

Who’s On First? Brattleboro Says Brattleboro

Brattleboro was given a clue, perhaps,  to the problem between the Town of Brattleboro and Rescue, Inc. at Tuesday’s Selectboard meeting. Fire Chief Howard said multiple times that even if another EMS service was chosen to provide first response care in Brattleboro, he would have his department keep arriving on scene “first,” no matter what.

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Board Reorganizational Meeting

I. CALL TO ORDER—6:00 p.m. — Mark Speno, Superintendent
II. Nominations
A. Nominations/Election of Board Chair __________________________
B. Nominations/Election of Board Vice-Chair _________________________
C. Nominations/Election of Board Clerk _________________________
D. Establish Meeting Days/Time __________________________

Press Release – Brattleboro Gravel Road Conditions

This year DPW has changed how we inspect and report the conditions of Brattleboro’s gravel roads during mud season. The updated report will not be sent daily as in past years. Starting this week, you will see a sign at the beginning of each gravel road. The sign will have a color-coded section that indicates the current condition of the road and QR code that will take you directly to Maps-on-line for the conditions of all roads.  Instead of waiting for all of the roads to be checked to report each road be entered immediately which should speed up the reporting significantly.  Attached is a press release explaining the new procedure.

Brattleboro Dog and Wolf-Hybrid Licenses Are Due

Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are due on or before April 1 (because April 1 falls on a Saturday, this is extended through April 3, 2023) for animals 6 months of age and older.  For dogs not previously licensed in Brattleboro, a new dog license application form is available on thewww.brattleboro.org website; go to Departments; Town Clerk; on the right-hand side bar is a section on Dogs.  From that page on the right side bar look at Licensing a New Dog.   Licenses being renewed may be processed in the Town Clerk’s office (in-person or by using the drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot), through the mail or paid online at www.brattleboro.org.  

Daims’ March 21, 2023 Recollection of Remarks With Selectboard

Below is my recollection of remarks at tonight’s meeting.

The preliminaries are usually unremarkable and brief. But yesterday Jessica Gelter said that she mentioned the suppression of Kurt Daims/BCS written testimony in the notes of the previous meeting. Also two members were leaving the board. They all appreciated each other’s their devotion to democracy and fairness. Such flattering speeches are not usually brief. It was a good time to comment like this:

Moore Free Library Offers Scholarships For Newfane, S. Newfane and Brookline

The Moore Free Library is offering a total of $12,000 in scholarships, generously funded by the family of the late Robert L. Crowell. These awards are open to all residents of Newfane, S. Newfane and Brookline who are graduating high school seniors at any high school or who are GED recipients. The scholarship committee will consider academics, personal growth, and community service. Completed applications must be received by May 12, 2023.

Hinsdale Bridge Update March 2023

TRAFFIC IMPACT: Motorists on Vermont Route 142 should be aware that construction activities are ongoing along VT 142 approximately 1000′ south of the intersection with New Hampshire Route 119. Construction vehicles will continue entering and exiting the construction site and minor flagging and delays may be encountered in this area.

Vote Brattleboro as Strongest Town

Brattleboro is facing Dunnellen, New Jersey in the first round bracket of the Strongest Town Contest, with voters from across the continent deciding which will advance to the Elite Eight round of this March Madness-style tournament.

The Strongest Town Contest spotlights and celebrates communities that are continuously becoming more resilient and prosperous through bottom-up action.

Vote for Brattleboro at https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2023/3/20/stc2023-r1-dunellen-brattleboro

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2023

Time for the regular “add your own” observation column. What’s going on around Brattleboro this spring?

Renaissance Jewelry is having a big sale and seemingly going out of business after quite a while on Main Street.
Rt 30 work is starting up again – some new guardrails installed near the edge of town.  The bigger observation is that flaggers are going to become a job of the past, replaced by robotics.

BCTV Schedules Week of March 20, 2023

Monday, March 20, 2023

6:30 am Media Mentoring Project – A Photo is Worth a Thousand Words

8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

9:00 am Windham County Genealogy Interest Group – Finding Your Ancestors in Immigration Records

10:55 am At BMAC – Conversation: A. Moritsugu, E. Shigaki, and S. Freeman

A Self-Publishing Experiment: Jake Hill

Last week I talked about the lack of equality in the presentation of various art forms to the public. I find it particularly troubling that writers have to jump through so many hoops to just have people read their writing.

So I am trying an experiment using my platform, which reaches only a few hundred people at best. I have been writing because I feel compelled to in order to keep something in my inner spirit alive. I am resigned to the reality that very few people will read my writing.

Share Your March Snow Storm Story

I’m sure you have a tale to tell.  We all do.  And everyone likes hearing how others made it through the disaster.  Share it with everyone below…

We lost power, and internet, and water, and eventually even dial-up phone service here at world headquarters. It was an amazing amount of snow. Probably over two feet where we are. Lots of downed tree branches and wires throughout the region.

Brattleboro Downtown District Snow Removal

The Town of Brattleboro would like to remind everyone that the snow emergency ban is in effect.   

Snow and ice will be removed from the streets in the downtown area this evening.   

Parked vehicles in the downtown district must be removed by 11:00pm or they will be towed at the owner’s expense.