

Citizens Police Communications Committee Meeting Agenda

1.) Call to Order and Review Minutes from May 24th 2023 and approve and go over Roberts Rules briefly.
2.)Discuss Complaints and Compliments from May 24th 2023 meeting any additional questions from last months review of Complaints and Compliments to determine final or continued decisions.
3.) Go over any New Complaints and Compliments from BPD.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge

DETOUR INFORMATION: The truck detour route from VT 142 will be up Cotton Mill Hill Road, left onto South Main Street, continuing onto Fairground Road, and finally back Canal Street. Cars detouring from VT 142 should proceed up Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and make a right hand turn onto South Main St. A turnaround has been constructed south of Cotton Mill Hill Rd. on VT 142 to allow vehicles to safely navigate this corridor. A three-way stop configuration has been implemented at the Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and VT 142 intersection.

VT 142 Royal Road Weekend Work Scheduled

The installation of a 30″ Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) under the railroad tracks adjacent to the intersection of Vermont Route 142 and Royal Road in Brattleboro will necessitate the contractor work 24 hours a day over the weekend beginning Friday, June 23rd and ending on Sunday, June 25th. Residents in the vicinity of the project should be advised that site lighting and construction noise will come from this location overnight on both Friday and Saturday nights. Train traffic will be suspended during this weekend closure period and is scheduled to resume again on Monday morning at 8 a.m.

WSESD Board Meeting – Draft Minutes June 13, 2023

…”Now, therefore, we, the New Brattleboro Mascot Oversight Committee of the Windham Southeast School District, do hereby recommend that the Board of School Directors officially adopt Bears as our new school mascot and identifier for the purpose of enabling a unified and spirited school community….”

Democracy Expands in Brattleboro and From Brattleboro

At BCS we’re shouting hallelujah, You can imagine, with the overwhelmong selectboard lawsuits against our homeless shelter it’s great to have this good news. It’s been ten years. Brattleboro is the first city — the only city in America that gives its young people a voice as voters and as elected officials. This may stem the tide of youth moving out of town. We were just talking with Addie Lentzner of the Vermont Youth Lobby. We’re thinking about a state-wide campaign. If we proceed BCS will advocate for full voting membership on school boards.

Young Brattleboro students have a great range of options for political expression. On one hand the student member of the school board is formal but tokenized and not allowed to vote. On the other hand Rio and other Youth Vote workers also disrupted the selectboard and the Heifer Parade to declare a climate emergency. The Youth Vote amendment creates the best option, both formal and powerful, if the young voters choose to own their power.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – EMS and Kitten Update

The Brattleboro Selectboard approves union and non-union pay raises and contracts for town employees at Tuesday’s meeting, they will talk finances and financial software, and they will approve enterprise fund budgets and a rate decrease for those who use water.

I’ll skip that stuff and give you a kitten update, then join the board for their discussion of EMS after 7 pm.

Housing in Brattleboro: Let’s Get It Done

Though the selectboard knew the motel funding would end, they did no planning. Instead now they are talking about thinking about proposing something.  

BCS has promoted emergency homeless shelters in RVs and campers since last summer. We’ve been saying to the selectboard basically, “We have started a decentralized homeless shelter.  It’s a simple solution to the homeless crisis, but it doesn’t fit any current permitting process. Can you help? ”. They said nothing. In February they began prosecuting us. Now the news says they are proposing the same thing and calling it “dispersed camping”.

BCTV Schedules – Week of June 19, 2023

BCTV Channel 1079 Weekly Listing for 6/19/23

Monday, June 19, 2023

5:00 am Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board – BHP Bd Mtg 5/22/23

5:45 am Windham Central Supervisory Union – WCSU Bd and Exec. Comm. Mtg 5/31/23

7:00 am Brattleboro Planning Commission – Brattleboro PC Mtg 6/5/23

8:30 am West River Education District – WRED Bd Mtg 6/12/23

Rainbow Girls plus Pete Muller & the Kindred Souls at Next Stage

Next Stage Arts and Twilight Music present folk/roots/Americana trio Rainbow Girls at Next Stage on Wednesday, July 26 at 7:00 pm. Pete Muller & the Kindred Souls open.

Rainbow Girls are an eclectic folk trio hailing from the golden countryside just north of California’s Bay Area. Vanessa May, Erin Chapin, and Caitlin Gowdey seamlessly combine soul-touching harmonies, varitextured instrumentals, and poignant lyrical content into a beautiful sonic tapestry. Throughout their performance, voices are paired with an ever-changing amalgamation of acoustic and slide guitar, keys, upright bass, harmonica, and an array of vocal techniques creating an engaging and emotionally moving live show.

Next Stage Bandwagon Summer Series Presents Klezmer Re-groove Ensemble Klezperanto!

The Next Stage Bandwagon Summer Series presents klezmer re-groove ensemble Klezperanto!, on Saturday, July 22 at 6:00 pm at West River Park, 333 VT-30, in Brattleboro, VT.

“Klezmer and dancing go hand-in-hand, and Klezperanto delivers on that promise,” says Keith Marks, Executive Director of Next Stage Arts. “The Boston-based Klezmer all-star lineup includes members of the Klezmer Conservatory Band – they know this idiom. With Klezperanto, they expand its power and impact, and we’re excited to bring that energy to the region.”​​

Klezperanto! presents Eastern European melodies as you’ve never heard them before, from Bogota to the Black Sea. With solid klezmer roots, spectacular technical virtuosity, and a wry sense of humor, Ilene Stahl and an all-star line-up of Boston’s best musicians re-groove traditional klezmer and Mediterranean melodies, celebrate the golden age of Colombian big bands, rip up Romanian surf tunes, slay a few standards, and blow past every posted limit to bring you irresistible dance music from everywhere except your cousin’s friend’s bar mitzvah. Klezperanto’s fans know: It’s No Hora Show!

Next Stage Arts and Vermont Suitcase Company bring The Feeble Fantastical to Putney

Next Stage Arts presents The Feeble Fantastical, a Vermont Suitcase Company production, at Next Stage Arts on Friday, July 21 at 7:00 pm.

“Theater is embedded into the fabric of this community, and The Vermont Suitcase Company is one of the threads of that tapestry,” says Keith Marks, Executive Director of Next Stage Arts. “Partnering with them to bring theater to our community is exactly the type of collaberation we envision as we create a thriving, cultural ecosystem in the region.”

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting June 20, 2023 – Agenda and Notes

Brattleboro employees will get raises and taxpayers will get a 5% reduction in water bills at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Parking and Utility budgets will be approved, the monthly EMS update will be given, and the public’s chance to weigh in at the 2nd meeting in June regarding EMS services will be on the agenda as well.  You might also be able to bring up other items not on the agenda.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – Construction Update

The contractor will continue to work on installing new drainage systems as well as removing existing pipes and structures. Backfill of this work has begun on the southern end of VT 142 and progresses north. This fill placement is the beginning of the embankment work needed to raise the road to meet the new bridge alignment. Work on the southern MSE wall continues this week with panel placement and related backfill. Abutment A’s backwall is still in the process of being formed up with rebar being placed.

Elm Street Traffic Change For Repairs

On Friday, June 16, the Highway Division will be working on Elm Street near intersection with Canal Street. The work is scheduled between the hours of 11:00am – 2:00pm. During this project, the road will be reduced to one lane with alternating traffic. Motorists should seek alternate routes.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Department of Public Works at 802-254-4255 or email Darren Pacheco at dpacheco@brattleboro.org.