

The Marina’s “8th Annual Plunge for Charity”

THE MARINA’S http://www.vermontmarina.com/

All donations for this year’s Plunge go to benefit Living Memorial Park Snow Sports! The lift cable MUST be replaced in order to open next year ($10,000+). The groomer is in need of repairs or replacement (30+ years old). A maintenance/storage building is needed to house and repair equipment including, the groomer, T-bars, spring-boxes, snow making equipment, terrain park features, and other items. 

Sanders, Sherman Introduce Legislation to Break Up Big Banks

WASHINGTON, April 9 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today introduced  to break up banks that have grown so big that the Justice Department fears the financial system would be put at risk if criminal charges were filed. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) proposed a companion bill in the House.

The 10 largest banks in the United States are bigger now than before a taxpayer bailout following the 2008 financial crisis when the Federal Reserve propped up financial institutions with $16 trillion in near zero-interest loans and Congress approved a $700 billion rescue for banks that some considered “too big to fail.” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. now says the Justice Department may not pursue criminal cases against big banks because filing charges could “have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy.”

Friends of Brooks Memorial Library Giant Booksale

The Big booksale is coming early this year. Reserve the dates! 

Friday, April 12, 10 to 6
Saturday April 13, 10 to 2

Stop by to browse and purchase some of the thousands of fabulous hardcover books, paperbacks, DVD’s, and audio books available. 

The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library was organized in 1990 to support the Library in providing the highest quality library service to the community by means of advocacy, public relations, and fund raising.

Dr. Kathleen McGraw is honored by Franklin District Medical Society as 2013 Community Clinician of the Year

News from the Massachusetts Medical Society

Montague resident Kathleen M. McGraw, M.D. has been honored by her physician peers of the Franklin District Medical Society as the district society’s 2013 Community Clinician of the Year, an honor recognizing her professionalism and contributions as a physician.

The Community Clinician of the Year Award was established in 1998 by the Massachusetts Medical Society to recognize a physician from each of the Society’s 20 district medical societies who has made significant contributions to his or her patients and the community and who stands out as a leading advocate and caregiver. Dr. McGraw will receive the award at the District Society’s annual meeting Thursday April 25 at the Hotel Northampton.

Anais Mitchell and Jefferson Hamer w/ Eamon O’Leary at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Friday, April 12

Twilight Music presents two shows with Vermont and Brooklyn-based contemporary folk singer/songwriter Anais Mitchell and her collaborator Jefferson Hamer, plus Irish singer/multi-instrumentalist Eamon O’Leary, at Hooker-Dunham Theater & Gallery on Friday, April 12 at 7:00 and 9:00 pm.

Mitchell and Hamer are touring in support of “Child Ballads,” their new CD of traditional Celtic and British Isles ballads from Sir Francis James Child’s nineteenth century anthology. Recorded in Nashville, the songs are driven by two-guitar arrangements and the kind of close harmonies that call to mind Gram Parsons & Emmylou Harris.

Post Oil Solutions Community Meetings

Post Oil Solutions takes great pleasure in announcing that its monthly Community Meetings will be held in the Brooks Memorial Library meeting room on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 23, with a special focus on food security, and growing a community of gardeners in the greater Brattleboro region.

We will begin at 6:00 PM, with light refreshments and social time, followed by the meeting from 6:30-8:15 PM.

Sanders, Sherman to Introduce Bills to Break Up ‘Too Big to Jail” Banks

WASHINGTON, April 8 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) will hold a news conference on Tuesday to announce legislation to break up big banks.

The 10 largest banks in the United States are bigger now than before a taxpayer bailout following the 2008 financial crisis. Financial institutions have grown so big that the Justice Department has not pursued prosecutions for fear an indictment would harm the financial system.

