

A Helpless Hostage of the Dental System

If you want to have the experience of being powerless and victimized by an elite corps of professionals simply seek dental care. I have watched the prices of dental care soar to obscene limits over the years and have felt helpless and hopeless because I know there is nothing I can do to change the situation.

The dental profession’s expertise is not in question. Practitioners are extremely well trained and they provide a high level of care. The problem is the business model that controls the delivery of dental care.

Most dentists are either private business owners or work for entities that are private businesses. While there are a number of health related regulations that dental practices must follow, when it comes to cost it is the wild west.

Selectboard Member to Hold Office Hours at the Library

Hello, Brattleboro. Last evening I attended my first meeting as a member of the Brattleboro Selectboard. As has been discussed in various forums recently, openness of the Selectboard proceedings and the active solicitation of input from members of the community will be of paramount concern for the Board and the town administration in the coming year.

As one part of this process, beginning next week on April 12 and for the next six weeks, I will station myself in one of the meeting rooms on the mezzanine level of Brooks Memorial Library each Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. During this time, everyone is invited to come for conversation on pretty much any topic having to do with the town and its government.

Two Short Selectboard Comments from BCS – April 4, 2023

We thank Mr. Potter for the update on the litigation over our emergency homeless shelter.

We had two comments tonight: first on the EHRV emergency shelter, and second, on the Fair Evictions and Rents amendment . One issue comes from the other.

In a selectboard meeting January 2021 we offered free housing for a police officer or substation at BCS corporate headquarters on Washington Street. It was part of our SAFE Policing project to start community policing. One of the vehicles in our emergency shelter is actually a mobile office, and quite suited as a substation or as a dental lab.

Evaluating EMS Delivery

As the Town of Brattleboro continues to explore the future of Emergency Medical Services there is discussion happening in the State Assembly.

On March 22, 2023, beginning at 10:00 am, the Vermont House Health Care Committee took testimony on H. 263. [1] The recording of that over one and a half hour session is available for review on YouTube. [2] I highly recommend listening to the testimony. One of the details of the bill provides for the creation of a Regional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordination Study Committee. [3] Overall the testimony itself provides excellent context for further discussion.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Board Chair Suggests Further Limiting Public Comment

selectboard april 4 23

New Brattleboro Selectboard members Peter Case and Franz Reichsman attended their first regular meeting since swearing-in. They were treated to discussions of rules and goals, the Windham Regional Commission, Representative Town Meeting, hazard mitigation, and more.

Town Manager John Potter suggested the board have a retreat to discuss short-term and longer-term goals and budgets, to which the board readily agreed.

Chair Ian Goodnow had an unusally rough night. He was 40 minutes past his usual 8 pm break time as he explained to the board his new goals for keeping the meeting on schedule. This included his new desire to limit public comments to just two minutes per person, per agenda item. 

WSESD Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: 4:44 PM – Mark Speno, Superintendent

Anne Beekman was elected chair on a motion by Kerry Amidon.

Kim Price was elected vice-chair on a motion by Kerry Amidon.

Kerry Amidon was elected clerk on a motion by Anne Beekman.

Please Sign This Anti-War Petition for a Conversation With Bernie

Dear Vermont Friends and Neighbors (and Bernie Sanders constituents),

The Vermont Peace/Anti-War Coalition launched in January 2023. This Petition Letter to Senator Bernie Sanders is our first effort at gathering widespread Vermonters’ support for ending U.S. war making.  Many of us in Vermont believe it is time to unite on this issue–and not be divided. No matter what your views or affiliation, please join us in signing the letter to Senator Sanders asking him to review his foreign policy of writing blank checks to Ukraine and the weapons manufacturers. We are also asking for an in-person meeting to discuss Sanders bringing our views to Washington.

Pot Holes, Mud Ruts

Blow outs. Mire. Oncoming. Cyclists. Many the hazards. Jerk the wheel. A bent rim. Muffler shot. Slalom run. Swerve, sway, swing.  

Mind you these are split second decisions we’re discussing. What Would A Self Driving Car Do?  Here is my workable strategy for negotiating mud- charge the ridges, go, keep going, ride the humps, steer like baby chimp with a rattle. Bit of gas is our friend.  Some bogs better not to enter.

Brattleboro Water Department 2022 Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2022 is now available. This report can be viewed on line at https://www.brattleboro.org/ccreport and printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s Office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford. 

BCTV Schedule for Week of April 3, 2023

BCTV Channel 1079 Weekly Listing for 4/3/23

Monday, April 3, 2023

4:30 am Windham Southeast School District – WSESD Bd Mtg 3/28/23

7:00 am Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board – BHP Bd Mtg 3/27/23

8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast

9:00 am Guilford Selectboard – Guilford SB Mtg 3/27/23

iBrattleboro To Become Ai-Brattleboro

The creators of iBrattleboro have announced a new direction for the citizen journalism site. “With 20 years of citizen-generated archived local digital media , we realized that iBrattleboro no longer requires citizens to write about where they live.”  The new site will be 100% driven by artificial intelligence ChatGPT code and will generate stories and comments on behalf of former users of the site.

“We just feed the old site content in as prompts, and it generates fresh new content that seems similar to local news and information,” said the owners.  “It’s almost like people are having conversations locally with one another again.”

April First Announcement

Vermont Public’s President and CEO Scott Finn has announced that the station’s name has been shortened from “Vermont Public” to “Vermont.”  

WSESD Board Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2023

Because this is the annual reorganization meeting, it is customary for the Superintendent to act as Chair until the Board elects their own Chair.

Superintendent Mark Speno called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.

Mr. Speno congratulated EN, RMA, and KP on their elections to the WSESD Board.

Singer-songwriter Carsie Blanton to perform at Next Stage Arts on April 30th at 7pm

Next Stage Arts and Twilight Music are thrilled to announce an upcoming performance by the renowned singer-songwriter, Carsie Blanton, on April 30th at 7pm. Blanton, known for her “anthems for a world worth saving,” will bring her unique blend of sultry pop and punk-tinged Americana to the stage in what promises to be an unforgettable evening.

With a style that has been described as “an equal dose of moxie and mischief,” Carsie Blanton has earned a loyal following around the world. Her music has been featured on NPR’s Mountain Stage, and she has shared stages with the likes of Paul Simon, The Weepies, and Shawn Colvin.