Brattleboro Senior Meals Menu May 1 thru May 5
May 1 Chef Salad w/Turkey, Ham, Egg & Cheese
Pasta Salad & Veggie Salad
3 Bean Salad
Fruit Salad
May 1 Chef Salad w/Turkey, Ham, Egg & Cheese
Pasta Salad & Veggie Salad
3 Bean Salad
Fruit Salad
Guilford Center Stage will perform Thornton Wilder’s play, Our Town, at the Broad Brook Community Center in Guilford onFriday and Saturday, May 5 & 6, at 7:30 pm and Sunday, May 7 at 2:00 pm. Ian Hefele directs a cast from the tri-state region.
A theatrical groundbreaker when it debuted in 1938, Our Town was written at the nearby MacDowell Colony in Peterborough, NH, and the town of Grover’s Corners in the play is based upon that locale.
Among the innovative features of the play is Wilder’s use of a central character, the Stage Manager, who communicates directly to the audience, and both moves the action along and interrupts it with commentary. Jennifer Gagnon plays this pivotal role.
I was advised the link in the other story does not open. Here is the copy I submitted to The Commons which was published 4/26/2023:
An April 7, 2023 Commentary in the Reformer, Brattleboro EMS: Fact vs fiction, asserted that “Rescue notified the town on March 25, 2022, that it would not be providing service to the town beyond the June 30, 2022,” citing Rescue Inc’s letter.
That is misleading. The full statement by Rescue from that letter reads:
“Given your stated position and unwillingness to pay for emergency medical response, Rescue Inc will not be able to continue providing that service to the Town of Brattleboro beyond the June 30, 2022 contract end date. If the town would like to come and speak with me about an agreement for service beyond June 30, 2022, please contact me no later than May 1, 2022, to schedule a meeting.”
Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
Item: Determine Matter of Proper Appellation
Summary: It has been brought to the attention of the FM Board that there exists inconsistency in regards to the spelling of the Farmers’(sic) Market. In some instances there is no inclusion of an apostrophe. In other cases an apostrophe is between either a singular Farmer, or at times following a plural Farmer(s), and the letter “s”.
In The Commond this week
April 26, 2023
Need to do the math on Brattleboro EMS funding
Superintendent Mark Speno announced updates to the search for a BUHS principal. He shared that a hiring process was conducted and a candidate pulled their name from consideration. He met with staff and received great feedback. He stated that we do have four strong dedicated leaders and the next steps will be determined and shared in the near future.
Chair KY called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.
KY read the hybrid meeting statement.
KY changed the agenda to move “IX. Fiscal Report” to right after “IV. Administrative Report.”
The Brattleboro Selectboard will discuss a plan for the “Fire-EMS Transition Project” which promises multiple opportunities for the public to weigh in with comments and opinions in the coming months.
They will also add Juneteenth to the official holiday schedule, adjust the cemetery ordinance , change the Agricultural Loan Fund, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation. But keep it short, you pesky public! : )
“Since April 21, 2014 I have been living an alternate life… my son Nic passed from this mortal existence on that day. I am not the same and never will be. I once thought the traumas I’d experienced up to that date were the worst that could happen. I was wrong. Nothing else even comes close to this. Nic, this child I birthed, is no longer embodied here on Earth. Surviving this is an unparalleled, surreal experience.
The Brattleboro RTM Finance Committee will meet on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Quiet Reading Room at the Brooks Memorial Library (224 Main Street).
The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Board will meet on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 4:15pm in the Hanna Cosman Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street).
The contractor has finished the leveling pad installation for the northern MSE wall and will begin to set panels and the panel straps. The covered retaining wall on the west side of VT 142 will be maintained as necessary until the location can be backfilled during the summer closure period. Excavation for the gravel wetland is ongoing and coinciding installation of drainage structures has begun.
Pile driving operations are anticipated to be finished at Pier 2 by the end of this week. Pier 1 piles will be driven later this season. Additional work on the temporary trestle access over the CT River will need to be completed to facilitate construction equipment and the intermittent pounding of diesel hammers will continue as a part of this operation.
Crews are working to repair damage to a water line at the intersection of Marlboro Road and Westgate Drive. During this emergency repair work, several residences in the area will be without water for up to 20 minutes beginning now and continuing through approximately 7:00pm.
Once the water is restored, you may experience a short period of discolored water or air in the water lines after the repair is complete. Running the cold water for a few minutes should clear the lines if this happens.
Celebrating Poetry Month in conversation with our former Vermont Poet Laureate. CHARD deNIORD shares some great stories, and talks about how poetry is the constant thread, inspiring his life.
Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
6:00 Call to Order
6:00 – 6:05 Announcements
6:05 – 6:10 Minutes of April 3, 2023
Discussion of Edits, Motion to Approve
6:10 – 7:00 Proposed Changes in Land Use Regulatory Language
Monday, April 24, 2023
6:00 am Green Mountain Care Board – April 12, 2023
8:00 am The David Pakman Show – The David Pakman Show – Weekly Broadcast
9:00 am Brattleboro Planning Commission – Brattleboro PC Mtg 4/3/23
11:15 am West River Education District – WRED Bd Mtg 4/12/23
As part of account verification, the site asks for evidence of actual awareness of a physical aspect of Brattleboro. It’s a unique way to prove not only that a would-be contributor is not a robot, but there is in fact some identification with the town that is the locus of the site.
[What can you tell us about Brattleboro? (required) ~~ Can you tell us something that only someone with a genuine connection to our area would know?]
Americans with guns are becoming more creative in their pursuit of killing and maiming people. It is an inevitable progression that will only get worse because lawmakers will never enact legislation to put limits on gun ownership. In fact, we may see this country go in the opposite direction as long as minority rule by right wing Republicans rules the day in the courts and in congress.
This year, to date, there have been 160 incidents where four or more people were killed or injured. Last year that number was 647. These numbers have no effect on the people who have the power to change this horrific situation because of the way that our political system works. If you give politicians a lot of money they will do what you want. That is why the gun lobby is so powerful.
A. Call to Order (5:15)
B. Approve Minutes of March 28, 2023 (5:15 – 5:25)
C. Public Comments (5:25 – 5:30)
D. Announcements (5:30 – 5:40)
April 24 Cheese Ravioli w/Meat Sauce
Mixed Veggies
Garlic Bread