

The Indoor Cat That Goes Out

This is a story I submitted to iBrattleboro a couple years ago and it got a thousand or so views which is pretty good. And since the cat in question, Friskey, is turning 14 today, i thought it might be appropriate to resubmit it

When we got Friskey from the Windham County Humane Society as a 3 month old back in July of ’99, she was to be an indoor cat.

Cats who go out live an average of 4 years; cats who stay in live 16. Not much wiggle room for debate there.

AARP Safe Driving Class for Senior Citizens, April 20

Brattleboro Memorial Hospital and AARP are co-sponsoring a Driver Safety program on Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the Brew Barry Conference Room.

This driver’s refresher course is for people ages 55 and over and is designed to provide awareness of aging as it affects driving. The class covers normal physical changes associated with aging, provides practical techniques to compensate and review “rules of the road” with an emphasis on defensive driving practices.

Space is limited to 20 participants. The cost is $12.00 for AARP members with a membership card & $14.00 for non-AARP members. Call 802-251-8425 to register in advance. Fee covers materials only. Participants are encouraged to bring a lunch.

Taxi 4267

I was no longer homeless, and I had a job. Compared with day labor pushing carts through the garment district, driving a cab seemed easy… and by my standards it paid well.

This evening I had started with two quick fares, each less than five dollars on the meter. Tonight, the weather was pleasant, but having left off my passengers in Little Italy, I now found myself stuck in a single-lane jam on a narrow street. There was another empty cab behind me, so if anyone were to hail a taxi, I would be first in line for the fare. Or so I thought.

Dummerston Covered Bridge Damaged

that box truck shattered a cross beam and tore trim off of the covered bridge over the West River at Dummerston. 

Police are looking for the driver of the truck, according to the report. The bridge is said to be safe for travel, despite the damage.

Brattleboro Spring Leaf Pickup Schedule

The following dates have been scheduled for Brattleboro’s curbside Spring Leaf Collection. Whereas in the past leaf pickup was determined by scheduled day of rubbish pickup, all locations will be picked up each Friday:

Leaf Pick Up Date

ALL RESIDENTS Friday, April 12, 2013

ALL RESIDENTS Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Cleaning: Holistic Detox at MFTP

Spring is a great time to gently support the body as it emerges from winter and gears up for the warmer months of sunlight and activity. Getting digestion moving properly and supporting the organs of detoxification and elimination can help you experience freer movement of energy through the body and mind. Attempting to detox on your own can be daunting. Success is more likely with the positive support of a group and the opportunity for individualized support. The detox with take place April 22-27th.;

NY Times Personal Health Columnist Jane Brody Kicks Off Westminster Cares “Speaking of Aging” Series at Kurn Hattin Homes April 16

New York Times Personal Health columnist Jane Brody will give a free lecture on issues of aging on Tuesday, April 16, at 5:30PM at Higbie Auditorium on the campus of Kurn Hattin Homes for Children in Westminster, VT. Brody’s appearance is the first of a four-speaker series sponsored by Westminster Cares in celebration of its 25th-year anniversary. The series, titled “Speaking of Aging,” explores key issues in aging such as physical and mental health, financial well-being, maintaining social connections, and end-of-life issues.

Come and Walk Among Masters – Peru with the Shamans

Puma Quispe, in association with Ed Liebfried of Divine Within, LLC (Guilford, VT) invite you to join us for a journey of initiation in Peru. 

This is not the typical Sacred Valley journey. You’ll experience the “Hatun Karpay” over a 10-day period, in traditional sacred locations in Cusco, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and climaxing with our great initiation at Apu Ausangate – perhaps the most sacred mountain in the Andean tradition. 

Puma is a master altomesayok, trained traditionally yet fluent in English and a master tour guide. 

