

Call for Singers: A Cappella à la Carte on June 8

Brattleboro, Vt. – Friends of Music at Guilford is beginning rehearsals next week for its “A Cappella à la Carte” concert season finale on Saturday, June 8, which follows its brief annual membership meeting and a community potluck dinner at Guilford Community Church in the Algiers village of Guilford.

The Guilford Chamber Singers will be led again by Tom Baehr, who conducted a group of nearly twenty singers for the organization’s Christmas at Christ Church program in December. Entitled “Melodies Steal Into My Heart,” the proposed spring program begins with madrigals, travels through 19th Century English Part Songs, and also includes some 20th Century tunes, a couple of 21st Century works, and even some Hoagy Carmichael.

Datura Trio with Silk Road’s Shane Shanahan


Brattleboro, Vt. – On Friday, March 8, at 7:00 p.m., Friends of Music at Guilford (FOMAG) presents a concert by the Datura Trio with guest percussionist Shane Shanahan, a founding member of Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. Proceeds from the concert and a pre-concert supper, both set at the Vermont Jazz Center on Cotton Mill Hill, will benefit FOMAG’s Music Enrichment Program at Guilford Central School, where the Datura Trio is in residence on March 6-8. Student participants in rhythm and vocal workshops may also make an appearance at the evening concert.

Please Write In “Holland Mills” for Town Meeting Representative in District 3

When I went to vote early on Friday, I was disturbed that, for the fifteen 3-year seats for District 3 there were only 10-11 printed candidates. I wrote myself in, and am now appealing to the community to write me in (don’t forget to fill in the oval to the right of the write-in slot).

I’ve lived on Elliot Street right above Harmony Lot since September 2007, and have experienced many disturbing scenarios (2008-2009 was especially bad; it’s better but there are continuing challenges). District 3 is the smallest in town, but it covers downtown and cannot afford to be underrepresented.


Neighborhood Potluck Frost, Elm, Elliot

Neighborhood Potluck – Free

What does this neighborhood mean to you?

Sunday, March 10, 5:00-7:00 pm at Elliot St Café, corner Elm and Elliot, 134 Elliot St.

Join your neighbors for a potluck and discussion to create a vision for this neighborhood.

Sanders: Budget Must Close Tax Loopholes

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 4 – Sen. Bernie Sanders, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, said today he is working with the committee on a 10-year budget which would create jobs, lower the deficit and protect working families and the most vulnerable people in our society.

A bill from the committee should move to the Senate floor later this month.

BMH Doula Program Celebrates 10 Years

In conjunction with the international observation of World Doula Week March 22-28, the Doula Program at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital will celebrate 10 years of providing services to the community.

A doula is a trained woman who comforts and supports mothers and their families as they bring their babies into the world. Scientific trials have shown remarkable improved birth outcomes because of the presence of a doula. They also show a decreased amount of intervention and a higher number of mothers viewing their birth as a positive experience.

Brattleboro Family Medicine Welcomes Gerald Doherty, PA

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announced that Gerald Doherty, PA has joined Brattleboro Family Medicine and is accepting new patients.

Doherty graduated from the Physician Assistant Studies program at the School of Science and Health, Philadelphia University in Pennsylvania in 1999.  Most recently, he has been a Physician Assistant in Emergency Medicine at Cheshire Medical Center, Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Keene, New Hampshire.

He has also worked for Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center in Windsor, Vermont and Central Vermont Medical Center in Barre.

Vermont Leadership Institute Recruits Southern Vermont Members

Applications Invited for the Vermont Leadership Institute

The Snelling Center for Government invites members of the private, public and nonprofit sectors to apply for the Vermont Leadership Institute Class of 2014. The application deadline is March 29th; the class is announced in June; the program begins in September and graduates in June. The application process is competitive and includes an application, references and a local interview.

STD Epidemic In Brattleboro?

“Thank you for this meeting. It’s a rare opportunity to confer with someone who specializes in contagions. The conversation we are about to have must remain confidential. My concern is that within the next few years Brattleboro may be on the verge of experiencing an STD pandemic that is rapidly dispersing itself throughout the United States and is headed straight for our town.”

“What is it about this particular strain of STD that in your observations makes it so virulent?”

“Three things are troublesome; the complacency of residents regarding the emotional and personal impact of this STD; the unimaginable intrusiveness of this STD into their physical life; and the motivation of some malcontents to promote the STD as good for the community.”

Cindy Cuthbertson – Write in Town Rep Candidate – District 3

I am posting in support of Cindy Cuthbertson (Write in candidate) for Town Rep 3 year term in District 3.

Cindy and I have lived in Brattleboro since 2002 and on Western Ave in District 3 since 2003. In full disclosure Cindy and I are married, so as they say I have a dog in the fight (and that’s not meant to be a bad English joke). I thnk she would be an excellent rep, she is thoughtful, pays attention to Town matters, (some of it just having to listen to me) she will stand up and talk when she needs to and is concerned about the future of Brattleboro.

I ask you to vote for Cindy Cuthbertson by adding her name to the ballot 3 year Term under Jim Verzino, and then checking the little box.

Dummerston Selectboard Meeting From February 27, 2013

Do to a technical problem, BCTV was forced to reschedule the regular play-out of the Dummerston Selectboard meeting from February 27, 2013.  The issue has been resolved, and the meeting can be seen this evening on BCTV channel 10 at 6:15 pm.

You may also watch , and any municipal meetings, on demand at .

Bus Station In Brattleboro?

Is there a bus that goes from Bratt to NYC again?

Greyhound doesn’t answer its phone. Vermont Transit still has Bratt on their website. But I remember the bus station went away a while ago.

Theresa Maggio

Growing a Community of Gardeners

Growing a Community of Gardeners 
Monday March 4, 2013
6:30 PM until 8:30 PM

Brooks Memorial Library and Post Oil Food invite you to a discussion about Growing a Community of Gardeners, on Monday, March 4, at 6:30 PM.

Weekend Concert: the Who at Tanglewood, 1970

I am beginning my run as iBrattleboro Weekend Concertmaster with the group that got me hooked on rock n’ roll: the Who.

What these guys brought to the music that I loved and still love is a passion and energy that borders on insanity. Watch Keith Moon play the drums or Pete Townsend attack his guitar. At the same time they have fun with the music. The alacrity with which they pull out of bone crushing riffs into quiet, even delicate guitar passages and back to full roar has always been a strength of their music and that ability is on display here.

This concert is from the Who’s Tommy period. In February, 1970 they had recorded a show at the University of Leeds in England which in May became Live at Leeds, one of the best live albums ever made. This concert is essentially the same set and tour.

Guilford Sugar on Snow Supper Tonight – Some Seats Left for 6 pm Seating

Figured we needed to pump up the new Guilford News section.  Tonight’s Sugar Supper is the traditional first one every year in the area.  5 pm is sold out & there may be a few 7 pm seats, but as of last report we have some for the 6 pm.

March 2 (Saturday) SUGAR ON SNOW SUPPER, Broad Brook Grange, Guilford Center, Vt.  Seatings: 5, 6, 7 pm.  $10 adult; $5 ages 5-12; $2 kids 4 & under.  Reservations: 802/257-0288.

Menu:  Ham, baked beans, deviled eggs, potato salad, cole slaw, rolls, sugar on snow, donuts, pickles, coffee, tea or milk.

I-91 to Vermont Exit 1 (Brattleboro) south on US Rt 5 to Guilford Country Store, right onto Guilford Center Rd., 4 miles to Broad Brook Grange on right.