted, and more.

Brattleboro Annual Town Meeting and Windham Southeast School District School Board Absentee Ballots Available

Absentee ballots for the Brattleboro Annual Town Meeting and Windham Southeast School District School Board vote to be held March 7, are now available for request. Absentee ballots for this election must be requested and are only automatically mailed to all voters for November General Elections. Anyone wishing to vote absentee may apply for an absentee ballot until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 6, although we recommend doing so as soon as possible for mail time purposes.

Lester Dunklee on “Here We Are”

Legendary LESTER DUNKLEE – a fixture and fixer on Flat St.

He’s been the go-to guy for rescuing, restoring and re-solving countless projects, objects and much machinery at Dunklee’s Machine Shop – his family’s business for over 100 years, and he’s got stories to tell !

BCTV Schedules Week of February 20, 2022

BCTV Channel 1078 Weekly Listing for 2/20/23

Monday, February 20, 2023

6:00 am Thorn In My Side – BREAKFAST! – May 26th, 2022

7:10 am Peace Talks – Interview with Poet Rajnii Eddins 1/20/23

8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

9:00 am Landmark College Presents – Taylor Dunne and Eric Stewart – Resisting Nuclear Armament in the 21st Century

COVID Vigilance Needed for Those Over 65

The hypervigilance phase of the COVID pandemic is over but the disease will, most likely, never go away. That’s not earth shattering news but many of us, especially people over 65, should be mindful of the disease and protect ourselves as much as we can. New variants pop up and each one seems to be more communicable than the next.

The fact that a significant number of people have had COVID and have been vaccinated makes casual transmission less likely, but the threat will always be there. Consider these statistics from the CDC.

Every week over 260,000 people contract COVID, over 2000 people die from COVID in the U.S. every week and 3500 people a day are in the hospital because of COVID.

Brattleboro Selectboard Candidate Interview – Peter Case

Peter “Fish” Case is running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard


Introduce yourself – who are you and why are you running this year for a  1 year seat?

My name is Peter “Fish” Case and I’m running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.  I’m running because… I want to.  Serving the town and people of Brattleboro is nothing new to me it’s something I’ve done for the entire time I’ve lived here (30 plus years) and I would welcome the opportunity to do it as the select board level.

The Foreign Landers at Next Stage

PUTNEY – Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present an evening of bluegrass and folk music by The Foreign Landers on Thursday, March 16 at 7:00 pm at Next Stage.

Drawing from the musical styles of their homelands, transatlantic, multi-instrumentalist duo David Benedict (from South Carolina) and Tabitha Agnew Benedict (from Northern Ireland) join with Nate Sabat on acoustic bass and Julian Pinelli on fiddle for their 2023 tour to celebrate the release of the CD “Traveler’s Rest.” David and Tabitha’s authenticity and originality in songwriting, instrumental prowess on guitar, banjo, and mandolin, evocative vocals, and unique transatlantic touch all combine to create a unique sound that is inexpressibly foreign and yet familiar.

Harris Hill Ski Jump Sunday Results

Good afternoon, the Harris Hill Ski Jump 101st addition has wrapped up, to much success. Today’s Fred Harris memorial tournament results are attached, the winner of the event was Slovenia’s Ozbej Kotnik.

Thank you for your continued interest and support of Harris Hill Ski Jump.

Harris Hill Ski Jump Saturday Results


RESULTS are attached from today’s Pepsi Challenge at Harris Hill Ski Jump, February 18, 2023.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott attended today’s jump and gave welcome remarks to fans and athletes.
The final Target Jump at the end of the day (which is a fun competition) had a three way tie with jumps at 93M each. In the end, Slovenia’s Vid Vrhovnik took home the win.

Medicaid & Health Resource Drop-In Hours

In Dec. 2022, Congress voted to eliminate the extra federal funding and requirement that states keep people on Medicaid. Vermont will be starting Medicaid redeterminations on April 1. According to the Urban Institute’s projections, up to 29,000 Vermont Medicaid recipients could be affected.

The Vermont Workers’ Center is hosting an informational session in the Meeting Room at the Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro on Feb. 22 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. All are welcome to stop in to find out whether they will be affected, what their rights are in this process, and how to be sure that they aren’t cut off for bureaucratic reasons. People who are not on Medicaid and have questions about health care access are also welcome, as there will be other health care resources available. For more information, email windham@workerscenter.org.