5 % Commuter Tax in Brattleboro for Non Residents

Commuter Tax in Brattleboro

Brattleboro is a hub for the economy in Windham country. The population is about 12, 000 and swells to some 30,000 during the day. Many people from outside the area and from New Hampshire enjoy working in Vermont, but they do not contribute to the local tax base.  I propose a 5%  commuter tax like they do in NYC or other places.  In a sense

This is already done in Vermont, at the ski slopes, the price of a lift ticket pays for town services.

It is time that there is a commuter tax in Brattleboro.


Stroll’s 2013 Locavore Index Ranks States in Terms of Commitment to Local Foods

BRATTLEBORO, VT — How does your state stack up against all the others when it comes to availability and consumption of locally-produced foods? Strolling of the Heifers has the answer.

The Vermont-based local food advocacy group has released its second annual Strolling of the Heifers Locavore Index, ranking the 50 states and the District of Columbia in terms of their commitment to local foods. 

Papal Complicity Will Be Unmasked When US Is Indicted For Crimes Against Humanity

During the internationally empowered grand jury proceedings that will eventually investigate the astounding number of US crimes against humanity the Papacy will not escape attention for not only having been accessories after the fact, but also collaborators in innumerable cases of homicidal use of US Armed Forces and CIA on four continents


BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules – Week of 4/08/13

BCTV Ch 8 Schedule for the week of 4/8/13

                   Monday April 8

12:00 am      VT Nonprofits & the Culture of Accountability: Working Together to Improve VT’s Well-Being

1:30 am       From the BCTV Archive: Dummerston Maple Syrup Tour ‘03

2:00 am       FSTV Overnight

4:00 am       Vermont Energy Independence Day – A Crowd-Sourced Film

5:00 am       Smart Moves: Why Learning is Not All in Your Head

King Condemned US Wars Maintaining Predatory Capitalist Investments and Was Shot Dead

Was King’s death fortunate or necessary for investors? The violent history of the American empire is replete with stories of seemingly pointless assassinations always characterized by media as senseless acts of individuals acting on their own, assassinations that nevertheless brought investment opportunities for investors on Wall St. either by chance or plan? For crime prevention, indict, prosecute the beneficiaries!

Saturday Nights on WVEW

Saturday night on WVEW 107.7 FM features two of my favorite local radio programs.

Recycled Radio, hosted by Steven Twiss, is a musical time machine. Tune in at 6 pm each week to be transported back in time to the era of big bands and ballads.

What makes this a spectacular show is Twiss, who picks a date in history, does the research, and is able to weave popular songs, radio show excerpts, national news, and even local headlines into his steady, two-hour mix.

Often times, what goes around comes around, and the pressing issues of today correspond to what was going on in the 1940’s.  A radio bulletin about a war effort sounds both distant and current.

Reformer Comics

I see the Reformer added more comics…but no more page space…time to get out the magnifying glass.  Somehow I’m not surprised.

Prosecutable US Crimes Against Humanity in Korea

While staring at the New York Times front page photo of the bat-winged nuclear-capable B-2 Stealth Bombers up in the blue sky on their first non-stop long-range mission from the US on their way to a practice sortie to end in a mock bombing drop of inert munitions on a range off South Korea’s coast, I ponder.

The thought that ‘enough is enough’ will apparently never arise in the mind-set of those commanding the first planet-encompassing space-age military, blown up now to an uncontrollable magnitude and fueled by an uninterrupted flow of trillions of dollars by ledger line pre-occupied elite of the speculative investment banking community; a community possibly still being led by multi-war promoting confidants of ninety-eight year old David Rockefeller.

Weekend Concert: U2, Berlin, 1981

This is very early U2.

It’s Nov. 4, 1981.

Guitarist Dave “The Edge” Evans and drummer, Larry Mullen are 20. Singer, Paul (Bono Vox) Hewson and bassist Adam Clayton are 21.

Their second album, October was released a few weeks earlier on Oct. 12. The music is still largely unknown to U2 fans. This Berlin crowd responds best (when they respond at all) to the material from the first album, Boy.