

Why I’ll Vote for Kate, Not Spoon

There’s nothing disgraceful about politics – I chose to live in Brattleboro in part because I knew that here, my ideas would be heard. Other place where I have lived and been involved in politics, things haven’t been anywhere near as open or fair.

I wrote an endorsement of Kate O’Connor which appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer on Thursday. I would like to add more here about why I have made this choice. At the bottom of this new commentary, I will append my letter in the Reformer in case you haven’t read it. I’m also going to add a brief public apology to Spoon Agave at the end.

Politics of Politics

March 5; Tuesday is Brattleboro’s citizens chance to take action and vote for the directions each feels best for our town.  Brattleboro is a nice place to live. It has many challenges needing to be addressed.  I am in hopes that the many people of this town take the time to vote.  So many of us have so many opinions of what is good for the town and what is not good for our town.

Putney Road Project Public Hearing Scheduled

On March 7, 2013 at 6:00pm at the Brattleboro Municipal Center in the Selectboard Meeting Room Vermont Agency of Transportation will hold a Section 502 Public Hearing to review plans for improvements to Route 5 (Putney Road) from the Veterans Bridget to the Exit 3 Round-about.  

This project calls for a reconstruction of the roadway with construction of four roundabouts, retainage walls, landscaping, and sidewalks.  This is a major infrastructure project.  The Section 502 Hearing is the public’s opportunity to review, ask questions, and provide feedback on this project.   While construction is still several years off, this is the time for citizens to provide input into final design.  

Teams Sought for Bowl for Kids’ Sake Fundraiser

Families, friends and teams from work are invited to celebrate the 32nd Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake to benefit Youth Services’ Big Brothers Big Sisters program on Saturday, April 6. The fundraising event will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with teams signing up for a one-hour time slot at Brattleboro Bowl on Putney Road.

The 4-5 p.m. time is reserved for teams of teens and will have a special “Cosmic Bowling” atmosphere. The financial goal of the event is to raise $50,000 in pledge money to help cover the cost of running the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

Donna Macomber – iBrattleboro 2013 Selectboard Candidate Interview

Continuing our series of interviews with candidates for Selectboard, we now present an interview with Donna Macomber.

Why do you want to be on the Selectboard this year?

Although I was routinely asked, “Are you out of your mind?” when I decided to run for Selectboard, I am excited about the opportunity to serve this community.  I realize it is a big commitment, and there will be a learning curve.  I am level headed and open minded.  There has been a fair amount of discussion, online and otherwise, about the need for emotional intelligence in making some thoughtful, and potentially difficult decisions.  I believe I have this capacity.  I appreciate challenge, and the inevitable learning curve of taking on this fresh responsibility.

Brattleboro Committee Meetings and Important Public Meetings Scheduled

The Brattleboro Agriculture Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, March 8, 2013 at 10:00am at the Marlboro College Graduate Center in the VCIL conference room.

Additional Public Meetings and Hearings:

Brattleboro Selectboard Agendas and Notes – March 5 and March7 , 2013

The Selectboard will be given a recommendation for hiring a Police-Fire Project Manager at their next regular Tuesday evening meeting. They will also select a project manager for the downtown sidewalk repair project.

There will be discussion of the FY14 Parking Budget, consideration of a videoconferencing system for the library, the purchase compost carts for the new composting pickup program,  Honeywell lease financing and more.

Catch it all on TV or in person at the Municipal Center on Main Street. You can bring up other issues not on the agenda during Public Participation, too.

Vermont Impacts of Sequestration

Here’s a handy guide to expected changes and cuts in Vermont due to sequestration going into effect today, courtesy of the White House.


“If sequestration were to take effect, some examples of the impacts on Vermont this year alone are:

Teachers and Schools: Vermont will lose approximately $1,128,000 in funding for primary and secondary education, putting around 20 teacher and aide jobs at risk. In addition about 2,000 fewer students would be served and approximately 10 fewer schools would receive funding.

