Vermont Progressives Take On Climate Change
This is the summer that climate change got real for me, and after reading Richard Davis’ piece a few days ago, I realize I’m not the only one. It may not be possible for us to solve all the problems of climate change (and environmental damage) that are underway now, but it’s been occurring to that even if the chances seem to be nil, I still owe it to the planet to care and to try to do my best to help out, or at least, not be part of the problem. And yet, even setting the bar this low, it’s still hard to believe our efforts matter.
But there’s impetus in numbers, and I was happy to see that the Vermont Progressive Party has decided to start organizing people to work together on the issue of climate change. Their current project is focused on the state agency of transportation, VTRANS, in an effort to influence their thinking on climate change and how they spend $7 million in federal funds.