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 4/01/13

BCTV Ch 8 Schedule for the week of 4/1/13

                   Monday April 

12:00 am      State House Coverage: Pre-Kindergarten Education Bill Pt 3

1:30 am       For the Animals: The Bottle Bill

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Castleton Art Gallery Curator’s Talk: Marc Awodey “Painting is the Object”

4:45 am       The Company of Other Human Beings

5:00 am       The Pulse of Brattleboro: Harris Hill 2013

River Garden Walkthrough Monday April 1 @ 6:00 PM

Dear friends and correspondents on iBrattleboro,

Hopefully you will have  seen some of my earlier posts in support of keeping the River Garden as a public space. I am working with a group of people now who share the intention of putting together a new, independent non-profit entity, to run the River Garden for the benefit of the people of Brattleboro and the surrounding areas.

I wish to thank those of you who voted at Representative Town Meeting for the eleventh-hour successful resolution I introduced, in which RTM strongly urges BaBB to keep the River Garden open to the public by choosing an organizational plan that will allow for that.

Interesting OP-ED

Martin Langeveld had a very interesting on Thursday March 28, 2013.

He started by taking BABB and the Reformer to task:

The board of Building a Better Brattleboro is proceeding with a request-for-proposals process for the River Garden without holding meetings for public input. “It’s time for Brattleboro to cut its losses and move on,” writes the Reformer editorial board with respect to the River Garden, urging the town to “figure out a way to add the River Garden back to its grand list and move on.”

Get Paid to Improve Communications with Your Teenager!

Parenting does not come with a handbook but Parenting Teens Wisely does. In an effort to promote positive communications between parents, caregivers and teens, the Brattleboro Area Prevention
Coalition (BAPC) is offering the Parenting Teens Wisely workshop, on Tuesday, April 9 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at the Putney Central School Library.

This free three hour workshop teaches parents skills and techniques to help them better understand and deal with children ages 10-19. Participants will learn how to problem-solve and encourage cooperation with their teen and learn to develop fair and effective discipline skills. 

Finalists Are Announced in Stroll Business Plan Competition

Finalists have been selected in the 2013 Strolling of the Heifers Vermont Business Plan Competition, which offers a total of $60,000 in prizes.

The 14 finalists, chosen by a statewide panel of judges, were chosen on the basis of business prospectuses submitted during the first phase of the contest. They will now prepare detailed business plans and will make presentations at the final judging session on June 5.

The competition is a collaboration of Strolling of the Heifers, a Brattleboro-based local foods advocacy organization, and Vermont Technical College, with additional partnership contributions by Vermont Small Business Development Center, Southern Vermont Community Action, and Vermont Interactive Television.

In Disguise! Undercover with Real Women Spies

IN DISGUISE! Undercover with Real Women Spies
Saturday March 30, 2013

12:00 PM until 2:00 PM

March is Women’s History Month and you don’t want to miss a lively, engaging presentation of In Disguise! Undercover with Real Women Spies at the Brooks Memorial Library Meeting Room, on Saturday, March 30, at 12 Noon.

Women have spied for a long time, and they’ve been good at it. They’ve dashed through enemy lines, sent secret messages under the nose of the enemy, and led prisoners in daring and dangerous escapes.  They went undercover, taking on new identities varying from apple sellers to crazy neighbors to stage dancers.  Often, it was enough of a disguise for women to just be themselves.  People didn’t expect them to have the strength or know-how to be spies.  Those people were wrong. 

Christine Ohlman & Rebel Montez, from the Saturday Night Live Band

Christine Ohlman will perform on Saturday, April 20, 2013, at 7:30pm, at Next Stage, 15 Kimball Hill, Putney, VT.

Known as “The Beehive Queen” for her outrageous, mile-high hairdo, Christine is the current, long-time vocalist with the Saturday Night Live Band. Voted #7 on Alternate Roots’ list of top 30 Female Vocalists, this queen of blue-eyed rock n’ soul grew up loving equally the sweetness of a Memphis horn line and the raunch of an electric guitar riff, whether played by Muddy Waters, Keith Richards, or Pop Staples. Teased her blonde hair into a beehive in honor of Ronnie Spector and never looked back, picking up a guitar and forging a career as a songwriter in the process.