Free Talk About Men’s Urinary Issues, March 11

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital presents a free talk about urinary function by Director of Men’s Health Craig Rinder, MD, on Monday, March 11 at 7:00 pm in Brew Barry Conference Room 2.

A board-certified urologist, Dr. Rinder will discuss how urinary function changes as people age and the causes and solutions to many common complaints, particularly among men over the age of 50. To register or get more information, call 802-257-8877.

Sean Amos, MD, Joins BMH Hospitalist Staff

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced
Sean Amos, MD has joined its Department of Hospitalist Medicine.

Amos is a 2003 graduate of Harvard
Medical School and has worked as a hospitalist on a contract basis in several
settings, including Yuma Regional Medical Center in Yuma, Arizona; Northwestern
Hospital in St. Albans, Vermont; and Cary Medical Center in Caribou, Maine.

Most recently, he worked for St. Vincent’s Hospital in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Amos was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 2006.

Ian Kiehle – iBrattleboro 2013 Selectboard Candidate Interview

Next in our series of iBrattleboro interviews with Selectboard candidates is out interview with Ian Kiehle. Mr. Kiehle is running for one of the one year seats on the board.

Why do you want to be on the Selectboard this year?

I’m able to make the time that the commitment requires, and I feel confident that I can serve the community well as a selectboard member.

Why run for the 1 year seat?

River Garden Proposals To Be Accepted by BABB

March 1, 2013 – Building a Better Brattleboro (BABB), owner and operator of the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, announces the process for taking the next steps towards the organization’s divestiture of management and/or ownership of the Robert H. Gibson River Garden. As such, it invites the community and those parties interested in presenting proposals to do so, based on the following schedule and guidelines.

“BABB appreciates and values the community’s interest in the future of the River Garden. We believe the most effective way to accurately and fairly respond to all of the suggestions and opinions we’ve received regarding the River Garden is to provide an informational package on our web site and give everyone an opportunity to submit proposals regarding the building’s future.” notes Donna Simons, BABB Board President.

Brattleboro Write-In Voting Reminder

As a result of recent Town Charter changes, counting votes for write-in candidates on Tuesday’s ballot has changed. If a Brattleboro citizen wishes to be considered a write-in candidate for any town office (including town meeting member) that candidate must now declare his/her candidacy to the town clerk no later than 7:00 PM on election day.

Only write-in votes for declared candidates will be counted after the polls close. Providing they have garnered the most votes in the race, write-in candidates for town officers need a minimum of 30 votes to win, town meeting members need a minimum of 10 votes.

First Fridays: Know your Library: Tours and Tips for Newcomers and Experienced Library Users

Know your Library: Tours and Tips for Newcomers and Experienced Library Users

Join Reference Librarian Jeanne Walsh the first Friday of the month at 12 noon for a tour of first floor & mezzanine, a catalog search demo, and answers to your questions about how to find your way in the Library. Meet at the reference desk; no reservations required.For more information, call the reference desk at 254-5290 x109 or email asklibrarian@brooks.lib.vt.us The program is free and open to all.Location: Brooks Memorial Library Main RoomTime: The first Friday of every month at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

iBrattleboro Polls, and Ye Olde iBrattleboro Archives

Two more site updates you’ll want to know about.

First, we fixed an issue with the Polls where someone writing in an option got two votes. No more bonus votes will be counted this way. 

We’ve also fixed an issue so that people who are not logged in can vote. It was previously thanking you for your vote, but not counting it.  

We’ll see how it goes. It may take a couple of polls before we’re solid, so thanks for voting and helping us test. We’ll be testing a ranked voting poll soon which is sure to confuse us all.

Second, you can now go through the archives of to find old stories and comments. There are a few things to know, though:

5:45 Live: 2/27/13

from this 5:45 Live special where you can find out why the Reformer might finally break open the school safety scare story, why IEPs will be big at town meeting, why the race for Selectboard really is heating up as much as everyone says it is, and more.

Video Links: — — — — —